Name (last, first, middle initial): ______
Preferred Name: ______Date of Birth:______
Do you have any concerns for today’s visit? Please explain.
Past and Ongoing Medical Problems
Please check any of the following problems for which you have received a medical diagnosis.
Condition / Yes / No / Condition / Yes / No / Condition / Yes / NoHigh Blood Pressure / Glaucoma / Thyroid Disease
High Cholesterol / Cataract / Diabetes
Heart Attack / Anemia / Lupus
Coronary Artery Disease / Heartburn/Reflux / Gout
Angina / Ulcer / Rheumatoid Arthritis
Heart Failure / Hepatitis / Arthritis
Heart Murmur / Liver Disease / Osteoporosis
Blood Clots/Thrombosis / Irritable Bowel Syndrome / Disc Disease/
Herniated Disc
Stroke / Crohn’s Disease or Colitis / Herpes
Memory loss / Gallbladder disease / Chlamydia
Seizure/Epilepsy / Pancreatitis / Gonorrhea
Parkinson’s Disease / Renal Failure / Genital Warts
Headache or Migraine / Kidney Stones / Syphilis
Depression / Frequent UTIs / AIDS/HIV
Anxiety / Prostate Problems / Any other chronic or serious condition:
Asthma / Cancer (type, including skin cancer):
Allergic Rhinitis
COPD (emphysema or chronic bronchitis)
Procedure / Date / PlaceHospitalizations
Reason / Date / PlacePatient’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Please list your current medications, including dosage and when you take it, or attach a list with this information. Include prescribed medications, over the counter medicines and supplements.
Medication / Dosage (milligrams, etc) / Frequency (e.g., every morning) / PrescriberAllergies
Please list any items to which you are allergic (medications, food, IV contrast, iodine) and the reaction you had.
Item(s) to Which You are Allergic / ReactionFamily History
Do you have knowledge of your genetic family history? YESNO
If yes, please indicate if any of your blood relatives have or have had any of the following diseases.
Condition / Mother / Father / Mother’s Mother / Mother’s Father / Father’s Mother / Father’s Father / Your SiblingsHeart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Lung disease
Kidney disease
Thyroid disease
Bleeding or clotting disorder
(specify type if known)
Cancer (specify type if known)
Mental illness
Age at death (if applicable)
Women’s Health History
Age of first menstrual period:_____Date of last menstrual period:______Typical duration: ______
Typically, how many days from the first day of one period to the first day of the next? ______
Are you currently pregnant?YESNOAre you planning a pregnancy? YESNO
If no, what do you do to prevent pregnancy? ______
Total pregnancies: ______Miscarriages: ______Deliveries: ______Children: ______
Age at first pregnancy: ______Age at most recent pregnancy: ______
Have you had any complications with pregnancy or delivery? Please describe. ______
Patient’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Personal Habits
Do you currently use tobacco?YESNO(If yes, please answer the following questions.)
What kind? Cigarettes ____Pipe ____Cigar ____Chew ____
Amount/packs per day? ______When did you start? ______
How many times have you attempted to quit? ______Are you interested in quitting? ______
Have you ever used tobacco? YESNO (Ifyes, please answer the following questions if not answered above.)
What kind? Cigarettes ____Pipe ____Cigar ____Chew ____
When did you start? ______When did you quit? ______Amount/packs per day? ______
Do you use any recreational drugs (any illegal drug or prescription drug not prescribed to you)? YESNO (Ifyes, please answer the following questions.)
What type? ______Amount used in a day: ______
How often do you use? ______Have you ever felt the need to quit? ______
Do you use alcohol in any form (beer, wine liquor)? YESNO(If yes, please answer the following questions.)
Type of alcoholic beverage: ______Amount consumed in a day: ______
How often do you drink? ______Have you ever felt the need to cut down? ______
Do you consume caffeine (e.g., colas, coffee, tea, energy drinks, chocolate)? YESNO (Ifyes, please answer the following questions.)
What kind? ______Amount consumed in a day: ______
Do you follow a special diet?YESNOIf yes, please describe: ______
Do you use a nutrition supplement? YESNOIf yes, please describe: ______
Please outline your typical daily food intake.
Breakfast / PM SnackAM Snack / Dinner
Lunch / Snack
On average, how many hours do you sleep each night? ____ Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? YES NO
Do you use anything to help you fall asleep?YESNOIf yes, what do you use? ______
Do you wake up feeling rested? ______Do you snore? ______Are you drowsy in the daytime? _____
Do you get regular exercise? YESNOIf yes, what type? ______
How many times per week do you exercise? ______How many minutes per day? ______
Are you a current or former member of the military? YESNO (Ifyes, please answer the following questions.)
Dates of serviceFrom: ______To: ______
When and where were you deployed? ______