My experience in Dublin was nothing short of incredible. First, I wish the Dublin Marathon would have fallen on a Tuesday or Wednesday... or sometime other than the Sunday morning after a wild Saturday night. I had always believed that I could run a marathon if I really desired to, however I don’t know if I would have ever fully committed to one if I hadn’t been given the opportunity to run in Dublin by Pub 317. The race was challenging to say the least. Mile 1 to 5: You feel great - the crowds are cheering you on – this marathon is going to be a breeze. Mile 5 to 10: You still feel great; crowds are a little quieter, but you’re running through Phoenix Park and it’s absolutely stunning; the marathon is still going to be a breeze. Mile 13.1: You’re about ready to be done running… the problem is that you’re about 10 miles away from you started and the city is shut-down for the event so there’s no way to get a cab back – you’re going to have to run it. Mile 13 to 20: Mostly just pain; there’s crowds cheering you but you’re mostly just concerned with finding a child handing out candy to help boost your energy; you begin to realize that this journey may end up taking your life. Mile 20 to 25: Against all odds, this stretch has become more painful than the last; I grab a beer from a group of guys cheering on the racers and naturally… chug it!A beer later and my hopes of actually finishing have been restored. Mile 25 to 26.2: I feel pretty bad but I can’t stop now; the crowd is loud and there’s a ton of people cheering on the Montana boys; I’d still like to talk to this cute girl who yelled out “Montana! I’m from Salt Lake!!” – I would have stopped running to talk, but I honestly couldn’t feel my legs and I still wasn’t sure I was going to make it. I cross the finish line, I hug Chase (one of my best friends who travelled the entire way with me, ran the marathon, and went drink for drink with me the whole trip), cry a little bit, convince a woman to take a cheesy picture of us finishing, and hobble off to the bars for another wild night. Again, it was an incredible experience that I’ll surely never forget thanks to Pub 317!
My Experience in Dublin Was Nothing Short of Incredible. First, I Wish the Dublin Marathon