Curriculum Vitae
Institutional Affiliation:Professor
Giri Institute of DevelopmentStudies
Sector ‘O’, Aliganj, Lucknow
Pin- 226024 (UP)
Tel: 0522-2321860; 2325021
+91-7839097027; 9810237430; (Mobile)
Date of Birth: 25th June,1955
Worked in the Institute of Applied Manpower Reserach(IAMR) from January 1979 to till October 2013.
(i) Master of Arts (Economics), KumaonUniversity; Ph. D. (Economics), JawaharlalNehruUniversity, New Delhi.
(ii) Certificate Course on Manpower Planning, Institute of Employment Studies,
University of Sussex, U.K, 1990.
(iii) Alumnus of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (India), 2007.
(iv) Alumnus of International Programme for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET), organized by the World Bank and Carleton University, Ottawa(Canada), 2009.
(i) Books authored/edited:
i) Livelihood Diversities in Mountain Economy, Constraints and Opportunities, Concept Publishing Company, 2012.
ii) Contractual Employment in Indian Labour Market: Emergence and Expansion (Co-editor), Concept Publishing Company, Delhi, 2010.
iii)Human Resource Planning and Development, Vol. II - Employment (Co-editor), IAMR, New Delhi, 2000.
iv)Employment Promotion in the Urban Informal Sector (Co-editor), New Age International, 1998.
v)Employment in the Informal Sector, (co-author), AgricolePublishingAcademy, New Delhi, 1994.
vi) Employment Generation through Decentralized Development of Agriculture(co-author), AgricolePublishingAcademy, New Delhi, 1994.
(ii) Paper Published in Journals
1. Decentralization Perspectives and Rural Development, in the Social Change, Vol. 21, No.3, September 1991.
2. Wage, Working and Living Conditions of the Workers in the Informal Sector, in the Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 37, No.3, July-September 1994.
3. Integrated Approach of Rural and Urban Employment, in the Manpower Journal, Vol. XXX, No.4, January-March, 1995.
4. Characteristics of Informal Sector: Empirical Evidence, in the Manpower Journal, Vol. XXXIV, No.1, April-June 1998.
5. Rural Employment Generation Issues, in Special Issue on Rural Employment in the Kurukshetra, April 2000.
6. Disparities among Labour Households and Diversification in Rural India: An Inter-State Analysis”, in the Manpower Journal, Vol.XXXVII, No. 1, April-June 2001.
7. Globalization and Knitwear Industry ---A Case of Tirupur, in the Manpower Journal, Vol. XXXVIII, No.4, January-March 2003.
8. Macro Rigidities in the Rural Workforce: Recent Evidences from India,in the Indian Journal of Applied Economics, University of Lucknow, Vol.2, No. 1, 2005.
9. Employment in Uttaranchal: Issues and Challenges, in the Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 53, No.2, 2005.
10. Public Sector in a Globalised Regime-A case of Container Corporation of India Ltd, published in Confluence, Journal of Management, Vol II, No.2, 2005
11. Education and Employment Market: A Case Study of Krishna District, in theJournal ofAdult Education and Extension, Vol.2, No.2 July-September, 2006.
12. TechnicalEducation and Skill Development in Bihar, Global Meet for a Resurgent Bihar,OrganizedbyInstitute for Human Development and The Bihar Timesin collaboration with Government of Bihar,19-21 January, 2007, Patna
13. Globalization and Labour Market in Tirupur Knitwear Industry, in Gitam Journal of Management, No.1, Vo.6, January-March, 2008.
14. Skills in the Emerging Global Market Perspective: Some Issues” inJournal of Social and Management Solutions, Volume, 3, Issue-I, June 2008, published in September, 2008.
15. Rural Employment Guarantee Programme: Palakkad Experience in AsianEconomicReview, Vol.51, No.1, April 2009, pp.89-110.
16. Rural Non-Farm Employment in Uttarakhand: A Case of Gender Biased Work Structure, Manpower Journal, Vol.XLIV, No.3, July-September, 2009.
17. Corporate Performance and Strategy: A Case of the Indian Telephone Industries Ltd., in Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise,Vol.34,Jan- June 2011,No.1 & 2.
