Anatomy & Physiology Mr. Haas

MUSCLE MAN due date: 3/1/12

Skeletal muscles makes up over half of the body weight in a lean individual. All muscles (quadriceps, biceps, etc.) are composed of thousands of muscle cells. These individual muscle cells contain two proteins - actin and myosin - which chemically interact and shorten the cell (and along with it the muscle itself) when the muscle cells are stimulated by a nerve impulse. Because skeletal muscles are so essential to all our daily activities, we are going to learn all the MAJOR skeletal muscles.


To learn and be able to name the major anterior and posterior, superficial skeletal muscles through producing a two dimensional muscle man.


1.  Project must be done individually or with 1 partner.

2.  Create a proportional, two foot tall muscle man in the anatomical position, using the figures on page 308 as a guide.

3.  Your muscle man must be two dimensional and include anterior and posterior views.

4.  Muscles must be drawn in the correct muscle fiber direction and colored (color pencils ONLY!).

5.  Your muscle man must also be cut out in the shape of a human body. (See samples)

6.  Your muscle man must include the following skeletal muscles labeled:

Head Muscles

frontalis orbicularis oculi oribicularis oris

buccinator zygomaticus occipitalis

masseter temporalis

Neck Muscles

platysma sternocleidomastoid

Trunk Muscles

pectoralis major external intercostals rectus abdominus

external obliques internal obliques transversus abdominus

trapezius latissimus dorsi deltoid

Muscles of the Upper Limbs

biceps brachii brachialis brachioradialis

triceps brachii flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris

extensor digitorum extensor carpi ulnaris extensor carpi radialis longus

Muscles of the Lower Limbs

gluteus maximus gluteus medius Iliopsoas

adductor muscle biceps femoris semimembranosus

semitendinosus sartorius rectus femoris

vastus medialis vastus lateralis hamstring group

quadriceps group tibialis anterior extensor digitorum longus

fibularis longus gastrocnemius soleus