Multi-State GSEG Consortium Toward a Defensible AA-MAS

Investigation of the Characteristics of the Students Who May Qualify to Participate in an Alternate Assessment based on Modified Academic Achievement Standards (AA-MAS)

Analysis Plan


National Center on Educational Outcomes

University of Minnesota

350 Elliott Hall

75 E. River Rd.

Minneapolis MN 55455

Phone: 612-626-1530


State Name: ______

One of the goals of the Multi-State GSEG Consortium Toward a Defensible AA-MAS is to investigate the characteristics of the students who may qualify for an alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards (AA-MAS) to better understand issues and options. Consortium member states can use this template to lay-out the next steps in developing an analysis plan.

I. Why our State cares about who the students are—and how they learn

1.  Our state decided to join the Multi-State Consortium because . . .

2.  From our perspective, we believe that our state can make an unique contribution to this project by . . .

3.  Our team vision for improving the instruction and assessment of special populations in our state is . . .

4.  Given what we have read and heard at the Expert Panel meeting, we believe that key issues include . . .

5.  We are particularly concerned that . . .

6.  Important considerations that we must never lose sight of as we participate in the project are . . .

II. Things we learned at the Expert Panel meeting that will help us identify who the students are

1.  We were surprised (or found particularly noteworthy) at the Expert Panel meeting that . . .

2.  After participating in the Expert Panel meeting we see the following as key issues in identifying students who may qualify to participate in an AA-MAS . . .

3.  Key considerations as the data for our state is mined include:

4.  At the Expert Panel meeting we learned new things about how the following methods could be used to help us identify who the students are (responses can be inserted in matrix below):

Method / What we learned./Why we think this methodology may be useful/not useful in identifying the students.

III. Questions that might help us identify who the students are

  1. Given what we have read and heard at the Expert Panel meeting, we consider the following to be important questions: (Please list all questions that you have—Don’t worry about whether or not they are “good” questions. Feel free to brainstorm and list all questions.)
  1. We starred (*) the questions we consider to be the most important ones.
  1. We listed the questions that we consider to be the most important ones in the chart below. We also listed ways that we might try to answer these questions.

Questions / Approaches/Methods that might help answer these questions / Comments (Advantages/Challenges)

IV. Analysis of State Data Sets

If your state is considering doing an analysis of state data sets please complete the section below (otherwise skip to the next section).

a)  Data mining and analysis of state data sets may assist us in answering the following question(s) that are important to us:

b)  Complete the matrix below:

Next Steps / Priority
Short term,
Long term) / Who is
Timeline / Planning issues, additional information need, resources, strategies, tools, partners, considerations /
Working with the data contractor to get data sets to the contractor to develop detailed analysis plan.
Ensuring that clean data is provided to the data analysis contractor.
Providing contractor with data set(s).
Answering questions that data contractor may have about the data analysis.
(Please list additional “Next Steps” below)

V. Other Studies--

1. Other Study 1

a)  To answer the following question(s), the next steps we plan to use are listed below:

b)  Complete the matrix by describing the next steps:

Next Steps / Priority
Short term,
Long term) / Who is
Timeline / Planning issues, additional information need, resources, strategies, tools, partners, considerations /

2. Other Study 2

a)  To answer the following question(s), the next steps we plan to use are listed below:

b)  Complete the matrix by describing the next steps:

Next Steps / Priority
Short term,
Long term) / Who is
Timeline / Planning issues, additional information need, resources, strategies, tools partners, considerations /

3. Other Study 3

a)  To answer the following question(s), the next steps we plan to use are listed below:

b)  Complete the matrix by describing the next steps:

Next Steps / Priority
Short term,
Long term) / Who is
Timeline / Planning issues, additional information need, resources, strategies, tools partners, considerations /

VI. Other Notes: