Name Aviv Weinstein (Ph.D)page 1

NameAviv Malkiel Weinstein (Ph.D)Date May2014


Personal Details

Name Aviv Malkiel Weinstein

Date of birth 1st April 1961 Place of Birth- Haifa Israel

Permanent Home Address: 8 YefeNoff Street ZikhronYaaqov, Israel.

Regular military service August 1979- September 1982

Home Telephone Number: 046399151 046397680

Cellular Phone: 972-524307610

Fax Number: 972-46397680

Work address: Dept. of Behavioral Sciences, University of Ariel, Ariel 40700.

Electronic Address:


B.ScYears 1988-1991- Hull University UK, Dept. of Psychology

Ph.D Years 1991-1994 University of Bristol, UK Dept. of Psychology

Name of advisor- Prof. David.J.Nutt Title of thesis “Cognitive dysfunction in anxiety disorders”

Employment History

Current position- Temporary Senior Lecturer: Dept. of Behavioral Sciences, University of Ariel

2011- 2013 AdjuvantLecturer Dept. of Social work Tel Hai academic college.

2005-now Senior Research Fellow Dept. of Medical biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, Hadassah EinKerem, Jerusalem.

2003-now Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Sourasky Medical Center, Weizman 6, Tel Aviv 64239.

2000-2007 Special Lecturer within community based Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TH, UK

1998-1999 Research Fellow, Brain Imaging Centre, IRP NIDA/NIH, Johns Hopkins Bayview, 5500 Nathan Shock Drive, Baltimore MD 21224.

1996-1998 Lecturer, School of Psychology, University College of North Wales,

Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG, UK and Psychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TD, UK.

1994-1996 Research associate (post-doctorate) on MRC grant investigating cognitive neuropsychological mechanisms of drug craving in opiate addicts, Psychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol, UK.

1993-1994 Research assistant on Medical Research Council (MRC) grant investigating attention mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease including brain's electrophysiology, Perception System Research Centre, Psychology Department, University of Bristol, UK.

1991-1993 Ph.D. student, Psychology Department and the Psychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol, UK. Self-funded.

1988-91 Student, Psychology (B.Sc.) Hull University, UK.

1986-8 Student, Danish, Language School Copenhagen University, Denmark.Worked voluntarily in the rehabilitation of drug addicts.

1982-6 Student, Law and Philosophy (B.A). Tel-Aviv University, Israel

1979-82 Military Service in the Israeli defence forces.

Professional Activities (in reverse chronological order)

(a) Positions in academic administration (departmental, faculty anduniversity)

1996-1998 Lecturer University of Wales in Bangor Wales UK Department of


2000-2002 Senior Lecturer University of Bristol, Bristol UK Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health

(b) Editor or member of editorial board of scientific or professional journal

1) Spanish Journal of Addiction (TrastornosAddictivos) since 2000.

2)The Journal of Groups in Addictions and Recovery since 2003.

3)Frontiers in Impulsivity, Compulsivity and Behavioral Dyscontrol since 2010.

4)The Journal of Behavioral Addictions since 2011.

5) Current Addiction Reports since 2014.

6) Journal of substance abuse and alcoholism since 2014.

(d) Membership in professional/scientific societies

Member of the British Association for Psychopharmacology since 1995,a regular member of the College of Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) since 2004 and World Federation of Societies for Biological Psychiatry since 2006.

Educational activities

Courses taught

2013-Now- Developmental Psychology and Physiological Psychology- courses for 1st year students, Psychopathology and a seminar on Behavioral Addictions, courses for 3rd year students Dept. of Behavioral Sciences, University of Ariel.

2011-2013 Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychopathology, Developmental Psychology courses for 1st and 3rd year students Social work and interdisciplinary studies, Tel Hai Academic College

1998-MSc in addiction, Psychology Department, University of Wales, College of Swansea, UK.

1996-1998- “Stress anxiety and coping” course and “drug addiction” as part of the ‘Abnormal Psychology’ course for undergraduates in the School of Psychology, University of Wales, Bangor, UK.

1992-1998- Behavioural science course for medical students, Tutor, School of Medical sciences and on the undergraduate course in Psychology in the

(b) Research students

1997Barbara FeldtkellerM.Sc Psychology Department, University of Bristol, UK.

