Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the forth Annual General Meeting of The Link
Held on Thursday 26th November 2015at 6pm in the Conference Room.
Board - Chris Wade, Claire Body, Jeffery Morris, Georgina Batt;
Chris Perry (Nailsea School), Hannah Wood (Link Assistant), Angie Warmsley (Alchemy DMT Trampoline), Charlie Warmsley (Alchemy DMT Trampoline), Mark Evans (Nailsea Junior FC), Karen Ridge (AFC Nailsea)
CW welcomed everyone and opened the meeting and introduced himself and the other members of the Board of Directors, and summarised the proceeding for the evening.2 /
There were no resignations.3 /
There were no nominations.Currently there are 2director vacancies - 2 community.
Karen Ridge expressed interest and requested further information.
Discussed the ongoing application for the extension of hours for the AWP. Currently with the planning inspectorate, after Council failed to make a decision within time schedule. Due to items being published before the school was informed, Chris Perry and Chris Wade are seeking legal advice.
The Link Structure was explained, incorporating 3 part time Link Assistants, 4 directors and a company secretary. The income for the year is £121k.
New Business: Georgina explained the new lets we have gained over the last year and their class details.
Current & future developments: Focus is on expanding adult education, currently running a selection of craft, and language classes. Joint partnership with North Somerset adult education service to run targeted classes in Basic IT and progression classes. Since Backwell School stopped offering Adult Education we have been able to use the course tutors.
Currently exploring the demands for 4G development, in relation to planning application submitted last year.
Raise the knowledge of The Link within the community by focusing on our marketing.
Recruit directors for the vacant positions.
- Charlie Warmsley –Alchemy Trampoline
Yes it is. Details to be sent through.
- Karen Ridge – AFC Nailsea
Yes but not for the distance to Golden Valley. Angie suggested a company she used for first aid training which as part of the course a defib machine was given to them.
Discussed the option of running first aid courses here at The Link which is something that will be in place in the near future.
- Karen Ridge – AFC Nailsea
It is something that will be looked into alongside the development of the 4G pitch.
7 / AOB
Planning application discussed in detail regarding the process that we currently going through.
Alchemy made us aware that in the near future a television company wish to film them. They will inform The Link of dates and times.
Discussion took place about adult education course that previously were on offer from the local authority and suggestion for course were football and rugby refereeing.
CW thanked all for attending, and supporting The Link.
GB mentioned the Christmas Fair taking place on Saturday 5th December, 10am – 2pm.
The meeting closed at 6:45pm
The Link/ AGM Mins 26/11/15
Signed (Chair)