NAME: CFO Committee

December 14, 2015 / Time:
1:00 to3:00 p.m. / Presiding:
Harry Marmorstein / Recorded By:
Mary Abrams
PRESENT: Javaid Akhtar, Dan Burns,Betty Hogan, Don Holford, Caren Jesseman, Harry Marmorstein, Vincent Santoro,Patrick Vitale, Cheryl Marks Young
PRESENT BY PHONE:Crystal Bacon, Dave Bartels, George Bontcue, George Booskos, Linda Dalla Riva, Nancy Damiano,Kathleen Dedrick, Matthew Doria, Albert Elsiffie, Jose German, Dieter Hovermann,Dawn Kruimer, Jim McCreath, Elizabeth McClendon, Carlton Meier, Marie Reyes, Manju Rathnam, Glen Schmidt, Michelle Worth
Staff: Mary Abrams, Debra Wentz
Approval of the September 21, 2015Minutes / The September minutes are to be edited to reflect that Robert Parkinson presided. / The amended minutes were m/s/p. / N/A / N/A
Cyber Liability and Cyber Security – June Noto / June Noto presented on this topic. The powerpoint may be found here. / N/A / N/A / N/A
2017 Pay Dates / If you have a pay date of January 1, 2016, you need to divide your salaried exempt employees’ salary by 27. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Adult Residential Vacancies / Harry Marmorstein reported on the recent quarterly meeting with Acting Commissioner Connolly. Vacancies stemming from delayed hospital discharges and drug court no-shows will cause serious financial problems as we move to fee-for-service (FFS). Assistant Commissioner Valerie Mielke stated they are working to make the discharge process more efficient. The state is not interested in generating multiple referrals for one bed, but said referrals will be made in advance of bed vacancies. Valerie also stated that the rates should capture all of the work agencies will do at hospitals to get someone discharged. They will look at medical necessity on a case by case basis. They did not say there will be a vacancy rate if there is a hospital stay for an individual you expect to return to your facility. Cheryl Marks Young noted that there are five vacancy days per year built into contracts. Valerie also indicated that they do not expect to implement FFS for 18 months. / Continued monitoring, reporting and advocacy on vacancies and rates. / Ongoing / Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses, Mary Abrams, All Members
Adult Residential Vacancies Cont’d. / There was discussion of agencies as landlords for supportive housing (SH), as they are dealing with vacancy issues now. It was suggested that the state had indicated they would have a system to pay for vacancies. Some organizations lease space and sublet to consumers. If they leave, an agency could be on the hook for the remainder of the lease. If the agency does a monthly lease and has one month’s security, that would help. Cheryl Marks Young said it is her understanding the state will pay if you have someone coming back from a hospital stay. It was agreed by those present that contact adjustments under CSS have been correct. / Continued monitoring, reporting and advocacy on supportive housing vacancies. / Ongoing / Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses, Mary Abrams, All Members
1115 Waiver Renewal / The State will be looking for public comment in February/March on their 1115 Waiver renewal application. There may be a 30 day IMD provision, though this may be in a separate waiver and could be fewer days or go as high as 90 days. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Old and New Business
New Overtime Regulations
Medicaid Recapture / January 1, 2016 was supposed to be the implementation date for the new overtime regulations though they are now expected to take effect in 2017.
Rates are expected in February; a concept paper will be published for comment.
Continuing his report on recent meetings with DHS (NJAMHAA quarterly meeting and a meeting DMHAS arranged with their CFO and providers), Harry Marmorstein stated that providers made the case for why recapturing dollar for dollar is not the way to proceed. One example given was providers operating methadone clinics which were already FFS; taking funding back makes no sense. It was pointed out that agencies will cease providing services at the point the state starts taking funding back. It is believed DMHAS will take the idea of operational incentives back to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Treasury. / N/A
Continued monitoring, reporting and advocacy on the Medicaid Recapture. / N/A
Ongoing / N/A
Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses, Mary Abrams, All Members
Open Discussion
Recommendations for Meeting Topics and Guest Speakers / It was suggested that Don Holford who just joined Preferred Behavioral Health after decades in New York State might wish to speak on the different state environments. Debra asked if the group is interested in presentations on managed care companies’ contracting and fees, but no one present is finding the HMO panels closed to them. The auto enrollment of Medicare recipients in HMOs has been a problem for some – it was agreed a speaker on Medicare would be advantageous. / Guest speakers will be sought on the identified topics. / For each meeting / Mary Abrams, Debra Wentz
Upcoming Events / IT Conference – March 2, 2016
Medicaid Workshop – March 21, 2016
Annual Conference – April 13-14, 2016 / N/A / N/A / N/A
Standing Agenda / No discussion / N/A / N/A / N/A

Upcoming meetings: March 14, 2016 All from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at NJAMHAA

June 13, 2016