Joint supervision with Prof. Nutt

Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships

(a) Honors, Citation Awards (including during studies)

Year - granting institution - name of award

Scholarship for Ph.D. / Bristol University, UK / 1991-1994
Post-doctorate fellowship. / Medical Research Council, UK / 1994-1996
Visiting Research Fellow. / National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)/University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) USA / 1998-2000
Israeli anti-drug authority travelling fellowship award. / National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)/College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) / 2003
International travelling fellowship award. / World Health Organization (WHO)/NIDA/CPDD / 2004

(b) Fellowships (e.g. Fullbright)

1998-1999 Visiting Research Fellow, Brain Imaging Centre, Intramural Research Program National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) National Institute of Health (NIH), Johns Hopkins Hospital Bayview, 5500 Nathan Shock Drive, Baltimore MD 21224 USA ($36,000 every year).

Scientific Publications

1. Weinstein, A.M. (1995). Visual ERPs Evidence for Enhanced Processing of Threatening Information in Anxious University Students.Biological Psychiatry, 37 (12), 847-858. Impact Factor: 8.926.

2. Weinstein, A.M., Nutt, D.J. (1995) A cognitive dysfunction in anxiety and its amelioration by effective treatment with SSRIs. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 9 (2), 83-89. Impact Factor: 3.37.

3. Weinstein, A.M., Wilson, S., Bailey, J., Nutt, D.J. (1996). Sedative antidepressants impair visual detection mechanisms in humans. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 10(2), 141-145. Impact Factor: 3.37.

4. Weinstein, A.M., Neal, L., Lillywhite, A., Potokar, J., Nutt, D.J. (1996). Cognitive processing in PTSD.Anxiety Disorders,2, 130-139. Impact Factor: 2.682.

5. Weinstein, A.M., Troscianko, T., and Calvert, J. (1997). Impaired Visual search Mechanisms in Parkinson's Disease: An Event-Related Potentials Study. Journal of Psychophysiology, 11, 33-47. Impact Factor: 2.488.

6. Weinstein, A.M., Wilson, S., Bailey, J.E., Myles, J. Nutt, D.J. (1997). Imagery of craving in opiate addicts undergoing detoxification. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 48, 25-31. Impact factor 3.599.

7. Weinstein, A.M., Lingford-Hughes, A.,Martinez-Raga, J., Marshall, J. (1998). What makes alcohol-dependent individuals early in abstinence crave for alcohol: exposure to the drink, images of drinking or remembrance of drinks past? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22 (6), 1376-1381. Impact Factor: 3.421.

8. Weinstein, A.M., Feldtkeller, B., Malizia, A., Wilson, S., Bailey, J.E., Nutt, D. (1998). Integrating the cognitive and physiological aspects of craving.Journal of Psychopharmacology, 12(1), 31-38. Impact Factor: 3.37.

9. London, E.D., Ernst, M., Grant, S., Bonson, C., Weinstein, A.M. (2000). Orbitofrontal Cortex and Human Drug Abuse: Functional Imaging. Cerebral Cortex, 10, 334-342. Impact Factor: 6.979.

10. Weinstein, A.M., Feldtkeller, B., Law, F., Myles, J., Nutt, D.J. (2000). The processing of automatic thoughts of drug use and craving in opiate dependent subjects.Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8(4), 549-553. Impact Factor: 2.545.

11. Feldtkeller, B., Weinstein, A.M., Cox, W.M., Nutt. D.J. (2001).Effects of Contextual Priming on Alcohol-Related Lexical Decisions in Alcohol-Dependent and non-dependent Participants.Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 9 (3), 343-351. Impact Factor: 2.545.

12. Daglish, M.R.C., Weinstein, A., Malizia, A.L., Wilson, S., Melichar, J.K., Britten, S., Brewer, C., Lingford-Hughes, A., Myles, J., Grasby, P., Nutt, D.J. (2001). Changes in Regional cerebral blood flow elicited by craving memories in abstinent opiate-dependent subjects.American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, (10), 1680-1686. Impact Factor: 14.72.

13. Wilson, S.J., Bailey, J.E., Alford, C., Weinstein, A., Nutt, D.J. (2002). Effects of 5 weeks administration of fluoxetine and dothiepin in normal volunteers on sleep, daytime sedation, psychomotor performance and mood. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 16, (4), 321-331. Impact Factor: 3.37.

14. Weinstein, A.M., Feldtkeller, B., Feeney, A., Lingford-Hughes, A., Nutt. D.J. (2003).Effects of treatment with acamprosate on craving for alcohol in Alcohol-Dependent Patients.Addiction Biology, 8, 229-231. Impact Factor: 4.728.

