This event shows:

Ø  The conflict between Alexander and his troops

Ø  The causes of this conflict

Ø  Alexander’s determination to follow the policy of fusion


Use page 104 of Artus to fill in the gaps below.

The cause of this mutiny was the arrival of the Successors at Susa. The Successors were 30 000 young Persians who were trained as Macedonian soldiers. They wore Macedonian clothes, carried Macedonian equipment, and spoke Greek. The Successors were part of Alexander’s Policy of Fusion and were needed in his army to bolster numbers.

Alexander announced that the old or disabled would be released from service with a great bounty. This caused the angry Macedonians to mutiny.

The Macedonian troops were convinced that Alexander was trying to replace them with the Successors. They were angry about Alexander’s adoption of Persian dress and told Alexander to carry on without them and with the help of his “father”, Ammon.

Alexander was furious. He ordered his officers to arrest and execute the ringleaders ( thirteen in total). He then yelled at the troops telling them that they were ungrateful. He spoke of his father, Philip, and his achievements in Greece but that his achievements had been better:

Ø  He had them to Asia where they had conquered area after area

Ø  They had gained wealth and glory because of him

Ø  The dead had received fitting honours

Ø  He had suffered with them

Alexander had explained that he was only trying to help those who were unfit but that now they had all abandoned him.

Alexander shut himself in his palace for two days and when it was obvious that his men were not going to relent he issued orders for Persians to be enrolled in Macedonian units such as the Companions, Hypaspists.

This produced the result that Alexander was looking for. His men rushed to ask his forgiveness which he gave to them. Alexander had won. A great feast was held to celebrate this reconciliation of differences between the Macedonians and the Persians.

Craterus took the veterans home. He was an opponent of the policy of fusion and a bitter enemy of Hephaestion and this gave Alexander the opportunity to appoint Hephaestion as Grand Vizier of the empire. Craterus was to replace Antipater as regent and Antipater was to join Alexander with fresh troops.


This event shows:

Ø  The conflict between Alexander and his troops

Ø  The causes of this conflict

Ø  Alexander’s determination to follow the policy of fusion


Use page 104 of Artus to fill in the gaps below.

The cause of this mutiny was the arrival of the ______at____ . The Successors were ______young ______who were trained as Macedonian soldiers. They wore ______, carried ______, and spoke _____. The Successors were part of Alexander’s ______and were needed in his army to bolster numbers.

Alexander announced that the ___ or ______would be released from service with a great ______.This caused the angry Macedonians to ______.

The Macedonian troops were convinced that Alexander was trying to ______them with the Successors. They were angry about Alexander’s adoption of Persian _____ and told Alexander to carry on without them and with the help of his “father”, ______.

Alexander was ______. He ordered his officers to arrest and execute the ______( ______in total). He then yelled at the troops telling them that they were ______. He spoke of his father, ______, and his achievements in Greece but that his achievements had been better:





Alexander had explained that he was only trying to help those who were unfit but that now they had all ______him.

Alexander shut himself in his palace for ___ days and when it was obvious that his men were not going to relent he issued orders for ______to be enrolled in Macedonian units such as the ______, ______.

This produced the result that Alexander was looking for. His men rushed to ask his ______which he gave to them. Alexander had ___. A great feast was held to celebrate this reconciliation of differences between the ______and the ______.

______took the veterans home. He was an opponent of the policy of fusion and a bitter enemy of Hephaestion and this gave Alexander the opportunity to appoint Hephaestion as ______of the empire. Craterus was to replace ______as regent and Antipater was to join Alexander with fresh troops.