MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. is committed to maintaining an environment that is accessible, healthy, clean and safe in all facilities it controls to ensure the safety and protection of all persons within the facility’s environment (property and buildings, leased or owned). Such environments shall be maintained through external and internal safety reviews and detailed health and safety procedures that address fire, bomb threat, natural disaster, utility failure, medical emergency, and/or violent/threatening situations. Policies and procedures regarding health and safety conform to all legal, regulatory and accreditation health and safety requirements.
- Maintenance of Environments
- To maintain accessible, healthy, clean and safe environments in all facilities controlled by MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.,persistent attention is given to cleanliness, safety practices, reduction of health and safety risks, and overall concern for the health and safety of the persons served, visitors, and personnel.
- The Executive Director appoints Health and Safety Officers(aka: Safety Officers) for each site where services are delivered.
- The Safety Officers’ names are posted at each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. building in proximity to other postings MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. is required to place in employee areas.
- All employeesare responsible to know who is serving as Safety Officer for their work site.
- The Safety Officers have the authority to require that employees, while at MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC., take special health precautions recommended or required by public health officials.
- Duties of the Safety Officers are set forth in an Additional Duty Job Description;
- For their assigned facilities, Safety Officers, at a minimum:
- Meeting all fire and safety regulations, code, or statutory requirements of federal, state, or local government.
- All facilities shall have an annual fire and safety inspection from the State Fire Marshal or local authorities, and shall maintain a copy of said inspection and attendant correspondence regarding any deficiency.
- Ensure that all employees receive training upon hire and periodic refresher training, at least annually, on health and safety policies and procedures;
- Ensure that all employees receive training upon hire and periodic refresher training, at least annually, regarding the location and use of all fire extinguishers and first aid supplies and equipment.
- Arrange for in-service training for new employees and for all staff at least annually regarding hepatitis, blood-borne pathogens, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis;
- Ensure that all MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. employees receive de-escalation training and regular refresher training to learn how to intervene in crises and attempt to defuse them;
- Arrange for Hepatitis B vaccinations for all staff who ask to have such vaccinations;
- Give special attention to other health risks for which public health officials recommend vaccinations and shall encourage staff persons to obtain such vaccinations;
- Check first-aid kits regularly and ensure supplies are replenished as needed;
- With regard to situations that call for building occupants to take shelter or evacuate, make prior arrangements with other staff to escort occupants from bathrooms if such emergencies occur when the Safety Officers are not present to do so;
- Emergency evacuation routes and shelter areas shall be prominently posted in all areas;
- Fire alarm systems shall have visual signals suitable for the deaf and hearing-impaired.
- Make certain that signs indicating MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.’s prohibition on use of tobacco are maintained at public entrances;
- See that signs prohibiting the carrying of weapons are maintained at public entrances where MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. provides services;
- Enhance their awareness of fire and safety regulations and codes and make recommendations regarding deficiencies to the Executive Director or take immediate appropriate action to see that MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. buildings stay in compliance;
- There shall be emergency power to supply lighting to pre-selected areas of the facility;
- Ensure that drawings showing location of fire extinguishers, location of shelter areas, and building evacuation routes are placed in every room used by clients or visitors, in a conspicuous location near the door; the drawings shall indicate the location of fire extinguishers;
- Keep a copy of each report relating to health and safety for at least seven years and, at least once each year, analyze the reports on file to identify and make recommendations to the Executive Director concerning any recurrent problems that might call for policy changes or require more extensive corrective action; provided, if no such problems are discovered, they shall nevertheless provide the Executive Director with a written statement to that effect and the date when the analysis was completed; and
- The Safety Officer for MCCI-Lawton, work with the Administrative Assistant to make certain that an adequate number of latex gloves are always available in the urinalysis (UA) testing area and are properly utilized and disposed of;
- The Safety Officer at all MCCI outpatient clinics, at least once a year, reviews the information on HIV/AIDS that is given to clients during the intake process and discusses any needed revisions with the Clinical Vice-President;
- Copies of all inspections, training records, and reports relating to health and safety are given to the Executive Assistant for filing; provided, this requirement shall not apply to documents that clearly need to be kept elsewhere, such as fire extinguisher inspection tags. Note: Original inspections and reports will remain on site in each MCCI outpatient clinic.
