Date:Wednesday February 17, 2016

Time:6:00 P.M.

Place:1000 Hartford Turnpike

Present:Bruce Kruszewski; Ted OlynciwNeftali Soto,Kristin Zawacki, Ken Kirkman; Cheryl Larder; Glenn Patterson; Robert Brule

Also Present:Daniel Steward, First Selectman; Mark Hopper Fletcher-Thompson

Absent:Ray Valentini

The meeting was called to order by First Selectman Steward at 6:02 PM

Dan Steward introduced everyone around the table.

Approval of the minutes of December 14, 2015

Motion made by Kristin Zawacki and seconded by Ken Kirkman

Vote – Kirkman (yes)

Abstain – Everyone else

Motion Carried

Appointment of Chairperson:

Ted Olynciw nominated Bruce Kruszewski;

Seconded by Cheryl Larder

Vote – Unanimous

Motion Passed

Chairman Kruszewski ran the rest of the meeting

New Business

Mark Hopper handed out a packet to the members with a history of the project, to try to bring the new members up to the point where we are in this process. Once he completed that he opened up the table for questions and discussions.

Mr. Olynciw started the conversation about the mechanical/electrical plans. There have been so many changes in the systems, the committee is looking for a written narrative of the plans and what they plan to use on this building. Ms. Larder stated plans she received in 2012 had a narrative about the mechanical / electrical plans but the most current set doesn’t have them. Mr. Hopper explained that in order to redesign the plans as asked by the original committee, DTC would require more funding. The elimination of the geo-thermal system, the sky lights & solar wall are all changes on the system that will require substantial changes, not originally quoted in the $81,000.00 quote from 2015. The committee would like a time to meet with the sub-consultant to discuss what the HVAC alternatives are available for the final plans. The committee has not paid in full for the “dusting off” of the plans with the mechanical/electrical portion – however to re-visit what the committee wants will cost more.

The committee decided that at the next meeting, DTC designers would come to discuss what the plans should include. Mark will invite them to the next meeting.

Mr. Olynciw wanted the committee to be aware of the fact that the First Selectman was trying to get a schedule for the bonding process. Mr. Steward said he wasn’t as worried about the schedule as he was about getting the committee working together.

The next discussion was about a Construction Manager vs. Clerk of the Works. The committee feels that if they got a good clerk of the works in place it would serve the needs better.

There was decision to get an RFP for a Clerk of the Works. Need to look for qualifications, possible concerns and difficulties that come with that process.

Special inspections need to be added in the final cost for the project.

Mr. Olynciw as well as Mrs. Larder would like the committee and staff to look at the needs of the building for the next 5 years and 10 years to be sure that the changes made will be sufficient for the needs of the employees at this location.

Construction Administration costs – including the environmental remediation – are all the costs covered? Should the environmental concerns be done prior to the building renovations or do it all at the same time? Should we begin the process to apply for the DEEP permits needed for that portion? The committee wants to see the remediation plans to be sure all aspects of that portion are covered.

It was asked as to why there hasn’t been a site plan sent to P&Z or conservation commission for review yet. There is not an approved site plan for the project, but as soon as it is ready – the committee needs to start the process as it can take time for approvals from them.

Discussion took place regarding the garbage trucks. Mrs. Zawacki reported that the solution has worked so far in that they can cover 4 trucks and plug them in for the block heaters every night. The committee will need to price out another smaller building to house the other 2 garbage trucks, perhaps similar to the one being currently used so that all of the trucks are protected.

The committee was reminded that the final cost of the project should include the “soft costs” such as phone, internet as an example.

Mr. Olynciw is concerned that the building was designed with two entrances, one for WUC and one for the DPW offices. He is also concerned that the amount of space in the office area far exceeds the number of employees using that space. Mr. Soto explained that there was a space study done by Wright Pierce years ago and the architects were simply using the numbers supplied to them from that study.

Establish a 2016 Meeting Schedule

The committee decided to set dates through April and then re-evaluate how frequently they would be meeting. The following dates and times were agreed upon by the committee:

Tuesday – March 1, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday – March 8, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday – March 22, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday – April 5, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday – April 26, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

The committee asked for a public comment portion be added to the meeting agenda

The recording secretary will submit these meeting dates to the town clerk’s office. The first two meetings will need to be special meetings and then after may change to regular meetings.

Approval of Invoices:

Invoice #26108 - $5,250.00

Invoice #26173 - $1,774.15

Motion made by Ken Kirkman

Seconded by Ted Olynciw

To approve both invoices as submitted

Discussion – The committee asked Mark Hopper to include more details on the invoices moving forward.

Vote – 5 yes

1 abstain (Larder)

Motion carried


Motion made by Ted Olynciw

Seconded by Ken Kirkman

To adjourn the meeting

Vote – Unanimous

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandy Kenniston

Recording Secretary