Music byAlan Menken
Lyrics byHoward AshmanandTim Rice
Book byLinda Woolverton

Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 Phone: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-397-4684

Dear Teachers

Be Our Guest! The Academy Award-winning film comes to life in this romantic and beloved take on the classic fairytale. (60 Minute Version for Young Performers).
Step into the enchanted world ofDisney's Beauty And The Beast JR.Featuring songs from the Academy Award-winning animated feature, this stage version includes music by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, along with new songs by Mr. Menken and Tim Rice.
The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed to his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity.

Curriculum Connections


We thank you for sharing this special experience with your students and hope that this study Guide helps you connect the performance to your in-classroom curriculum in ways that you find valuable. In the following pages, you will find contextual information about the performance and related subjects, as well as a variety of discussion questions and activities. Some pages are appropriate to reproduce for your students; others are designed more specifically with you, their teacher, in mind. As such, we hope that you are able to “pick and choose” material and ideas from the study guide to meet your class unique needs.

See you at the theatre!

“No child is fully educated or adequately prepared to live in an increasingly technological world without understanding the meaningand beauty transmitted by the arts.”

-J.P. Getty Trust - Beyond Creating a Place for Art in America’s School, 1985

About KCP

KCP is a not-for-profitorganization committedto bringing the Arts to schools and the community.

The mission of KCP is to:

  • Entertain and inspire our audience by producing memorable musicals
  • Create opportunities for the community to participate in high quality productions both on stage and behind the scenes
  • Enhance development of youth in the arts by providing a variety of educational experiences in all aspects of theatre, supporting the Ontario Curriculum
  • Celebrate the talent, commitment and achievements of our volunteers

KCP brings professional and local artists together to share their art form and craft with the youth of the community, while post-performance Q&A sessions with the cast and production team offer the audience the opportunity to explore each show as a living, evolving piece of art.

KCP sets the highest standard for performance quality in our region.


Attending a live performance is a unique and exciting opportunity. Unlike the passive experience of watching a movie, audience members play an important role in every live performance. As they act, sing, dance, or play instruments, the performers on stage are very aware of the audience’s mood and level of engagement. Each performance calls for a different response from audience members. Lively bands, musicians, and dancers may desire the audience to focus silently on the stage and applaud only during natural breaks in the performance.

Audience members can often take cues from performers on how to respond to the performance appropriately. For example, performers will often pause or bow for applause at a specific time.

Through KCP Youth Production curriculum-connected performances for school audiences, students are encouraged to discover the rich, diverse world of performing arts.


Here is a checklist of general guidelines to follow when you visit Georgian Theatre:

Leave all food, drinks, and chewing gum at school or on the bus

Cameras, recording devices, and personal listening devices are not permitted in the theatre

Turn off and put away all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices before the performance begins

Do not text during the performance

Respect the theatre, remember to keep your feet off of the seats and avoid bouncing up and down

When the house lights dim, the performance is about to begin. Please stop talking at this time

Talk before and after the performance only. Remember, the theatre is designed to amplify sound. Other audience members and the performers on stage can hear your voice!

Use the restroom before the performance or wait until the end. If you must leave the theatre during the show, make sure the first set of doors closes before you open the second — this will keep unwanted light from spilling into the theatre and ask an adult to accompany you.

Appropriate responses such as laughing and applauding are appreciated. Pay attention to the artists on stage — they will let you know what is appropriate

Open your eyes, ears, mind, and heart to the entire experience. Enjoy yourself!

Thank you for choosing KCP and attending our Youth Show.

Below are tips for organizing a safe and successful field trip to the Georgian Theatre.


Please contact the Andrée Day at 705-241-2787 or .

Thank you!


  • Please include all students, teachers, and chaperones in your ticket request.
  • After you submit your ticket request, you will receive a confirmation e-mail within five business days. Your invoice will be attached to the confirmation e-mail.
  • Payment policies and options are located at the top of the invoice. Payment (or a purchase order) for your reservation is due two weeks prior to the date of the performance.
  • Tickets are not printed for school performances. Your invoice will serve as the reservation confirmation for your group order.
  • Schedule buses to arrive at the theatre at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the performance. This will allow time to park, walk to the theatre and be seated in the theatre.
  • Performances are approximately 60 minutes unless otherwise noted on the website and printed materials.


