Chapters 1-10

Multiple choice questions Test

1. You may indicate your decision to participate on your driver’s license.

A. The National Highway Safety Act

B. Organ Donor Program

C. Highway Transportation System

D. Round

2. There are more than 240 million registered in the United States

A. Triangle

B. Red

C. Laws

D. Vehicles

3. Warning (color)

A. Brown

B. key fob

C. Laws

D. Yellow

4. Requires young drivers to progress through a series of licensing stages.

A. Roadway Users

B. Standard reference points

C. Graduated Driver Licensing Program

D. odometer

5. Warning (shape)

A. Diamond

B. Round

C. Orange

D. Brown

6. Convey symbols rather than words

A. International signs

B. White arrows

C. The National Highway Safety Act

D. Intermediate License Stage

7. Adaptation of a standard reference point for your own vehicle

A. Personal reference point

B. Horizontal Rectangle

C. Pennant

D. Triangle

8. an aiming point for where you want your vehicle to go

A. Green

B. Pentagon

C. target

D. Round

9. turning your vehicle around to the direction you want to go

A. Pentagon

B. Orange

C. turnabout D. Target

10. Construction or detour (color)

A. Orange

B. target

C. HOV lanes

D. Green

11. the grooved surface of a tire that grips the road is the tread; a tire's gripping ability will increase as the amount of tread touching the road increases

A. Oversteering

B. Tread Pattern on Tire

C. Child Safety Seats

D. Intersection Controlled/ Uncontrolled

12. the 4 second rule is the minimum distance you should travel behind the vehicle immediately in front in adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog

A. Oversteering

B. Second Collision

C. 4 Second Rule

D. Turnabout

13. gravity is the force that pulls all things to Earth; the center of gravity is the point around which an object's weight is evenly distributed

A. Force of Gravity

B. Turnabout

C. 4 Second Rule

D. Force of Impact

14. have a tendency to turn more sharply than was intended

A. Intersection Controlled/ Uncontrolled

B. Tread Pattern on Tire

C. Oversteering

D. Hand-over-hand

15. the distance your car travels while you make a stop is called the total stopping distance

A. Stopping Distance

B. Second Collision

C. Turnabout

D. 4 Second Rule

16. the force with which a moving object hits another object

A. Force of Impact

B. Oversteering

C. Force of Gravity

D. Turnabout

17. when using hand-over-hand steering, quick movements of the hands are recommended on entry to the maneuver, with smooth slow movements when returning the wheel upon completion of the maneuver

A. Child Safety Seats

B. Hand-over-hand

C. Lane Changes

D. Oversteering

18. the second collision is when your body hits various parts of the inside of your vehicle after your collision happens

A. Lane Changes

B. Stopping Distance

C. Second Collision

D. 4 Second Rule

19. in an uncontrolled intersection, there are no traffic control signs or signals, so right of way rules decide the flow of traffic; Controlled intersections are governed by traffic lights

A. Intersection Controlled/ Uncontrolled

B. 4 Second Rule

C. Tread Pattern on Tire

D. Oversteering

20. Turnabouts are used to turn around on narrow two-lane roads where it may be difficult to turn around otherwise. During the turnabout, the vehicle basically stops, pulls into the other side of the road, backs up and then pulls forward heading in the other direction.

A. Oversteering

B. Turnabout

C. 4 Second Rule

D. Lane Changes

21. Resting your foot on the brake pedal making your brakes ware faster

A. What are three steps to following the three second distance rule?

B. Ride the brake means to

C. Cover the brake means to

D. The left lane is usually for...

22. Communicate or adjust your vehicle position by changing speed or distance

A. How would you use the predicting step in the IPDE process when dealing with a hazard?

B. How would you use the decide step in the IPDE process when dealing with a hazard?

C. How would you use the identify step in the IPDE process when dealing with a hazard?

D. When can you cross a solid yellow line or double yellow lines?

23. Managing the space fusion between your and other cars

A. When can you cross a solid yellow line or double yellow lines?

B. When you approach a curve follow what nine steps?

C. What do you look for when you have passed a vehicle?

D. When following or meeting traffic what's the first step?

24. Suggesting appropriate travel speeds when conditions are ideal

A. What are three steps to following the three second distance rule?

B. Posted speeds are..

C. Advisory speed signs are meant for

D. What are some examples and what do they do of traffic controls?

25. 55 mph

A. Most slow moving vehicles have..

B. Median is an

C. What are runaway vehicle ramps?

D. Many rural roads have a speed limit of

26. 1)intersections 2)double yellow center lines

A. Median is an

B. It is illegal to pass someone at ..

C. What are pull out areas?

D. If a vehicle comes at you, what steps do you take to avoid a collision?

27. Ready to use vehicles controls making maneuvers

A. What do you look for when you have passed a vehicle?

B. How would you use the execute step in the IPDE process when dealing with a hazard?

C. When can you cross a solid yellow line or double yellow lines?

D. How would you use the predicting step in the IPDE process when dealing with a hazard?

28. Additional right lanes provided for slower moving vehicles

A. What are the eight reasons for crossing the center line?

B. What are the three high risk areas where closed zones and sudden stops can happen?

C. What are runaway vehicle ramps?

D. What are pull out areas?

29. 1)make a left turn 2)clear an obstacle

A. When you approach a curve follow what nine steps?

B. What do you look for when you have passed a vehicle?

C. What can you identify when vehicles are parked to avoid conflict?

D. When can you cross a solid yellow line or double yellow lines?

30. That is unable to travel at highway speed

A. If you cannot increase the distance between your vehicle and the hazard, you must..

B. A slow moving vehicle is one...

C. Posted speeds are..

D. A flash flood is