Fathi Hassan Migdadi
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Email Address:
Tel: (00962-2)720100/ Ext. 235
Mobile: (00962)796816541
Date of Birth10/05/1967
Place of BirthJordan
Place of ResidenceIrbid, Jordan
Marital StatusMarried
Ball State University (BSU), USAPhD inLinguistics (2003)
Yarmouk University, Jordan MA in Linguistic(1994)
Yarmouk University, JordanBA in English (1989)
CurrentDirector of Language Center, Jordan University of Science and
Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan
2014- Present Associate Professor, Department of English and Linguistics, JUST
2011-2014Head of English Department, King Abdulaziz University(KAU), Rabigh, Saudi Arabia.
2003- 2010Assistant Professor – JUST
1999- 2003Research Assistant, English Department, BSU
1990-1994Teacher of English Language- Ministry of Education, Jordan
1994-1998 Teacher of English Language , Ministry of Education, Qatar,
Graduate Course taught at JUST: Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Cross-cultural Communication, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Undergraduate Courses taught at JUST: Pragmatics, Advanced Grammar, Introduction to Linguistics, Advanced Writing, Advanced Reading, English for Business and Secretarial Purposes, English for Diplomatic and Political Purposes, Oral-Aural Skills, Contrastive Analysis, Translation.
Courses Taught at KAU: Pragmatics, Translation, Morphology, Introduction to Linguistics, Reading Skills, Phonetics and phonology
Part-Time Courses: Introduction to Linguistics, Language Skills, Contrastive Analysis, English Language Skills
1999-2003Ph.D Scholarship from JUST
1998-2003Research Assistantship at BSU
1985-1989BA Scholarship from Ministry of Education, Jordan
Al-Momani; K, Badarneh, M & Migdadi, F (2016) A Semiotic Analysis of Political
Cartoons in Jordan in Light of the Arab Spring, HUMOR, International Journal of Humor Research, 29, 4
Badarneh, M, Al-Momani, K., & Migdadi, F (2016) Between tradition and
modernity: The bargaining genre in women's clothing stores in Jordan,Journal of Pragmatics 101, 118–137
Al-Momani; K, Migdadi, F& Badarneh, M (2015) “ A semiotic analysis of
intergeneric borrowings in print advertisements in Jordan” Social Semiotics 26, 1, 36-58.
Migdadi, F, Badarneh, M (2013) "The pragmatics of prophet-praise formulas in
Jordan", Anthropological Linguistics, 55, 1, 63-91
Migdadi,F, Badarneh, M & Abu Abbas, K (2013)“ Conflict Talk and Argumentative
Strategies in Highly Adversarial Talk Shows: The Case of Al-Jazeera’s The Opposite direction” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9.1 : 93–121.
Migdadi, F; Badarneh, M & Al Momani, K (2012) “Public Complaints and
Complaint Responses in Calls to a Jordanian Radio Phone-in Program” Applied Linguistics: 33/3: 321–341
Jorbou, S & Migdadi, F (2012) “Testing The limits of Anaphoric Distance in
Classical Arabic: A Corpus-Based study”, Research in Language, vol. 10.4
Al- Momani, K; Badarneh, M; Migdadi, F.(2010) Intertextuality Borrowings in
Ideologically Competing Discourses: The Case of Middle East, Intercultural Communications22.
Available at
Migdada F, Badarneh, M, & Al- Momani K. (2010) "Communicative Functions of
the religious formula maašaallah in Jordanian Arabic" in Communication Monographs, Vol 77, No. 4 480-499
Al- Momani, K.; Badarneh, M; & Migdadi, F. (2009) Gender Metaphors in Middle-
Eastern Politics, Social Semiotics, 19 (3) 293-310
Migdadi, F. and S. Jarbou (2007) Compliments in Fallahi Jordanian Arabic (FJA), in
Grazer LinguistischeStudien, 68 .
1. Rasha Darweesh Requesting Strategies in Jordanian
2. Alaa’ T. Jaradat Refusal Strategies Used by Professors and
Students at Jordan University of Science and
3. Hawazen A. TheebDifficulties in the Translations ofmarked and unmarked Collocation in the Noble Quran into English
4. Jumanah Al-Jasem A Study of Linguistic Accommodation
in the Speech of Saudi Students Studying
at Jordanian Universities
5. Areej M Qudaisat Compliments and Compliment
Responses in the Singing
Competition Series"American Idol" and
"Arab Idol": A Contrastive Study
6. Ibrahim Hammouri Politeness Strategies in Friday
Sermons in Arabic:
A Sociopragmatic Perspective
7. Bara’a Thiyabat A sociolinguistic Investigation of the
WhatsApp Statuses as used by
JordanianPeople: A case study ofIrbid
Note: I was aco-advisor in six other theses and a defense committee member in 10 other ones.
Pragmatic Studies, Speech Act Studies, Semiotics, Cross-cultural Communication, Code-Switching,
-Prof. Dr Mohammed Uthman Al-Jahdali, Dean of College of Science and Arts, Rabigh, Saudi Arabia, Mob. 00966503683106.
-Prof. Mohammed Al-Khatib, Dean of College of Science and Arts, Jordan University of science and technology, 00962-7201000
-Dr. Kawakib Momani, Acting Dean of College of Arts, Ajloun National University, Mobile: 0777712814.