Description: This mini-project is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your mastery of biological psychology through an assignment that correlates with your strongest intelligence. You can pick any of the following four options but may not combine options. Re-check your Multiple Intelligence survey sheet from the beginning of the year to see where you scored highest. If you have any questions, please ask!
Option 1: Spatial Intelligence
For this assignment, you will create a playdough 3-dimensional model of the human brain. The model should include the three main categories—brainstem, limbic system, and cerebral cortex—as well as the individual brain parts within each category. You will also need to label each brain part along with its function (toothpicks work well for this but other methods are also acceptable).
Project Rubric:
_____/ 3 points: Brain constructed out of playdough
_____/ 3 points: All brain parts included and labeled
_____/ 3 points: Each brain part’s function is also included
_____/ 1 point: This rubric turned in with playdough brain
Option 2: Interpersonal Intelligence
For this assignment, you will follow around a friend for an hour. While doing so, make a record of every single action that person performs (you should have at least 30-40). Create a typed version of this list, and then, next to each action on the list, indicate which brain region was responsible for the person performing that action and explain why. Have your friend initial the bottom of your sheet as proof that they participated in the study.
Project Rubric:
_____/ 4 points:A list of 30-40 different actions
_____/ 4 points:Appropriate brain part listed and explained for each action
_____/ 1 point:Your friend’s signature at the bottom of your sheet
_____/ 1 point:This rubric attached with sheet
Option 3: Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
For this assignment, you will write a literature review paper on the latest neuroscience studies. Using and/or find four (4) journal articles regarding recent biological psychology research and write a 2-page paper summarizing the findings of those articles.
Project Rubric:
_____/ 2 points: 2typed pages long; 12 pt font, 1” margins, Times New
Roman font
_____/ 5 points: At least four (4) articles summarized, all relevant and
_____/ 2 points: All sources cited in MLA format on references page
_____/ 1 point: This rubric attached with paper
Option 4: Musical Intelligence
For this assignment, you will create and record a song that details brain structures and their functions. Be sure to include all necessary elements (such as what brain category each part falls under), not just the basic listing. You will need to create lyrics and then also record (through a CD or a video file) your performance of the song. In addition to singing, at least one other musical instrument must be utilized. The song should last a minimum of two minutes.
Project Rubric:
_____/ 2 points: Song lasts at least two minutes
_____/ 5 points: All brain parts and their functions included
_____/ 2 points: Recorded in appropriate medium; musical instrument
_____/ 1 point: This rubric attached with song lyrics
Option 5: Intrapersonal Intelligence
For this assignment, you will create a typed list of all the brain parts we studied during the Neuroscience unit along with a personal example from your past of a time when you used that brain part to perform an action. Be sure to explain how that action matches up with the corresponding brain part’s function.
Project Rubric:
_____/ 2 points: Typed; 12 pt font, 1” margins, Times New Roman font
_____/ 3 points: All brain parts and their functions included
_____/ 4 points: Appropriate example given for each corresponding brain
_____/ 1 point: This rubric attached with song lyrics