ARRIVAL at Georgian Theatre(Georgian College)

  • Any teacher/chaperone driving to the theatre need to be prepared to pay$5 (coins or tokens) in order to exit the College parking lot
  • When arriving at Georgian Theatre, please have an adult lead your group for identification and check-in purposes. You may enter the building though the front lobby of the College; a KCP usher may be stationed outside the building to direct you.
  • KCP members will usher groups into the building as quickly as possible. Once inside, you will be directed to the check-in area.
  •  Ushers will escort groups to their seats; various seating factors including group size, grade levels, arrival time, and special needs seating requests may be used to assign a group’s specific location in the theatre.
  • We request that an adult lead the group into the theatre and other adults position themselves throughout the group; we request this arrangement for supervision purposes, especially in the event that a group must be seated in multiple rows.
  • Please allow ushers to seat your entire group before rearranging seat locations and taking groups to the restroom.


  • In case of a medical emergency, please notify the nearest usher.
  • We ask that adults handle any disruptive behaviour in their groups. If the behaviour persists, an usher may request your group to exit the theatre.
  • Following the performance and after the Q&A period, groups will remain seated until they are called to exit the theatre and proceed to their bus (es).

What is Musical Theatre?

Musical theatre is defined as the presentation of a story using the elements of music, singing,dancing, on a stage in front of a live audience. This art of telling stories either through or withsongs dates back to time immemorial. The ancient Greeks included music and dance in many oftheir stage comedies and tragedies as early as the 5th Century B.C. Staged in open-airamphitheatres, these plays featured humour, political and social satire, jugglers, and anything elsethat might entertain the masses. While these plays had no direct effect on the development ofmusical theatre as we know it, they prove that musicals have been around for at least 2500 years.

Elements of Production

A musical is much more than the 90 minute show the audience sees. The productionprocess often takes many months to complete.

Creative Team

No musical would be possible without the imagination or inspiration of its authors. Many times,the idea for a show grows from an existing book, play, article, or movie. Other times, authorswrite musicals from an original idea or concept. Once an idea is developed, composers andlyricists begin to write the songs. The music needs to not only fit the overall tone and pace of the

Musical, but also contain lyrics that help the audience understand the story and its characters.

The choreographer designs dance sequences for the performers. The dances are intricatemovements that allow the performers to express the meaning of each song. The director workswith all of them to help guide the overall artistic vision of the show.


There are many jobs in the theatre. From the people who develop the show to the performers you see on stage, it takes a lot of effort and teamwork to bring a story to the stage. Help your students think about the many jobs in the theatre by reviewing the following information about all the people who worked to create Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr.

THE PRODUCERcoordinates and is responsible for all aspects of production, both technical and artistic• Organizes, prioritizes and manages finances, personnel, and scheduling. The producer keeps up to date on all developments from inception to final wrap-up of the project. Ensures everyone has a clear job description and is able to do their job effectively. Fosters team spirit

THEDIRECTOR tells the actors where to go on stage and how to interpret their characters. The director makes sure everyone is doing a good job telling the story.

THE MUSIC DIRECTOR is responsible to the director for all musical aspects of the production. The musical director may serve as the conductor, rehearse the musicians, teach the cast the music or act as the rehearsal pianist.

THE ACTORSare all of the people who you see on the stage. They work together as a team to rehearsethe play, memorize their lines, and learn their songs.

THE SET DESIGNERcreates the world where the actors tell the story. The set designer imaginesall of the pieces you see on stage and figures out how the stage changes from scene to scene.

COSTUME DESIGNERimagines the clothes and costumes that the actors wear to help them becomethe characters.

STAGE MANAGERis responsible for making sure everything relating to a particular productionhappens when and how it is supposed to happen.

MAKE UP ARTIST is responsible to ensure the cast has proper make up for stage and applies special effects make up if needed.

SOUND DESIGNER is responsible for ensuring overall quality of the music and vocals.

BACKSTAGE CREW: You may not see them, but there are lots of people backstage who build and operate the scenery,costumes, props, lights, and sound during the performance.

THE AUDIENCE: That’s right! There can be no performance without you, the audience. The role of the audience is unique because you experience the show with the performers and backstage crew. You are a collaborator in theperformance and it is important to learn your role so you can join all the people who work to create the production.


1. Read the story Beauty and the Beast together in class.

a. Identify the main topic and discuss key details in the text.

b. With prompting identify characters, settings and major events.

2. Have a brief discussion about the differences between reading a story and seeing it as a musical. The stage version of the story will be different, but all the themes and major events will stay the same.

a. Has anyone seen a play or musical before?

b. Discuss expectations and theatre etiquette.