18. Migration Patterns in Hill Economy of Uttarakhand: Evidence from Field Enquiry, in the Indian Economic Journal, January-March 2010, Vol.57 (4).
19. Employment Impact of Developmental Initiatives: A Framework for Inclusive Social Sector Development, CSMS Journal, Vol.5, Issue 1, June 2010.
20. Skills and HRD in the Emerging Global Market Perspective inEconomic Journal of Development Issues, vol. 13 & 14 No.1-2, 51-64, 2011, Department of Economics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
21. Rural Non-Farm Employment in Uttarakhand Hill Economy: Empirical Evidences, Indian Economic Journal,Vol. 59(4), January-March, 2012.
22. Monitoring Public Investment: Lessons from India, published in Evaluation Connections, News Letter of European Evaluation Society,June, 2013 Prague 4, Czech Republic.
23. Forecasting Agricultural Engineering Manpower Requirement in India, published in Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 50(2) (April-June), 2013 issue.
24. Reviewing Development of Agriculture Manpower in India: Clue from Secondary Statistics, published in The Indian Journal of Technical Education, Vol. 36, No 4, October-December, 2013.
25. Has MNREGA caused any Consumption Composition changes in Rural Areas – a Reflector of Severity of Poverty: Evidences from Field? published in Asian Economic Review, Vol.56,No.2, June, 2014.
26. Skills in the Emerging Economy: Issues and Challenges, published in Economic Review, Isabella Thoburn College, I.T. College, Lucknow, Vol.1, No.1, Inaugural Issue, 2014
27. Are Socially Disadvantaged Groups Catching up Others? An Analysis of Literacy Rates" communicated to Social Change for possible publication.
28.Why are Micro Enterprises Languishing? --- Experiences of PMRY, Amity Business Journal, published in Amity Business Journal, Vol 5, No1, 2016.
29. ‘Role of the Citizen Sector and Rural Development in the Context of Globalisation” paper published in Man & Development, Volume XXXVIII, No.1, March, 2016..
30. Inequalities in Economic and Educational Status in Social Groups in India: Evidences from Village Study in Uttar Pradesh, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Social Economics (Emerald group, U.K.), forthcoming in co-authorship with Puneet Shrivastav
31.Poverty and Gender analysis: Evidences from a Village-based Study of Uttarakhand Hill Region, Accepted for publication in Journal of Regional Development and Planning India, forthcoming in co-authorship with Dev Nathan
(iii) Paper Published in Books
1. Rural Employment Planning: Comments, published in Employment Planning in India, R.K. Sinha (Editor), Deep & Deep, 1985.
2. Employment Policy: Some Issues, published in Economic Development Planning and Policy in India,R.K. Sinha (Editor) Vol. 6, Deep & Deep, 1989, pp.225-64.
3. Public Sector: A Vision published in Public Enterprises in India: Principles and Performance, V.K.L. Srivastava (Editor), Chugh, Allahabad, June 1990, pp.7-19.
4. Neglected Issues in Rural Development, published in Human Resource Development - an Inter-disciplinary Approach, Ashok Kumar (Editor), Vol. I, Anmol, 1991.
5. Manpower Planning Methodologies and Manpower Research in India: Is there a Need to Review? in Impact of New Economic Policy on Manpower and Employment in India (Eds. K. Raghavan, et. al.), Agricole, 1995.
6. Poverty Level, Employment and Income among Tribals, in Poverty and Employment, (Eds. K. Raghavan et. al.), New Age International Publishers, 1996.
7. Manpower Planning vis-à-vis Economic Reforms, in Economic Reforms and Economic Development in India (Eds. V.K.L. Srivastava), Radha Publications, New Delhi, 2000.
8. Technology and Training for Informal Sector: Need for New Initiatives, in Informal Sector in India: Perspectives and Policies (Eds: Amitabh Kundu and A.N. Sharma), IHD/IAMR, New Delhi, 2001.
9. Urban Poverty: Issues and Challenges in the Perspective of Globalization, in Managing Urban Poverty (Ed. Sabir Ali), Council for Social Development, 2005.
