November 18, 2014 - NAI Conference, Denver, CO

ATTENDING: Amy Leftbridge, Cem Basman, Theresa Coble, Jose Chavez, Tom Mullin, Jay Miller, John Miller, Jeff Miller, Jessica Moore, Amy Burnett, Todd Bridgewater, Kevin Damstra, Linda Strand (arrived at 11am)

Absent John Luzader

Staff: Margo Carlock and occasionally Paul Caputo

Guest: Tom Medema

Meeting convened at 8:00 am

President Leftbridge welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Review, adjust and approve agenda – President Amy Lethbridge

Announcement: Jim Covel is appointed to the board of directors as President Emeritus to serve on the board of directors

Meeting agenda was modified and adjusted

  1. Approve minutes of August 2014 BOD meeting – Amy Lethbridge

Postponed due to the minutes not being quite complete. Will be done via email in the weeks following the National Workshop


3.Recommendation and action on Development Task Force report.

Motion 1: That the Board of Directors accepts the report and recommendations of the Development

Task Force.

Moved by Tom Mullin Seconded by John Miller

Highlights of the recommendations were reviewed and minor discussions was conducted

Yes 12 No0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion 2: That the Board of Directors approves the recommendation of the Development Task Force to establish a standing Development Committee effective January 2015.

Moved by Tom Mullin Seconded by Todd Bridgewater

Discussion regarding the time table for implementation.

Yes 12 No0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion 3: That the Board of Directors supports the recommendation of the Development Task Force to create a Membership Task Force. Furthermore the Task Force willreport back its findings and recommendation at the Spring 2015 National Board of Directors meeting.

Moved by Tom Mullin Seconded by Theresa Coble

Discussion regarding the necessity of this task force in order to identify the support mechanism for membership development.

Yes 12 No0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

4.Recommendation and action on Awards Committee

Motion 1: That members of the NAI Board of Directors cannot nominate current members of the NAI Board of Directors for the NAI Professional Awards.

Moved by John Miller Seconded by Jeff Miller

Yes 12 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion 2: Tocreate two new NAI awards that would be independent of the NAI Professional Awards and would begin January 1, 2015. These would include the “NAI Award of Distinction” and the “NAI Shining Star” and Super Nova Award.

Moved by John Miller Seconded by Cem Basman

Yes11 No 0 Abstain 1 Motion Passed

Motion 3: To allow the NAI Board of Directors to occasionally give special recognition for unique services toNAI, the NAI Board of Directors or Staff which fall outside of the purposes of the standard awards. Nominations are made by a board member and voted on by the full board.

Moved by John MillerSeconded by Amy Burnett

Yes 12 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion 4: That the NAI Fellow award is limited to one person per year

Moved by John Miller Seconded by Cem Basman

Yes 12 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

5.Recommendation and action on new Membership Structure.

Motion: To approve the new Membership Structure as recommended and modified at the meeting

Moved by Cem Basman Seconded byJohn Miller

Discussion revolved around the need, clarifying some pieces. Some concern remained about long term financial impact.

Yes 11 No 1 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

6. Recommendation and action on 2015 Budget Forecast

Motion: To approve the 2015 Budget Forecast

Motion by Theresa Coble Seconded by Cem Basman

Reporting of forecast and comments by Margo Carlock and Theresa Coble with comments by Kevin regarding the OU budget forecasts. Amy Leftbridge ask that future reports have last years’ budget figures included.

Amendment to require OU’s to submit a balanced operational budget

Moved by Todd Bridgewater Second by Cem Basman

Yes 1 No 9 Abstain 2 Motion Failed

Vote on Original Motion

Yes 12 No 1 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

7.Recommendation and action on 2015 Operations Plan

Motion: To approve the 2015 Operations Plan.

Motion by Cem Basman Seconded byJeff Miller

Margo gave a summary overview of the operations plan fielding question and comments

Yes 12 No0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

8.Recommendation and action on the Publications Policy

Motion: To approve the Publications Policy as recommended.

