
3.08 McKay and Johnson

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use evidence from the texts as support for your answers.

“The Harlem Dancer”

1.  To what is the dancer’s voice compared? What contrast is created in this comparison?

2.  To what does the speaker compare the dancer? What does McKay suggest with this comparison?

3.  What does McKay mean when he describes the palm as “lovelier for passing through a storm”?

4.  What is meant when the speaker says, “…and tossing coins in praise…”?

5.  Summarize the meaning of the final couplet for “The Harlem Dancer.”

6.  What is the theme of “The Harlem Dancer”?

“The Tropics in New York”

7.  What is the tone of “The Tropics in New York”? What words or phrases help to reveal the tone of the poem?

8.  What are two examples of imagery that appeals to the reader’s sense of sight?

9.  What is the theme of “The Tropics of New York”?

“If We Must Die”

10.  What is the tone of “If We Must Die”? What words or phrases help to reveal the tone of the poem?

11.  What is an example of a metaphor used at the beginning of “If We Must Die”?

12.  What is the theme of “If We Must Die”?

“My City”

13.  What question does the speaker ask himself at the beginning of “My City”?

14.  What possible answers does the speaker first consider?

15.  What answer does the speaker finally provide?

16.  What is personified in “My City”?

17.  According to the speaker, what is the “stark, unutterable pity”?

18.  What does the city represent to the speaker?

19.  Identify three examples of imagery used in “My City.” What senses do these examples appeal to?

20.  What is the tone of “My City”?