Birds’ Amazing Bodies / Grade 1: Module 3: Unit 3: Lesson 2

Mystery Bird Riddle Card #2

SL.1.1c, SL.1.3

Note to Teachers: Because students will write their own riddles for the performance task, consider rewriting the text on this card by hand for students to provide a more accurate model.

Mystery Bird Riddle #2

This bird has thick feathers. The feathers help to protect the bird from the hot sun so it does not burn their skin. This bird has very wide wings. It uses its wings to soar effortlessly through the sky so it can search the ground below for food.

What is this bird?


Expert Bird Riddle Criteria Anchor Chart

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

Note to Teachers: Create this anchor chart as a final product using the information from the Riddle Criteria Brainstorm anchor chart from Lesson 1. Consider adding picture clues to help students remember the criteria.

Criteria for the
Expert Bird Riddle / Picture clue
Facts from research to teach the reader about two body parts and how they help the bird survive
Adjectives to help the reader understand the bird body part
First word of each sentence is capitalized
Beginning and ending punctuation
Spelling of bird and high-frequency words is accurate
Criteria for the
Expert Bird Riddle / Picture clue
Paper is neat (not wrinkled and no scribbles)
The words are on the lines
The words are large enough to read

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Cover Page

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Expert Birds Research Notebook

Expert Bird Name: / Cardinal

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 1a

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Day 1 - Class Notes Research

What is your expert bird?


What body part helps the bird survive?


How does this body part help the bird survive?

The feathers are colored to help the cardinal hide from enemies.

Labeled sketch of the body part (use adjectives in your labels):
Sketch of how the body part helps the bird survive:

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 1b

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Day 1 -Class Notes Research

What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Reaches into flowers to get nectar / What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Pounds holes in trees to find food
What is your expert bird?
Blue jay
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Keep them warm / What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Scoops fish out of water
What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Slide on ice and snow / What is your expert bird?
Wood duck
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Line nest to keep eggs warm

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 2a

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Days 2 & 3 -Little Kids First Big Book of Birds Research

What is your expert bird?


What body part helps the bird survive?

Large, cone-shaped beak

How does this body part help the bird survive?

Cracks seeds to eat

Labeled sketch of the body part (use adjectives in your labels):
Sketch of how the body part helps the bird survive:

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 2b

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Days 2 & 3 - Little Kids First Big Book of Birds Research

What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Stay in place to drink from flowers / What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Cling to trees to peck for food
What is your expert bird?
Blue jay
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Carries acorns to eat / What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
Large mouth pouch
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Helps it catch and carry the fish it eats
What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Used as flippers to help swim / What is your expert bird?
Wood duck
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Move through trees to find a home

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 3a

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Day 4 - “Did You Know?” Research

What is your expert bird?


What body part helps the bird survive?


How does this body part help the bird survive?

The cardinal uses its feet to scratch the ground to look for food.

Labeled sketch of the body part (use adjectives in your labels):
Sketch of how the body part helps the bird survive:

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 3b

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.7, W.1.8

Day 4 - “Did You Know?” Research

What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Travel to many flowers / What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
Long neck; feet; beaks
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Move farther from tree to peck harder; grip tree to pound a hole; pound holes in trees
What is your expert bird?
Blue jay
What body part helps the bird survive?
Feathers; throat
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Trap air to keep it warm; pouch holds acorns / What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
Webbed feet
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Swim in water to get fish that it eats
What is your expert bird?
What body part helps the bird survive?
Spiny tongues; webbed feet
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Grip prey; swim for food / What is your expert bird?
Wood duck
What body part helps the bird survive?
Beaks; webbed feet
How does this body part help the bird survive?
Pick up acorns; swim through water

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 4

Scientific Drawing Drafts

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

Expert Bird Draft #1

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 5

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

Expert Bird Draft #2

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 6

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

Expert Bird Draft #3

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Cover Page

W.1.7, W.1.8

Expert Bird Name: ______

My Name: ______

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 1

W.1.7, W.1.8

Day 1 - Class Notes Research

What is your expert bird?


What body part helps the bird survive?


How does this body part help the bird survive?


Labeled sketch of the body part (use adjectives in your labels):
Sketch of how the body part helps the bird survive:

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 2

W.1.7, W.1.8

Days 2 & 3 -Little Kids First Big Book of Birds Research

What is your expert bird?


What body part helps the bird survive?


How does this body part help the bird survive?


Labeled sketch of the body part (use adjectives in your labels):
Sketch of how the body part helps the bird survive:

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 3

W.1.7, W.1.8

Day 4 - “Did You Know?” Research

What is your expert bird?


What body part helps the bird survive?


How does this body part help the bird survive?


Labeled sketch of the body part (use adjectives in your labels):
Sketch of how the body part helps the bird survive:

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 4

Scientific Drawing Drafts

Expert Bird Draft #1

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 5

Expert Bird Draft #2

Expert Birds Research Notebook - Page 6

Expert Bird Draft #3

Heron Expert Bird Scientific Drawing Card

Note to Teachers: Copy and cut the size of a large index card. Consider gluing to an index card or printing on cardstock to model final version.

Scientific Drawing Criteria Brainstorm
Anchor Chart

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

W.1.2, SL.1.1c, SL.1.3

Note to Teachers: This chart is co-created with students in Work Time C.
Suggestions are included below.

Criteria for the Expert Bird Scientific Drawing

  • Uses shapes for the body
  • Correct size of body parts
  • Correct placement of body parts
  • Details

Scientific Drawing Criteria Brainstorm
Recording Form

(Example, for Teacher Reference)

How did the artist make the bird look real?

Drew body parts the correct size and shape

How does the drawing on the card look?


How did the artist draw the bird on the card?

Filled the entire card and made the bird look real

Scientific Drawing Criteria Brainstorm
Recording Form

Name: ______ Date: ______

How did the artist make the bird look real?

How does the drawing on the card look?

How did the artist draw the bird on the card?

Image Credits

Campbell, Rodney. “Red Tailed Hawk in Winter.” Photograph. Flickr. 28 Dec 2013. Web.

US Forest Service. “Eagle in Early Spring.” Photograph. Flickr. 27 February 2013. Web.

Illustration by Anna Loring for EL Education.

/ | Language Arts Curriculum / 1