3. Relating To the Character

Belle… the most beautiful girl in the town, falls in love with the Beast

Gaston… a handsome but egotistical hunter who is in love with Belle

The Beast… is actually a young prince who lives in a castle, falls in love with Belle

Maurice… Belle’s father, gets thrown into the dungeon by the Beast

Lefou… Gaston’s sidekick who finds Maurice’s scarf in the woods

Mrs. Potts…a teapot that is actually a servant who lives in the castle

Lumiere… a candelabra that is actually a servant who lives in the castle

Cogsworth… a mantle clock that is actually a servant who lives in the castle

Musical numbers

♥ Prologue/ The Enchantress

♥ Belle/ Belle, Gaston, Lefou, Silly Girls

♥ Maurice

♥ Belle (Reprise) /Belle

♥ Home/Belle/Mrs Potts

♥ Gaston/Lefou, Gaston, Silly Girls, Tavern Patrons

♥ Gaston (Reprise)

♥ Be Our Guest/Lumiere, Mrs Potts, Cogsworth, Madame De La Grande Bouche, Chip, Babette, Enchanted Objects

♥ Something There/Belle, Beast, Lumiere, Mrs Potts, Chip, Enchanted Objects

♥ Human Again/Lumiere, Madame De La Grande Bouche, Cogsworth, Mrs Potts, Babette, Chip, Enchanted Objects

♥ Beauty and the Beast/Mrs Potts

♥ The Mob Song/Gaston, Lefou, Monsieur D’Arque, townspeople

♥ The Battle/The Company

♥ Transformation/Beast, Belle

Beauty and the Beast (Reprise)/ The Company


Once upon a time in a faraway land, an Enchantress turns a cruel, unfeeling Prince into a hideous Beast. To break the spell, the Beast must learn to love another and earn her love in return before the last petal falls from an enchanted rose.
Ten years later, in a small village far below the Beast's castle, a beautiful and intelligent young woman, Belle, yearns for something more than her provincial life ("Belle"). On his way to show his invention at a fair, Belle's father, Maurice, gets lost and seeks shelter in a castle. Enchanted Servants - Cogsworth, Lumiere, Babette, Mrs. Potts and Chip - try to make Maurice comfortable, but the Beast imprisons the intruder. To the dismay of the Silly Girls who fawn over Gaston, the village brute proposed to Belle, who turns him down ("Belle - Reprise").
When Belle sees Gaston's sidekick Lefou wearing her father's scarf, Belle runs off to search for him. Belle finds her missing father at the castle and offers herself in exchange for his freedom. The Beast agrees, sends Maurice back to the village, and escorts Belle to her bedroom, where she considers what she has done ("Home"). Seeing their guest forlorn, Mrs. Potts and Madame de la Grande Bouche comfort Belle ("Home - Tag").
In the village tavern, Lefou and the Villagers try to lift Gaston's spirits ("Gaston"). When "crazy old" Maurice barges in claiming that he has seen a Beast, Gaston and Lefou form a plan to win Belle ("Gaston - Reprise"). At the castle, the Servants coach the Beast on how to act like a gentleman. When Belle refuses to accept the Beast's invitation to dinner, he loses his temper and tells her to starve.
However, Lumiére and the Servants offer Belle an extravagant feast anyway ("Be Our Guest"). While Cogsworth gives Belle a tour of the castle, she wanders off into the forbidden West Wing. The Beast discovers her there and explodes, which causes the frightened Belle to flee the castle. In the forest, Belle is attacked by wolves. The Beast saves her but is injured in the process.
Having a change of heart, Belle helps the Beast back to the castle and dresses his wounds. The Servants recognize something different between Belle and the Beast ("Something There") and express their hope that the spell may soon be broken ("Human Again"). Now dressed in a stunning gown, Belle dances with the Beast ("Beauty and the Beast").
Despite this new friendship, Belle longs to see her father. Using the Beast's magic mirror, Belle sees that Maurice is in trouble, so the Beast lets her go. Belle finds Maurice in the forest and takes him home to the village, where Gaston has arranged for Monsieur D'Arque to take him to the lunatic asylum. Belle proves that her father is not crazy by showing the Beast in the Magic Mirror.
Jealous of Belle's affection for someone else, Gaston whips the Villagers into frenzy to storm the castle and kill the Beast ("The Mob Song"). While the Servants defend the castle from the Villagers' attack, Gaston confronts and stabs the Beast in the West Wing, then runs away in shame when the Beast refuses to kill him. Belle arrives and holds the dying Beast in her arms ("Home - Reprise"), while her weeping breaks the spell. The Beast transforms back into the Prince, the Servants become human again, and they all live happily ever after ("Finale").