Municipal Solid Waste Management & Resource Recovery Advisory Council (MSWRRAC) Meeting
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
12100 Park 35 Circle, Building E, Room 201S, Austin, Texas
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Members Present
Mr. Vance Kemler
Mr. Jeffrey Mayfield
Ms. Heather Douglas
Mr. Charles “Chuck” Rivette
Mr. David S. Yanke
Mr. Scott Trebus
Ms. Cheryl Mergo
Ms. Risa Weinberger
Mr. Robert “Holly” Holder
Mr. Jim Wolverton
Members Absent
Mr. Leo Smith
Ms. Yvette Salinas
Mr. Kevin Martinloch
Mr. Tim Davis
Mr. Maurice Pitts, Jr.
TCEQ Staff
Mr. Earl Lott
Mr. Chance Goodin
Ms. Diane Barnes
Mr. Mauricio Perez
Mr. Luke Furfey
Mr. Steve Hutchinson
Mr. Michael Wilhoit
Mr. David Greer
Ms. Kimberly Lile, Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC)
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests – Mr. Vance Kemler, Council President:
Mr. Kemler welcomed members and guests.
TCEQ Waste Permits Division (WPD) Update – Mr. Earl Lott, Division Director
Mr. Lott provided the following updates:
· 85th Legislative session convened on January 10th
Ø 6,790 bills filed
Ø 607 bills analyzed by TCEQ
Ø 65 bills being monitored by WPD
Ø Key Bills of interest:
s HB 2092 & 2479
s SB 570, 1628, 781, 1869, 2154, & 2155
TCEQ Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Update – Mr. Chance Goodin, Manager, MSW Permits Section
Mr. Goodin provided the following update:
· Staffing: 1 vacant position. Agency has hiring freeze in place through August.
· Program Streamlining Initiatives
Ø Conducting parallel administrative and technical reviews of permit applications will potentially shorten review by 54 days. Total review time for registration applications should shorten as well.
· Guidance Documents Update
Ø Water Balance Cover – Complete and available on TCEQ website
Ø Liner Guidance – Will be presented at the TCEQ Trade Fair
Ø Surface Water Drainage – In process of being updated
· TCEQ Trade Fair – May 16 & 17
· Standard Air Permit Rulemaking
Ø Air Permits Division is in conceptual stage of rulemaking project to repeal §330 Subchapter U and replace it with a non-rule standard permit under Chapter 116, Subchapter F.
Expiration of Council Positions
· Mr. Kemler presented the following information.
Ø 6 positions expiring August 31, 2017
s Mr. Vance Kemler – Position: Official from a city or county solid waste agency
s Mr. Jeff Mayfield – Position: Representative of Solid Waste District or Authority
s Mr. Maurice Pitts – Position: Elected Official from a County of Any Population Size
s Mr. Leo Smith – Position: Representative of the General Public
s Vacant – Position: Elected Official from a Municipality of Population of Fewer than 25,000
s Vacant – Position: Elected Official from a Municipality of Population Greater than 750,000
Ø Group Expiring August 31, 2019. (These positions need to be replaced due to vacancy or lack of attendance)
s Mr. Tim Davis – Position: Elected Official from a Municipality of Population between 25,000 and 100,000
s Ms. Yvette Salinas – Position: Representative of the General Public
s Vacant – Position: Elected Official from a Municipality of Population between 100,000 and 750,000
· Mr. Kemler also announced that he is retiring with the City of Denton at the end of May. Since he will no longer be eligible to serve as a council member, Mr. Holder, the council’s vice president, will serve as interim president until the new president is appointed later in the year.
· Mr. Hutchinson (WPD) discussed the application process for the expired positions. Applications will be posted in June or July on the TCEQ’s MSWRRAC website. There will be a 30-day deadline for submitting applications.
Study on the Economic Impacts of Recycling – Mr. David Greer, Pollution Prevention and Education Section, Environmental Assistance
Mr. Greer provided the following update:
· Continued progress. Project is still on track to meet goal. Final report will be included in the FY 2016 MSW annual summary.
Computer & TV Recycling Programs Update – Mr. Luke Furfey, Pollution Prevention and Education Section, Environmental Assistance
The program is designed to manufacture take back programs for computers, computer equipment, and TVs. Mr. Furfey provided a summary of the data results reported for the last couple of years.
2014/2015 Regional Solid Waste Grants Program – Ms. Kimberly Lile, Membership & Communication Coordinator, TARC
The program was setup by the 84th Legislature. The report indicates how the regional council funds are spent within the local areas. The program is funded by a percentage of the tipping fees at landfills. The funds and grants have been used to clean up sites and set up recycling programs for areas. Ms. Lile provided an overview of the program’s FY 2014/2015 report.
Approval of January 19, 2017 Meeting Highlights:
Mr. Rivette made a motion to accept the meeting highlights. Mr. Holder seconded the motion, and the highlights were approved by the council.
Public Comments
Next Meeting:
Scheduled July 13, 2017.