Music – Kindergarten
EALR 1 – Music
The student understands and applies arts knowledge and skills in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts.
Component1.1 / Understands and applies music concepts and vocabulary.
GLE: 1.1.1 – Beat and Rhythm
Understands and remembers the elements of music while creating, performing, and responding to music.
· Explores and experiences beat in song and movement.
· Explores, identifies, and uses long and short sounds.
- Sings and plays fast and slow beat and rhythm with multiple rhythm and small percussion instruments.
- Uses instruments and singing to echo teacher led melodic and rhythmic patterns, such as the rhythms of student names and simple songs, while maintaining a steady beat.
- Demonstrates steady beat with body and instruments: alone, with partners, and in groups.
- Moves to music using games, songs, and dances.
- Plays and performs music using pitched and non-pitched instruments.
GLE: 1.1.2 – Pitch and Melody
Understands and remembers the elements of music while creating, performing, and responding to music.
· Illustrates visually that sounds can move up or down, or stay the same.
· Recognizes upward and downward sounds.
· Recognizes aurally and sings the interval of a minor third using sol-mi or other melodic systems.
· Matches a given pitch when singing simple songs.
- Sings and matches pitches by echo and call and response.
- Matches pitches when singing simple songs and melodies, such as nursery rhymes, rounds, traditional, patriotic, and partner songs (Row, Row, Row Your Boat, The Eensy Weensy Spider, Are You Sleeping, etc.), or world language songs.
- Explores on barred instruments.
- Draws musical notation that demonstrates high and low.
- Moves the body to demonstrate high and low.
- Follows or copies teacher’s movements with voice and body.
GLE: 1.1.3 – Harmony, Texture, and Timbre/Tone Color
Understands and remembers the elements of music while creating, performing, and responding to music.
· Recognizes that different sources can make similar and/or different sounds.
· Identifies the difference between singing, speaking, whispering, and calling voices.
— Demonstrates humming, whistling, nonsense syllables, laughing, and body percussion in songs such as Whistle While You Work, I Love to Laugh, and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
— Identifies the differences and/or similarities between vocal and instrumental sounds.
GLE: 1.1.4 – Form
Understands and remembers the elements of music while creating, performing, and responding to music.
· Demonstrates simple and basic musical forms through movement.
· Demonstrates call and response and echo songs.
- Echoes vocal and rhythmic phrases.
- Moves to an ABA song with contrasting B section.
- Sings a variety of songs with varying forms.
GLE: 1.1.5 – Expression: Dynamics, Style, Tempo, Phrasing
Understands and remembers the elements of music while creating, performing, and responding to music.
· Explores and uses loud-quiet (dynamics) and fast-slow (tempos).
- Moves to a steady beat in fast and slow tempos as played by the teacher (clapping with a drum, using body percussion, playing pitched or non-pitched instruments or piano, etc.).
- Demonstrates loud-quiet (dynamics) through movement, such as moving in big motions when the music is loud and moving in small motions when the music is quiet, or by using inside and outside voices.
1.2 / Develops music skills and techniques.
GLE: 1.2.1
Analyzes, understands, and applies skills and techniques while creating, performing, and responding.
· Explores musical skills and techniques with teacher’s direction and assistance:
o Reading Music
o Performing
o Composing
o Sight Singing/Reading
o Playing Instruments
o Singing
o Improvising
o Conducting
o Chanting
· Demonstrates appropriate care of musical instruments.
- Performs melodic and rhythmic echoes.
1.3 / Understands and applies music genres and styles of various artists, cultures, and times.
GLE: 1.3.1
Remembers and recalls musical experiences of diverse genres, artists, cultures, and/or times.
· Recalls musical experiences from the community, culture, and traditions of the students.
- Shares a musical example and experience from a community tradition, such as a folk song, nursery rhyme, game song, children’s melody, or lullaby.
1.4 / Understands and applies audience conventions in a variety of arts settings and performances for music.
GLE: 1.4.1
Remembers and applies audience conventions in a variety of musical settings and performances.
· Demonstrates self-control.
· Describes appropriate behavior for a music performance in a specific setting.
- Sits quietly while keeping hands to self.
EALR 2 – Music
The student uses the artistic processes of creating, performing/presenting, and responding to demonstrate thinking skills in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts.
Component2.1 / Applies a creative process to music. (Identifies, explores, gathers, interprets, uses, implements, reflects, refines, and presents/performs)
GLE: 2.1.1
Remembers and understands how to use a creative process when creating music.