10. Value in Management and Labour in the Perspectives of Globalization, in Value Management in Professions: Present Scenario, Future Strategies, (Eds. Nalin K. Shastree, Concept Publishing Company, 2006.
11. Agrarian Changes in Mountain Economies: The Constraints and Policy Option, in, (Eds:Dr. K.N. Bhatt and Prof. Pradeep Bhargava), Agrarian Change and Small Farmers, Concepts Publishing Corporation, for G.B.Pant Social Sciences Institute, Allahabad, 2014.
12.Lessons from Indian Flagship Programmes: The Disconnect for EvaluationFramework in Issues in India and Sri Lanka Economies, (Ed. Dr. Manoj Agarwal), Northern Book Centre, New Delhi , 2014.
13. What Prevents Creating Evaluation in India? in the Compendium Volume on Evaluation for Sustainable Development: Experiences and Learning,Oxfam India and Astral International Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2015.
14. Rao, D. Rama, I.C. Awasthi and G.P. Joshi (2014), “Growth Potential in Agriculture and Allied Sectors”, in a book Towards Skill Endowed Human Resources in Agriculture, (Eds. D. Rama Rao, BVLN Rao and Rashmi Agrawal), DPS Publishing House, New Delhi.
15. Rao, D. Rama, BVLN Rao, I.C. Awasthi, and G.P. Joshi (2014), “An Assessment of Employment Potential”, in a book Towards Skill Endowed Human Resources in Agriculture (Eds. D. Rama Rao, BVLN Rao and Rashmi Agrawal), DPS Publishing House, New Delhi.
16. TheInternational Yearof Evaluation, 2015: What is Significance for India? Contributed in International Conference on Emerging Trendsin TVET: Vision 2025, 18-20 February, 2015 organised by PSSCIVE, Bhopal – forthcoming in proceedings volume,2016.
17. “Uttarakhand: Livelihood Constraints and Policy Options”, published in Sustainable Development in Indian Himalayan Region: Prospects and Challenges, Eds: Atul Joshi and Neeraj Ruwali, 2016, Jagdamba Publishing Company, New Delhi.
(iv) Working Papers
(i) Rural Employment: Past, Present and Future, IAMR Working Paper No. 2/1997.
(ii) Review of Urban Employment Situation, IAMR Working Paper No. 6/1998.
(iii)Are Micro Enterprises Poised for Take Off? Experience of PMRY, IAMR Working Paper Series WP 3/2008, January 2008.
(iv)Labour Market Situation of Agricultural Manpower: A Note, National Technical Manpower Information System,Working paper No.2/2010.
(v) Uttarakhand Disaster: Lessons and way forward, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow,Occasional paper 6/2014.
(vi)“Poverty and Gender Analysis of Uttarakhand: Some Insights from the Field” by I.C.Awasthi and Dev Nathan, Published as Working Paper No.216, Giri Institute of Development Studies, September, 2015.
(v) Policy Brief
i)TheUnorganized Sector Workers’ Social Security Bill, 2007: Implementation Challenges, IAMR Policy Brief Series PB1/2008, January.
(vi) Book Reviews
Reviewed 15 books and published in the professional journals
(vii) Paper presented in the International Conference
i) Corporate Performance and Strategy: A Case of the Indian Telephone Industries Ltd., paper presented in the International Conference on Administrative Development: Toward Excellence in Public Sector Performance, held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, November, 1-4, 2009.
ii) Why Management Information System is Critical in Policy Domain? Lessons from Indian Flagship Programmes, paper presented in the 3rd International Conference of Sri Lanka Evaluation Association,Colombo,June 6-9, 2011.
iii) Lessons from Indian Flagship Programmes: The Disconnect for Evaluation Framework, Paper presented in the 10th European Evaluation Society (EES) Biennial Conference, October 1- 3, 2012, Helsinki (Finland).
iv)Presented a Paper “Disaster Management in Mountain Economy -- A Case of Uttarakhand State in India” in Annual Conference on South Asia (Oct. 22-25, 2015), on 22nd October, 2015 held in University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison (USA).
v)Chaired a session on “Education, Health and Inequality Issues” in Annual Conference on South Asia (Oct. 22-25, 2015), on 22nd October, 2015, held in University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison (USA).
vii) Participated and presented a paper titled “Evaluation a Tool for Bettering Human Lives” in Community of Evaluators Conference, South Asia, 3rd Conclave (November 23-27, 2015) held in Kathmandu (Nepal) on 26th November, 2015.
