Mustang Flyer 2-9-17
Hello MPE!
Thank you for your patience and cooperation yesterday with our unexpected morning gas leak. We so appreciate our rock star staff for taking it in stride and making sure everything went smoothly. Thank all of you for your patience. We are grateful it was resolved quickly.
It was fun to see so many smiling faces at Lucia’s Spirit Night on Tuesday! Thank you to the Klatts for hosting and to all who participated to support MPE! The Parent Coffee scheduled for February 10th has been cancelled. We will host another Parent Coffee on March 17th.
Thank you all for a wonderful Staff Appreciation Week last week. Our team felt special and honored. We are all looking forward to the fabulous production of Peter Pan Jr. coming up at the end of the month.
Take care,
Stacy Perlman
Tickets Available for ‘Peter Pan, Jr.’
Submitted by Rachel Merrell
It’s almost here! The cast has been practicing and working hard! We are looking forward to MPE Drama’s production of “Peter Pan, Jr.” Tickets are available for the show at 6:30 PM Thursday, Feb. 23. Performances will be held at the Milton Center in Alpharetta. If you would like tickets, you can get them by filling out the attached order form and returning it to school in an envelope labeled “Play Tickets.” All tickets are $10 each. We would hate for you to miss it, so get your tickets now before they sell out. Checks should be made payable to MPE PTA. All tickets sold to non-cast members will be held at Will Call and can be picked up on the evening of the show. Non-cast members will receive a confirmation email when your ticket order has been received.
5th Grade Celebration Forms Arriving Soon
Submitted by Kim Donaldson
Attention 5th grade parents! Our 5th grade celebration is quickly approaching. Your child will be receiving a packet of forms regarding the celebration in an envelope this week. Please read over each form closely. Packets are due back March 3. Please direct any questions to Kim Donaldson at k or Stephanie Parmele at .
School Café Serves Farm-Fresh Strawberries in February
Submitted by Susan Juers
In February, the strawberries served at lunch are part of Fulton County’s School Nutrition Farm to School Initiative. The strawberries have been grown and harvested from farmers across the Southeast. Since the strawberries are grown nearby, they are at peak freshness, more environmentally friendly and help support our local farmers! Did you know that a serving of just eight strawberries has more vitamin C than a medium orange?
PTA Highlights
Submitted by Sabrina Howry and Susan Westbury
Special thanks to Jill Underwood, Jo Harris, Stephanie Parmele and the entire Staff Appreciation Committee who did a fantastic job organizing last week’s events!
We are currently filling positions on the PTA Full Board for the 2017/18 school year. If you are interested in chairing a committee or would like more information, please contact Traci Hartog at . Those interested in being part of the 5th Grade Farewell Committee next year can contact Jill Underwood at . A list of our currently held Full Board positions can be found at under the Communications tab.
Reminder to Register for RHS Boys’ Soccer Clinic
Submitted by Ernie and Tina Cameron
It’s not too late to register for the Roswell High School Boys’ Winter Soccer Clinic. The RHS Boys’ Soccer Clinic is for boys ages 6-14, and will be from 1-4 PM Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Roswell High School Stadium. The clinic, run by RHS coaches and players, costs $75. Have serious fun and improve your soccer skills! Register online: Questions: .
Did You Miss a Link?
- Check out the new PTA website at .
- For more information on Digital Citizenship and Common Sense Education, please visit .
- For more information on Box Tops for Education, go to To learn more about Labels for Education, visit , and for details on My Coke Rewards, go to . For questions on any of these three programs, please contact Christine Finch at .
- To enroll in Kroger CommunityRewards, please visit
February/March Calendar
*Fridays are Spirit Days!
- Feb. 14 | Valentine’s Day Parties (K-2)
- Feb. 17 | NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 20 | Presidents’ Day, NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 22 | Katha Stuart Community Board Meeting, 9:30 AM Esther Jackson ES
- Feb. 22 | Peter Pan Jr. Dress Rehearsal
- Feb. 23-24 | Peter Pan Jr. Performance, 6:30 PM, Milton Center
- Feb. 25 | Peter Pan Jr. Performance, 5:30 PM, Milton Center
- Feb. 27-28 | Book Fair Preview
- Feb. 28 | Zaxby’s Spirit Night
- March 1-3 | Book Fair
- March 1-3 | Donuts with Dads and Dear Ones, 7:15-7:40 AM
- March 3 | School Governance Council Meeting, 7:30 AM
- March 7 | PTA Executive Board Meeting, 8:30 AM; Staff Appreciation Snack Attack (sponsored by grades 2 and 3), All Day
- March 9 | 3rd Quarter Ends
- March 10 | Teacher Workday, NO SCHOOL
- March 13 | Professional Development Day, NO SCHOOL
- March 16 | Progress Reports Sent Home
- March 16 | PTA General Meeting, 6 PM, 2nd Grade Performs
- March 17 | Parent Coffee, 8 AM
- March 21 | Katha Stuart Community Board Meeting, 9:30 AM Elkins Pointe MS
- March 24 | International Festival, 5 PM
- March 28 | Volunteer Brunch, 9-11 AM
- March 28 | Hola Spirit Night
Dates and venues subject to change.
For current calendar information, please visit mpepta/calendar