· Demonstrates a creative process:
o Explores music elements to create, experience, and discover music.
o Uses music elements to create music through guided exploration.
- Explores musical elements through multi-sensory experiences, such as hearing, seeing, saying, and doing.
- Moves to music following peers or teacher.
2.2 / Applies a performance process to music. (Identifies, selects, analyzes, interprets, rehearses, adjusts, refines, presents, produces, reflects, and self-evaluates)
GLE: 2.2.1
Remembers and understands how to use a performance process when preparing and performing music.
· Demonstrates a performance process:
o Rehearses and presents music for performance.
- Performs music through multi-sensory experiences.
- Performs a circle dance with multi-cultural music.
2.3 / Applies a responding process to a music performance and/or presentation. (Engages, describes, analyzes, interprets, and evaluates)
GLE: 2.3.1
Remembers and understands how to use a responding process when experiencing music.
· Demonstrates a responding process:
o Engages the senses actively and purposefully while experiencing music.
o Describes what is seen, felt, and/or heard (perceived/experienced) when responding to music.
— Draws a picture following a live or recorded music performance.
— Relates sounds to personal experiences.
EALR 3 – Music
The student communicates through the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts).
Component3.1 / Uses music to express feelings and present ideas.
GLE: 3.1.1
Remembers and understands how music is used to express ideas and feelings.
· Recognizes that feelings can be expressed through music.
- Shares feelings after hearing various types of musical pieces, such as the Flight of the Bumble Bee by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
3.2 / Uses music to communicate for a specific purpose.
GLE: 3.2.1
Remembers and understands that music communicates for a specific purpose.
· Experiences (with teacher’s direction) music that communicates for a given purpose.
· Sings multiple folk and children’s songs and games.
- Sings a nursery rhyme or song, such as London Bridges, Old McDonald, or BINGO, and plays the musical game with classmates.
3.3 / Develops personal aesthetic criteria to communicate artistic choices in music.
GLE: 3.3.1
Remembers that personal aesthetic criteria are used to communicate artistic choices.
· Identifies and shares music and why it is pleasing.
· Shares (with teacher’s direction) how personal aesthetic choices are reflected in music and/or performances.
— Describes a piece of music and tells why it is pleasing.
EALR 4 – Music
The student makes connections within and across the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) to other disciplines, life, cultures, and work.
Component4.1 / Demonstrates and analyzes the connections among the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts).
GLE: 4.1.1
Remembers skills, concepts, and vocabulary that music has in common with other arts disciplines.
· Explores and discovers music concepts used in multiple arts disciplines.
· Uses common arts vocabulary when describing artworks.
— Listens to a story, such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar or Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle, and then retells it using small percussion instruments.
— Recalls Going on a Bear Hunt and describes how using loud/soft and fast/slow is used in music and speech (theatre).
— Demonstrates age appropriate audience skills in a variety of presentations/performances.
4.2 / Demonstrates and analyzes the connections among the arts and between the arts and other content areas.
GLE: 4.2.1
Remembers skills, concepts, and vocabulary that music has in common with other content areas.
· Explores and recognizes that arts concepts occur in other content areas.
— Sings songs that align to district adopted reading curriculum.
— Performs chants designed to help students remember core concepts.
— Creates simple sound patterns and recognizes how an AB sound pattern resembles a similar math pattern.
4.3 / Understands how the arts impact and reflect personal choices throughout life.
GLE: 4.3.1
Remembers how music impacts personal choices.
· Recognizes examples of music in the classroom.
— Recognizes songs sung at school, at home, and in the community.
— Discusses family celebrations, traditional holidays and events, and the music that is connected to them.
4.4 / Understands how the arts influence and reflect cultures/civilization, place, and time.
GLE: 4.4.1
Remembers the specific attributes of a musical work that reflect its cultural and historical context.
· Recognizes songs from various cultures.
— Moves to and sings simple songs from various cultures.
— Explores and plays instruments from various cultures.
— Learns how music celebrates people’s lives and cultural traditions.
4.5 / Understands how arts knowledge and skills are used in the world of work, including careers in the arts.
GLE: 4.5.1
Remembers how music knowledge, skills, and work habits are used in the world of work, including careers in music.
· Explores and practices work habits needed to create music.
· Shares and demonstrates different music-related careers and work habits through creative dramatics.
· Explores and practices work habits needed to participate in music class.
— Dramatizes conducting while listening to music.
— Learns about professional musicians and their careers from a class presentation and discusses what it is like to be a professional musician.