Name: ______Date: ______
My To-Do List and Personal Contract- EGUSD
L1 Word Training Unit7
Lesson ONE:Tutorials
Check for Understanding
Decoding Activities
Encoding Activities
*For any Check for Understanding or Key Concept Quiz that is less than 70%, request that your score be reset.
/ Lesson THREE:
(4 Tutorials)
Check for Understanding
Decoding Activities
Encoding Activities
(4 Activities)
*For any Check for Understanding or Key Concept Quiz that is less than 70%, request that your score be reset.
Lesson TWO:
Independent Reading: Did you record your independent reading with your best attempt?
Check for Understanding
Decoding Activities
Key Concept Quiz
Encoding Activities
(4 Activities)
*For any Check for Understanding or Key Concept Quiz that is less than 70%, request that your score be reset. /
Lesson FOUR:
Independent Reading: Did you record your independent reading with your best attempt?
(4 Tutorials)
Check for Understanding
Decoding Activities
(3 Activities)
Key Concept Quiz
Encoding Activities
(4 Activities)
*For any Check for Understanding or Key Concept Quiz that is less than 70%, request that your score be reset.
Was your timed score in the target range?
Did you read the words clearly, loudly?
Did you truthfully review the quality of your reading? / GOAL 2: SPELL WORDS
Did you keep working until you earned a gold trophyby using the spelling rules you have learned?
GOAL 3: sentence completion
Did you keep working until you earned a gold trophy by making sure you applied the reading rule learned in the lessons? / Fluency Check (Units 3-12)
Did you read clearly and with expression?
Did you indicate any errors?
Did you accurately select the last word that you read?
Student Reflection:
One thing I learned during the phonics/wordy study lessons that was new and/or surprised me was…One part I had particular trouble with was…
As a result, my next steps are to …
One thing I would like to celebrate about my learning is …
(If applicable) I responded to my teacher’s fluency comments by…
Student Contract:
I understand that
- by signing this form and turning it in, I am statingthat I have tried my best at every activity and actually recorded my independent reading practice accurately.
- if I did not record or perform to the best of my ability, I will be sent back to repeat the lesson and will lose the work that I did after that repeated lesson.
- by completing all my work, I’m helping myself to have more successful opportunities in school and life by becoming a better reader.
X ______
Student Signature/Print Name
Teacher Contract:
I believe in your ability to be successful, and I will hold you accountable so that your reading skills significantly improve. I want you to have lots of opportunities for a successful future. Reading well is a key to your success. I will not quit on you, and I will do whatever is within my power to make sure you do not quit on yourself.