15. Daglish, M.R.C, Weinstein, A.M., Malizia, A.L., Wilson, S., Melichar, J.K., Lingford-Hughes, A., Myles, J.S., Grasby, P., Nutt, D.J. (2003). Functional connectivity analysis of the neural circuits of opiate craving- “more” rather than “different”?Neuroimage, 20, 1964-1970. Impact Factor: 6.828.

16. Weinstein, A., Cox, W., Miles. (2006). Cognitive processing of drug-related stimuli: the role of memory and attention. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20 (6), 850-859.Impact Factor: 3.37.

17. Zetteler, J.I., Stollery, B.T., Weinstein, A.M., Lingford-Hughes, A.R. (2006). Attentional bias for alcohol-related information in adolescents with alcohol-dependent parents.Alcohol and Alcoholism, 41(4):426-430. Impact Factor: 2.68.

18. Weinstein, A., Brickner, O., Lerman, H., Greemland, M., Bloch, M., Lester, H., Freedman, N., Mechoulam, R., Bar-Hamburger, R., Chisin, R., Even-Sapir, E. (2007). Brain imaging study of the acute effects of Δ-9 THC on attention and motor coordination in regular users of marijuana.Psychopharmacology 196(1): 119-131. Impact Factor: 4.06.

19. Karila, L., Gorelick, D.A., Weinstein, A., Noble, F., Benyamina, A., Blecha, L., Coscas, S., Gillaizeau, I., Lowenstein, W., Lépine, J.P,.Reynaud, M. (2008). New treatments for cocaine dependence: a focused review.International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 11 (3), 425-438. Impact Factor: 5.64.

20. Karila, L., Weinstein, A., Benyamina, A., Coscas, S., Leroy, C., Guillard, K., Noble, F., Lowenstein, W., Lépine, J.P., Reynaud, M.(2008). Options pharmacologiquesactuellesdans la dépendance àla cocaïne - Current pharmacological options in the treatment ofcocaine dependence.Presse Med37 (4 Pt 2):689-98 (in French).Impact Factor: 0.867.

21. Weinstein, A., Brickner, O., Lerman, H., Greemland, M., Bloch, M., Lester, H., Chisin, R., Sarne, Y., Mechoulam, R., Bar-Hamburger, R., Freedman, N., Even-Sapir, E. (2008). A study investigating the acute dose-response effects of 13mg and 17mg Δ 9-THC on cognitive-motor skills, subjective and autonomic measures in regular users of marijuana. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 22(4), 323-333. Impact Factor: 3.37.

22. Weinstein, A., Yemini, Z., Greif, J. (2008). Cigarette smoking cessation treatment combining group therapy with Zyban.Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 3(1), 21-29.

23. Weinstein, A., Greif, J., Yemini, Z., Lerman, H., Weizman, A., Even-Sapir, E. (2010). Attenuation of cue-induced smoking urges and brain reward activity in successfully-treated smokers with bupropion. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 24, 829-838. Impact Factor: 3.37.

24. Karila, L., A., Weinstein, A., Noble, F., Benyamina, A., Blecha, L., Lépine, J.P,.Reynaud, M. (2010). New treatments for methamphetamine dependence: a focused review.British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 69(6):578-92. Impact Factor: 3.58.

25. Weinstein, A (2010). Computer and video game addiction.American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36(5), 268-276. Impact Factor: 1.335.

26. Weinstein, A., Lejoyeux, M. (2010). Internet addiction or Excessive Internet Use.American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36(5), 277-283. Impact Factor: 1.335.

27. Lejoyeux, M., Weinstein, A. (2010).Compulsive buying.American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36 (5), 248–253. Impact Factor: 1.335.

28. Grant, J.E., Potenza, M.N., Weinstein, A., Gorelick, D.A (2010).Introduction to Behavioral Addictions.American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36(5), 233–241. Impact Factor: 1.335.

29. Weinstein, A., Miller, H., Tal, E., Ben Avi, I., Herman, I., Bar-Hamburger, R., Bloch, M. (2010). Treatment of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome using Cognitive-behavior therapy and relapse prevention for cannabis dependence. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 5(3-4) 240-264.

30. Weinstein, A.M., Gorelick, D.A. (2011). Pharmacological treatment for cannabis dependence.Current Pharmaceuticals Design, 17(14):1351-8. Impact Factor:4.39

31. Weinstein, A.M., Weizman, A. (2012). A. Emerging Association between Addictive Gaming and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports, 14 (5), 590-597. Impact Factor: 3.23

32.Weinstein, A.M., Lejoyeux. (2013). New developments in the psychobiology of internet and videogame addiction. American Journal of Addiction, 20, 1-9.Impact Factor: 1.74.