(viii) Professional Honours/Awards/Fellowships
(i) Selectedto participate in an Eight Week Overseas Course on "Manpower Planning" at the Institute of Employment Studies, SussexUniversity, Brighton (U.K),underIndian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, July 2 - August 24, 1990.
(ii) Selected with full scholarship for International Programme for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET), organized by theIndependent Evaluation Group of the World Bank and Carleton University (June 8 to July 3, 2009) at Ottawa (Canada).
(iii) Delivered Key-Note address on “Education and Skills: Perspective, Challenges and the Way Forward”at Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow on 13th September, 2012.
(iv) Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow.
(v) Invited speaker on the theme 'The Development Programmes: A Disconnect for Evaluation Framework’ at the “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Vision 2025” organized by the PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (a constituent unit of the National Council of Educational Research & Training), Bhopal during February 18-20, 2015.
vi)Winner of American Evaluation Association (AEA) travel grant award, 2015 and presented a paper titled “The Development Programmes: A Disconnect for Evaluation Framework” in AEA conference, held in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (November 8-14, 2015) on 12th November, 2015.
(ix) Membership in Professional Bodies/Societies
(i) Life Member, the Indian Society of Labour Economics, New Delhi.
(ii) Life Member, Association of British Scholars, Delhi Chapter, New Delhi.
(iii) Life Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
(iv) Member, Governing Council of International Organization for Collaborative Outcome Management (IOCOM), Ottawa
(v) Member, Development Evaluation Society of India (DESI), New Delhi
(vi) Member, Evaluation Community of India, New Delhi
(vii) Life Member, Association of the Socio-economic Development Studies, Lucknow
(x) Member Editorial Board/Advisory Board:
(i)Journal of Social and Management Solutions
(ii)Indian Journal of Vocational Education;
(iii) Internal Referee: Manpower Journal
(iv)Reviewer, International Journal of Social Economics (Emerald group, U.K.), March, 2016.
(v)Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Vocational Education, PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal.
(vi)Reviewer, Amity Business Journal, Lucknow
(vii)Reviewer, International Journal of Social Science and Development Policy, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Central University, Lucknow.
(viii)Editorial Board of “Amity Journal of Economics,
(ix)Member Editorial Board, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Report,
Institute of Small Enterprises and Development, Cochin, 2011.
(x) Member, committee ‘Expert Group on Second Employment-UnemploymentSurvey’
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, 2012-13.
(xi)Working sub-Group Member, Competencies for Development Evaluation Evaluators, Managers, and Commissioners, International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), IDEAS Initiative on International Competencies for Development Evaluators, 2012.
(xi)Academic Advisory Bodies
(i)Member, Research Degree Committee and Board of Studies, Department of Commerce, Kumaun University, Nainital (2013-2016), Uttarakhand.
(ii)Member, Research Degree Committee, Amity University, Lucknow, 2014-16.
(xii) Hon. Joint Secretary: Indian Society of Labour Economics, 1997-2000
(xiii) Teaching Experience
(i)Teaching faculty to Advanced Diploma and Masters Course (overseas student’s course) since 1997 to 2013 at the IAMR.
(ii)Module coordinator for Employment Policies & Programmes and Human Resource Planning for above courses at the IAMR.
(iii)Teaching faculty in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) course being conducted by the IAMR (January-March, 2013).
(iv)Teaching faculty of short term overseas programmes conducted by the IAMR.
(v)Guiding Diploma and Master’s students for dissertation workat IAMRsince 1997to 2013.
(vi)Visiting faculty at School of Planning Architecture, New Delhi and taught one semester on Informal sector
(vii)Examiner of Examiner Ph.D. Kumaun University, Nainital.
(viii)Examiner Ph.D. Jamia Millia University, New Delhi and Kumaun University, Nainital.
(ix)Examiner of M.Phil in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
(xiv)Research Reports: Involved in conducting and preparation of over 20 research reports, including consultancy for IFAD.