Motion by Linda Strand Seconded byPepe Chavez

Yes 13 No0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

9.Recommendation and action on the Strategic Plan

Presentation by Jane Beattie on the state of the Strategic Plan. Questions and thoughts for clarity were discussed. Overall, some things will be on going by spring board meeting, others will be just getting started.

Motion: To approve the NAI Strategic Plan as recommended and amended

Moved by Cem Basman Seconded by Kevin Damstra

Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

The BOD officially recognized and thanks Jane Beattie for her leadership and perseverance on bringing the Strategic Plan to its completion

Brief discussion about how we move forward on this and to not only explain the plan, but to energize members to get engaged.

10 Acceptance of Executive Director Recommendation from the Executive Director Review Committee

Move by Cem Basman Seconded by Jay Miller

Moved to Executive Session to discuss personal issues

Moved out of Executive Session

Motion was called

Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Cem expressed the need review the process and modify the process as needed in the future


10.Advisory Council Update Report – Kevin Damstra

Kevin Damstra reviewed and updated the Board on the AC meeting held on Monday, November 17, 2014

Amy thanked Kevin and others for their work over the past couple of years

Summary of meeting will be posted on the NAI Leadership Page in coming weeks

11.Discussion of Elections Manual

Cem Basman reviewed where the manual is in its work. Motions arose out of the workthat needed some clarification and consideration:


The NEC recommends that eligibility for election to the board of directors be open to all categories of membership.

Moved by Cem Basman Seconded by Jeff Miller

Yes 12 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion That the election manual reflect that any elected officer of the Association may exercise their right to endorse and support another member for an elected office of the Association

Moved by Cem Basman, Seconded by Amy Burnett

Yes 9 No 2 Abstain 2 Motion passed

Motion That the Advisory Committee Election Representative be a standing member of the National Elections Committee

Moved by Cem Basman Seconded by Kevin Damstra

Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion That the entire cost of any elections is borne by the National Association unless an organization unit operates outside the normal ballot timeframe

Moved by CemBasman Seconded by Jeff Miller

Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion Move that the National Election Committee place on the ballot all candidates for who are deemed eligible for the office they are nominated

Moved by Theresa Coble, Seconded by Jeff Miller

Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

Motion That National Election Manual is accepted as amended during the Fall 2014 meeting

Moved by Cem Basman Seconded by Theresa Coble

Yes 13 No 0 Abstain 0 Motion Passed

12.Report on Leadership Development Task Force– Jay Miller, Chair

Updated on work to date. Committee will be bring back a status report to the board meeting in Spring 2015

13. Report on International Workshop

Margo updated the status of the 2015 International Meeting

The 2016 International Workshop tentatively planned to be in New Zealand

14.Additional Task Forces/Ad hoc committees

Amy Leftbridge will be working to identify and prioritize the myriad of task forces and Ad Hoc Committees as identified in the Strategic Plan and this board meeting.

She also noted that she will be seeking to appoint somebody to fill the unfilled board position resulting from the election of Tom Mullin as National Secretary and his subsequent resignation as a member at large.

15.Report on National Workshop

Margo Carlock updated the board on numerous elements regarding the conference. Registration has topped 800 was one highlight.

Discussion about the upcoming Board meeting was held with the promise of a series of Meeting doodle to come out shortly to help figure out the winter/spring and summer board meeting dates

Linda Strand thanked everyone for her time on the board.

President Amy Leftbridge thanked Amy Burnett and Linda Strand for their service and dedication to the Association. There was unanimous agreement by all of the board on this point.

Meeting adjourned at 2:51by consensus of the Board of Directors

INFORMATION ITEMS: Available on website under Resources/NAI Admin Docs/Board Meeting Materials

  • Board Officer reports
  • Office report
  • Committee reports
  • Treasurers report
  • Minutes/August 2014 board meeting
  • Financials (on Financial Information page )

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