33. Lejoyeux, M., Weinstein, A. (2013). Shopping Addiction in Principles of Addiction Volume 1, Chapter 85,pp1-7, Elsevier.

34. Peles, E., Weinstein, A., Schreiber, S., Sason, A., Adelson, M. (2013). An interaction in the Stroop interference effect among patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT).Journal of Central Nervous Disease.Impact Factor: 3.409

35. Weinstein, A. (2013). Internet and Videogame Addiction:Clinical Implications for Assessment and Treatment. CME lesson- Directions in Psychiatry," Volume 33, Part 2.

Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not followed by Published Proceedings

Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings (oral or poster)

Role / Subject of Conference/
Role at Conference/
Comments / Place of
Conference / Name of
Conference / Date
Presenter Oral / Drug Dependence / San Juan Puerto Rico / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 1996
Presenter / Drug Dependence / Scottsdale Arizona USA / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 1999
Presenter / Neuropsychopharmacology / Puerto Rico / American College of Neuropsychopharmacology / 1999
Presenter / Drug Dependence / Florida USA / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2003
Presenter / Drug Dependence / San Juan Puerto Rico / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2004
Presenter / Drug Dependence / Orlando Florida / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2005
Presenter / Drug Dependence / Scottsdale Arizona USA / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2006
Presenter / Neuropsychopharmacology / Paris France / European College of Neuropsychopharmacology / 2006
Presenter / Drug Dependence / Quebec Canada / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2007
Presenter / Neuropsychopharmacology / Vienna Austria / European College of Neuropsychopharmacology / 2007
Presenter and chair of symposia on cocaine addiction / Psychiatry / Nice, France / Association of European Psychiatrists / 2008
Presenter / Neuropsychopharmacology / Barcelona, Spain / European College of Neuropsychopharmacology / 2008
Presenter and chair of symposia on brain imaging in drug addiction and behavioral addiction / Biological Psychiatry / Paris France / World Federation Societies of Biological Psychiatry / 2009
Presenter and Chair of symposia on cannabis addiction / Psychiatry / New Orleans USA / American Psychiatric Association / 2010
Presenter and Chair on symposia on brain imaging in addiction and cannabis / Biological Psychiatry / Prague, Czech Republic / World Federation Societies of Biological Psychiatry / 2011
Presenter in symposia on brain imaging of nicotine and cannabis / Drug Dependence / Hollywood Florida USA / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2011
Invited plenary speaker on internet addiction and the brain / Behavioral addictions / Budapest, Hungary / International Congress on behavioral addictions / 2013
Chair symposium on cannabis / Biological Psychiatry / Kyoto Japan / World Federation of Biological Psychiatry 11th meeting / 2013
And presenter on behavioral addiction / Psychiatry / Barcelona Spain / Dual diagnosis conference / 2013
Presenter / Drug dependence / San Juan Puerto Rico / College of Problems of Drug Dependence / 2014

(d) Seminar presentations at universities and institutions

Presentation/Comments / Name of Forum / Place of Lecture / Date
Cognitive Mechanisms in Drug Dependence / National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on Health NIDA/NIH / Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital, Baltimore, MD USA / 1997
Brain imaging in Drug Dependence / National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on Health NIDA/NIH / Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital, Baltimore, MD USA / 2010

Research Grants

Amount / Year / Funded by / Topic / Co-Researchers / Role in Research
40,000£. / 1993-4 / Medical Reseach Council (MRC) UK / Attentional Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease / Dr. Tom Troscianko Dr. June Calvert / Co-PI
£40,000. / 1994-5 / Medical Reseach Council (MRC) UK / Cognitive processing in opiate addicts. / Prof. David Nutt and Dr. Judy Myles / Co-PI
£30,000. / 1995-6 / Medical Reseach Council (MRC) UK / Cognitive processing in alcohol addiction. / Prof. David Nutt, Dr. Barry Jones, Dr. John McMahon / Co-PI
£40,000. / 1996-7 / British Economic and Social Research Council / Cognitive processing in alcohol addiction. / Prof. B. Jones, Prof. W. M. Cox, Dr. J. Mc Mahon / Co-PI
£40,000. / 1996-7 / South West RegionalHealthAuthority, UK / Cognitive- behavior treatment of opiate-dependent individuals / Prof. David Nutt, Dr. Judy Myles / Co-PI
£50,000. / 1996-8 / Merck-Lipha pharmaceuticals / Craving for alcohol and its treatment by acamprosate / Prof. David Nutt / Co-PI
$10,000 / 2003-4 / “Adams Trust” Tel Aviv University, Israel. / Functional brain imaging in recreational users of “Ecstasy” (MDMA). / Prof. Einat Even-Sapir / Co-PI
$80,000 / 2004-6 / Chief Scientist, Ministry of Health, Israel. / Brain imaging study into the effects of abstinence and craving in heavy and light cigarette smokers. / Prof. Einat Even-Sapir / Co-PI
$30,000 / 2004-5 / Israeli Anti-Drug Authority, Jerusalem, Israel. / Brain Imaging study of orientation, coordination and executive function in recreational users of marijuana. / Prof. Einat Even-Sapir / Co-PI
$30,000 / 2005-8 / Israeli Anti-Drug Authority, Jerusalem, Israel. / Functional brain imaging in recreational users of “Ecstasy” (MDMA). / Prof. YodphatKrausz / Co-PI
$90,000 / 2005-2011 / The National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel. / A pharmaco-genetic and brain imaging study of dopamine release in drug abuse / Prof. Roland Chisin, Prof. Avi Weizman, Prof. Richard Ebstein / PI
$470,000 / 2006-2010 / Sacta-RashiFoundation. / The effects of modafinil and topiramate on brain mechanisms underlying cue-induced cocaine craving and dependence in methadone maintained cocaine dependent patients. / Prof. Roland Chisin, Prof. Henri Atlan / Co-PI
$50,000 / 2007-2009 / Israeli Anti- Drug Authority. / Treatment of Marijuana Withdrawal Syndrome Using Escitalopram in Combination with Cognitive-behavior therapy / Dr. Miki Bloch / Co-PI
$75,000 / 2011-Now / Israeli Anti-Drug Authority, Jerusalem, Israel. / Evaluation of the effects of psychological and pharmacological treatment of "backpackers" in KfarIzun in Israel / Prof. Einat Even-Sapir / PI

• Synopsis of research, including reference to publications and grants in above lists (Do not exceed three single-spaced pages.)

Over the past 20 years, I have developed expertise in psychological, pharmacological and brain imaging aspects of theory and treatment of drug and alcohol dependence. First, I have investigated the psychological processes that are responsible for craving and withdrawal in opiate and alcohol-dependent patients, including a study on brain imaging of craving for opiates in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Bristol and London, UK. This work was a new cognitive-physiological-brain approach to drug craving and dependence which resulted in several grants and prestigious publications.

I was then trained in brain imaging in PET in NIDA, in Johns Hopkins, Baltimore USA which added an expertise in brain imaging in addiction. My work included training in PET brain imaging in Baltimore and establishment of a brain imaging facility in UCLA together with Prof. Edythe London. This resulted in several publication and grants and international expertise in brain imaging in the field of drug and alcohol addiction.

Thirdly, I have specialized in combined pharmacological and psychological treatment for opiate and alcohol dependence in the UK and the US.

These three aspects of addiction namely- theoretical models, brain imaging and treatment have been further developed in Israel. I have first established a brain-imaging laboratory (PET/SPECT) in the Dept. of Nuclear Medicine in Sourasky Medical Centre in Tel Aviv (2004-now) and then in Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem Israel (2006-now). We have conducted studies on the effects of “ecstasy” and marijuana on the cognitive, motor function and brain activity in recreational users (see grants 2004-2007). We have further conducted several studies on combined pharmacological-psychological treatment of nicotine, cocaine and cannabis dependence (see grants 2006-2011).

Further work on pharmacological and psychological treatment of drug and alcohol addiction includes studying the effects of pharmacological and psychological treatment of psycho-stimulant dependence on the brain (Israeli Anti-Drug Authority 2012-now).

I am particularly interested in the combination of molecular genetics and brain imaging which is an exciting new field of research. It has major scientific implications for understanding of drug dependence. Furthermore, this research is aimed to answer important clinical questions such as who is likely to develop cannabis-induced psychosis and who is likely to benefit from the various pharmacological treatments for cannabis and nicotine-dependence. We started a collaboration with Prof. Edythe London from UCLA on brain imaging of dopamine in synthetic drug users.We have also started collaboration with Dr. Tami Kushnir the Head of the fMRI unit in Tel Hashomer hospital for research on cannabis and synthetic drugs.Finally, we have published several papers and reviews on behavioural addiction (I am on the Editorial board of the Journal of Behavioral addictions and the scientific committee of the journal and international meeting). I plan to expand this work into internet addiction, eating disorders, sports and sex addiction with collaborators in Israel and abroad.