Name: ______
AP Language & Composition
Date: ______
50 Total Points
EJH Project: Compare & Contrast Rhetorical Strategy Analysis
Objective: Students will analyze and interpret samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques with 80% accuracy.
1.Read six of the compare & contrast essays listed below.Identify which essay is easy,hard and just right for your comfort level.
2. Easy Essay (5 Points): Compose a SOAPS & FIDDSTone Chart.
3. Just Right (5 Points): Compose a SOAPS & FIDDStone Chart & Five Dialectical Journals
4. Hard Essay (25 Points):
Completeone of the following with an essay from The Oxford Book of Essays:

A. Craft an essay analyzing the author’s rhetorical moves.
B. Create a short video (Animoto, Photostory, etc.) analyzing the author’s rhetorical moves.
C. Design a poster (Glogster, MicroSoft Publisher, etc.) analyzing the author’s rhetorical moves.
D. Develop a short presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) analyzing the author’s rhetorical moves.
E. Design a podcast which interviews the author and showcases his/her rhetorical moves.
F. Create a cartoon sketch (Bubble) analyzing the author’s rhetorical moves.
(I will give you a password to use for Glogster,Animoto, and Prezi.)

6. 3 Additional Essays (15 Points): Based on the other three essays assigned, create an ATA for each essay. Does the author effectively achieve his/her purpose?

Norton Sampler / Bedford Reader
Grammy Rewards by D. Dalfonsop. 206 / Batting Clean-Up and Striking Out by D. Barry p.245
Body Imperfectby D. Davisp. 209 / Size 6: The Western Women’s Harem by F. Mernissi p. 265
Like Mexicans by G. Soto p. 218 / Everyday Use by A. Walkerp. 272
50 Essays: A Portable Anthology 2004, White Cover [2007ed] / Interactions: A Thematic Reader
Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin p. 39 p. 60 [2007] / The Name is Mine by Anna Quindlen p. 19
Lost in the Kitchen by Dave Barry p. 61 p.82 [2007] / Hold the Mayonnaise by Julia Alvarez p. 96
Two Ways to Belong in America by Bharati Mukherjee p. 272 p. 298 [2007] / Fraternities of Netheads: Internet Addiction on Campus by Kimberly S. Young p. 432
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato p. 284 [not in 2007 ed.] / The Difference Between Male and Female Friendships by Ellen Goodman and Patricia O’Brien
Aria: Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood by Richard Rodriguez p. 292 p.326 [2007]
Where I Lived, and What I Lived For by Henry David Thoreau p. 416 p.424 [2007]

The Oxford Book of Essays by John Gross (Some of these essays will loosely compare and contrast a concept/idea.)

Of Truth, Of Revenge, Of Boldness, Of Innovations, of Masques and Triumphs by Sir Francis Bacon p. 1

Thoughts in Westminster Abbey by Joseph Addison p. 41
Upon Affectation by Lord Chesterfield p. 57

Churchill and Roosevelt (from Winston Churchill in 1940) by Sir Isaiah Berlin p. 555

Harriette Wilson by Virginia Woolf p. 404 (A PDF File on Buckley’s Website)

Compare & Contrast “Just Right” Project Rubric

Assignment / Total Points / Student Points/Comments
Easy Essay: SOAPS & FIDDSTone Chart. / 5
Just Right (5 Points): Compose a SOAPS & FIDDStone Chart & Five Dialectical Journals / 5
Hard Essay:
-Rhetorical Analysis
-Rhetorical Strategies
-Rhetorical Devices
- Rhetorical Techniques (Syntax, Purpose, Style)
Elevated Diction and Structure / 25
Additional Essay #1: ATA / 5
Additional Essay #2: ATA / 5
Additional Essay #3: ATA / 5
Total Points / 50