Mythology Fall Semester, 2010 Mrs. O’Brien
Planning Period: 1st hour
Class Rationale:
Myths are humanity’s earliest attempts to explain the universe, its creation, and its workings. The study of the mythology of a particular culture reveals the way of life and thought of that culture. Since our civilization traces its roots back to ancient Greece, knowledge of classical mythology is important for us to understand our culture.
Also, we see many allusions of classical mythology in our daily lives. For example, we often see mythological references in our television shows and our movies. So, an understanding of classical mythology helps us understand many of the images we see and/or read.
This class is designed to:
- Make students aware of classical mythology
- Make students aware of what mythology says about a culture that created it
- Make students aware of how myths compare and contrast to other cultures and times (include our culture in the present time)
- Make students aware of how mythology has influenced succeeding generations even up to today
Students could have the following types of assignments:
- Class participation
- In-class readings
- Reading homework
- In-class writings
- Homework writings
- Solo/group projects and presentations
- Announced/pop quizzes
- Exams/assessments
Mythology Supply List
Please purchase the following supplies for class:
- Notebook paper
- College or wide ruled
- Colored paper is fine.
- Binder or folder
- You will receive multiple handouts.
- Your final exam will be over everything during the semester.
- Ink pens
- Assignments completed in pencil are NOT accepted unless told otherwise.
- No pastels, please.
Basic Rules
- Students are required to follow disciplinary rules according to the student handbook.
- In order to leave the classroom for any reason, students must have their student planner.
- Students are required to bring the necessary supplies to class every day:
- Textbook
- Paper
- Folder/binder for handouts
- Ink pens
- Any assignments that are due
Make-Up Work Policy:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask for your make-up work. If you have an excused absence, you may make up the work for full credit according to the school’s make-up work policy. If your absence is unexcused, you may not have the work orsubmit any work that was due on the day of your unexcused absence.
Late Work Policy:
I do not accept late work from students UNLESS they fall under any of the following categories:
- Students who have an IEP in Communication Arts (English Classes)
- Case managers will give me a list of students who have an IEP.
- Students who are enrolled in Mrs. Hoover’s PRIDE program
- Mrs. Hoover will give me a list of her students.
Please return this page on or before ______
I have read, and I understand, Mrs. O’Brien’s Mythology syllabus.
Student signature______DATE______
Parent/Guardian signature______DATE______