Mundelein Mustang Quarterback Club

Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 8, 2010

1.  Call to Order

Jeff Heppert called the meeting to order.

2.  Roll Call

Tim Wilson, Julie Brincat, Rob Paliani, Harry Swanson, Dave Dudzinski, Melissa Devito, Bob Stone, Mark VanderPloeg, Jeff Heppert.

3.  Introduction of New Officers

Jeff Heppert announced the new officers for 2010 and they are as follows:

a.  President: Jeff Heppert

b.  Executive VP: Tim Wilson

c.  VP of Activities: Julie Brincat

d.  Treasurer: Mark VanderPloeg

e.  Secretary: Rob Paliani

4.  New Business

a.  Donations - J. Heppert announced that the club received donations which have been designated to purchase new footballs and practice jerseys.

b.  Fundraisers – members of the club discussed a few fundraising ideas.

I. The Family Fishery has offered revenue sharing of $2.50 on a $9.99 chicken nugget dinner and $5.00 on a $24.95 shrimp dinner for the months of Feb and Mar 2010. Coach Stone is getting approval from P. Wilhelm, and once approved, flyers will be distributed to players and club members. T. Wilson indicated that he can create an electronic copy of the coupon and send it to persons on the club email list.

II.  Mulch Sale – T. Wilson has spoken to the Country Bumpkin (CB) and it has agreed to provide the mulch for the sale. The club will be charged $2.25 per bag while the bulk price is still TBD. Tim will also ask the CB if is wishes to sell firewood. The target dates for the sale are April 16 – 18, with the alternative of 23rd – 25th. Coach Stone will get approval from P. Wilhelm and also inquire whether the mulch sale could be designated as a “football only” fundraiser since it has been a tradition with the QB club until last year.

III.  Cookie Dough – J. Brincat provided some information on a cookie dough fundraiser. She indicated that a tub of dough would sell for $13. Dave Dudzinski noted that the Wrestling team sold cookie dough and pizzas and raised a significant amount of money. On that point, there was consensus that QB club would not choose dates that conflict with the Wrestling team if it were to sell cookie dough.

IV.  Others – J. Brincat has pricing on other potential fundraiser items such as pom poms. The club agreed to discuss these at a later date.

c.  Clothing and Gear

I. Spirit Wear – J. Brincat informed that club that she has ordered “Mustang Football” themed clothing samples that should be available for next month’s meeting. Julie also indicated that she is working with the supplier to get volume discounts that may translate into package deals.

II.  Equipment Bag – M. DeVito provided some information on personalized equipment bags. The price would be $40+ each but orders would need to be placed during summer camp so that they arrive by the start of the season.

III.  Coach’s Wish List – the QB Club asked Coach Stone if he had any clothing or gear needs for the team. He indicated that he would like practice jerseys, socks, and items that could serve as weightlifting prizes.

IV.  Information Folder for Camp – there was a consensus that the QB Club should bundle flyers for spirit wear, equipment bags, fundraisers, etc. and provide it with football camp registration materials.

d.  Program and Senior Poster – T. Wilson will spearhead this effort. He indicated that this is a project that typically starts in May.

e.  Team Dinners – there was a lot of discussion about the location (e.g., school, restaurant, residence), and the funding (i.e., QB Club, up front payment by players, etc.) of team dinners. There is time to work out the details although Coach Stone will check with P. Wilhelm to determine if the school cafeteria would be available.

5.  Next Meeting - TBD