June, 2014

Name/Logo/Usage Guidelines for ACT on Alzheimer’s® Action Communities

The ACT on Alzheimer's® name (and logo) is a registered trademark. Trademark registration acknowledges and protects the collective brand of any work associated with ACT on Alzheimer’s. Use a registered symbol (®) when the name is in the form of an adjective, such as:

·  The ACT on Alzheimer’s® Dementia Capable Communities Toolkit

·  Harmony is an ACT on Alzheimer’s® action community

It isn’t necessary to use the registered symbol when using the name as a noun, such as:

·  ACT on Alzheimer’s is a statewide collaboration

Tip: Within a print document, a webpage, or a presentation, it’s fine to use the registered symbol only once...it doesn’t need to be used on every occurrence within the same document.

Logo use

For anything printed in association with ACT on Alzheimer’s, use the official ACT on Alzheimer’s logo at http://www.collectiveactionlab.com/content/logo-use-and-restrictions (see Logo Kit)

·  Use the single-color purple logo whenever possible. However, when color is not available, a one-color black logo is allowed

·  Do not change colors or modify the logo

·  Do not insert or draw a box around the logo (the ACT on Alzheimer’s logo has a “safe area” marked by an invisible bounding box)

·  Do not compress or stretch the logo

Logo samples

Logos can be stacked horizontally or
vertically as shown.

Typeface/font and color use

Materials created and printed in association with ACT on Alzheimer’s work should use the following typeface/font and primary color.

·  Logo color is C=75, M=100, Y=0, K=0 (100% purple)

·  Tagline (e.g., dementia friendly) color is C=37, M=55, Y=0, K=0 (60% purple)

·  Tagline font is Trade Gothic Light (commercial font); the replacement font would be Lucida Sans Unicode (any version of Windows) or Segoe UI Light (Windows 7+)

·  Tagline font size is approximately 40 points smaller in size than the logo (e.g., if logo is 56 pt, tagline is 16 pt; scale the point size depending on the size of the logo)

Use a standard black font as the secondary color in narrative text. The font is Calibri.

Recognizing action community relationship to ACT on Alzheimer’s

The official ACT on Alzheimer’s logo should be used on action community produced items such as buttons, name tags, and window clings, but no other descriptive text is needed.

The tagline "An initiative of ACT on Alzheimer's" is optional with the dementia friendly logo.

·  If the tagline is used with the dementia friendly logo, it must be used in its entirety.

·  The tagline with the dementia friendly logo can be modified to identify the name of the community or organization, e.g., An initiative of NAME OF COMMUNITY or ORGANIZATION and ACT on Alzheimer's. The community or organization should be identified in the tagline only, not in the ACT on Alzheimer’s® logo or in the dementia friendly banner.

·  Taglines must follow the guidelines under typeface/font and color use above.

·  New taglines should be submitted to for review to ensure consistency.

For printed reports, advertisements, posters, and other narrative materials about the action community, use "An initiative of ACT on Alzheimer's" as a footnote or other placement that indicates the relationship between the action community and the statewide collaborative.