Multiple Disabilities Program – Syllabus
Grades: 6th - 8th
Course: Core Subjects - Alternate Curriculum
Instructor:Glendy SanchezEmail: Phone: (323) 445-0547
Year: 2016-2017
Course Description: This class is for students with moderate to severe cognitive impairments and physical and/or sensory impairments. All core subjects will be taught using alternate curriculum: Unique Learning System, Oxford Picture Dictionary, Attainment, and other supplemental materials.
Each student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which includes the student’s current educational goals: level of achievement, specific learning objectives, outside services, and classroom adaptations. In this classroom and other educational settings, students work on their educational goals, as well as life, personal, and social skills.
Unique Learning System is our classroom alternate curriculum. The primary goal of Unique is to give each student a way to participate, learn, and succeed, in the classroom. The curriculum program has been designed specifically for students with special learning needs. While the foundation of Unique is the academic content standards (reading, writing, math, science, and social studies), the lessons are modified to make sure that all students have a way to participate and learn. There is a strong emphasis on life skills that are embedded in each lesson.
Lessons include stories, chapter books, comprehension activities, writing activities, and math lessons for time, money, counting and problem solving, as well as recipes, craft projects, and science experiments. Many of the materials are designed in three levels so students of various abilities can actively participate. Materials have been created with SymbolStix, which is a graphic library of symbols to help students who learn best with picture supports. These pictures can also be seen in books available on our online library called the n2y Library. These books can be used to help support the theme of the monthly unit, to help build your child’s reading skill or for enjoyment.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to see any of our alternate curriculum’s materials and lessons. You may also want to visit the Unique website at
Subject Aims:
The state of California (LAUSD alternative curriculum standards) and IB-MYP generally expect that students will be able to do some or all of the goals stated in the student’s IEP document as well as
* read for meaning using appropriate skill and strategies
* use speaking and listening strategies to enhance learning
* gather and use information from a variety of sources
* use appropriate strategies and tools to solve problems
* demonstrate an understanding of elements of fair play and good sportsmanship, respect the rights and opinions of others, and respect for rules by which we live, including the meaning of the golden rule.
We use assessment and IEP goals to measure the student’s demonstrations of learning.
IB Objectives Modified for Alternate Curriculum / Standards (CCSS &/or State)Use reading and writing strategies to enhance literacy / Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based instructional level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
use speaking and listening strategies to enhance learning / Vocabulary acquisition and use: use words acquired through academic and domain- specific sources when speaking and writing.
gather and use information from a variety of sources / Research and gather information to answer questions or solve problems.
use appropriate strategies and tools to solve problems / Apply knowledge and skills to real-world, problem-solving situations and scenarios.
demonstrate an understanding of elements of fair play and good sportsmanship, respect the rights and opinions of others, and respect for rules by which we live, including the meaning of the golden rule / Initiate and participate in grade level and age-appropriate discussion on diverse topics to express and opinion, share ideas and information, and ask and respond to questions relevant to the topic.
Global Contexts: In a world of increasing interconnection and complexity, learning in context provides students with opportunities to explore multiple dimensions of meaningful challenges facing young people in the world today, encouraging them to develop creative solutions and understanding. The IB identifies six global contexts for teaching and learning:
Identities and Relationships / Scientific and Technical Innovation / Fairness and DevelopmentGlobalization and Sustainability / Personal and Cultural Expression / Orientation in Space & Time
Approaches to Learning: Through ATL in IB Programmes, students develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum that help them “learn how to learn.” IB Programmes identify five ATL skill categories, expanded into developmentally appropriate skill clusters: Communication, Social (Collaboration), Self-Management (Organization, Affective, Reflection), Research (Information Literacy, Media Literacy), Thinking (Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Transfer).
Grading Policy
A: 100-90B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D: 69-60
We use assessment and IEP objective achievement to measure the student’s demonstrations of learning. We also use ULS chapter quizzes/tests, ULS/supplemental classwork, and classroom participation.