- No candles, incense burners, room deodorizers, or other devices of an open-flame nature are permitted in MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. buildings. Plug-in deodorizers are also prohibited.
- The maintenance of facility grounds to provide a safe environment for consumers (specific to age group[s] served), staff and visitors.
- All employees are responsible for helping to keep the snack room and public areas clean.
- Employees are required to keep their offices and work areas orderly and free of items that typically attract pests.
- Fish bowls or tanks must be kept clean.
- Trash must be placed in trash receptacles at the end of each working day.
- Each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. office will have staff identified responsible for cleaning the respective office.
- Employees may not go barefoot.
- With respect to the persons MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. serves, employees are expected to encourage proper attire.
- Water at all MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. offices is to be obtained from an approved public water supply.
- Lavatories and toilet facilities are to be kept in good repair at a minimum ratio of one (1) per twenty (20) persons;
- Employees help to keep the bathrooms clean and orderly.
- Employees are expected to always wash their hands after using the toilet.
- Sewage at all MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. offices will be discharged into the municipal sewer system.
- MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. staff shall never confine or physically control clients by use of seclusion or restraints.
- Inspections
- Arrange for inspection of each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. building at least once a year by an outside agency;
- Report the findings with the Executive Director;
- Recommend, note, and monitor corrective actions taken;
- Conduct self-inspections of each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. building at least twice a year;
- Report the findings with the Executive Director;
- Recommend, note, and monitor corrective actions taken; and,
- Describes what was inspected whether or not deficiencies were found utilizing the forms:
- Test of Emergency Plans; and,
- Health and Safety Checklist.
C.Emergency Procedures
- MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.has written emergency procedures for each location under the control of the organization that address:
- Fire;
- Bomb threats;
- Natural disasters;
- Utility failures;
- Medical emergencies; and
- Safety during violent or other threatening situations.
- Written emergency procedures are provided to every employee during orientation and to every person served upon admission.
- Written emergency procedures are located in reception, office, and group areas and other areas deemed appropriate for instant access in the event of an emergency.
- First aid kits are located in the main reception areas and at other designated areas in each building.
- The Safety Officer ensures that items in the first aid kits are adequately stocked and valid.
- Emergency Preparedness
- An emergency preparedness plan to provide effective utilization of resources to best meet the physical needs of consumers, visitors, and staff during any disaster (including, but not limited to: fire, flood, tornado, explosion, prolonged loss of heat, light, water, and/or air conditioning). This plan shall be evaluated annually and revised as needed – See Policy1.H.2.
- There shall be a written plan for the protection and preservation of consumer records in the event of a disaster – See Policy1.K.6.
- Emergency procedures are tested regularly, at least annually, in all facilities where MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. provides administration and/or delivers services.
- Tests/drills include actual or simulated physical evacuations.
- The Safety Officers at each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. facility are responsible for conducting fire/evacuation drills, not announced to occupants in advance, at least twice a year at each building;
- The alarm company and local fire department are notified prior to a planned fire drill with the date and time of the planned drill;
- The Safety Officers make notes of the time required for complete evacuation; and,
- If necessary, arrange for additional staff training or additional drills to achieve satisfactory compliance;
- Each test of emergency procedures is documented on the appropriate form and the information is analyzed for performance improvement.
- The test and analysis result in improvement of, or affirm satisfactory, current practices.
- Results are recorded on the appropriate form and forwarded to the Executive Director or other appropriate persons within ten (10) days of the test/drill.
- All staff members are expected to perform their jobs in a safe and healthy manner.
- Staff members are primarily responsible for their own health and safety as well as for the health and safety of persons in their care.
- This responsibility includes:
- Proper hand washing;
- Proper use and storage of chemicalsin locked, safe areas or cabinets.
- Control of body fluids/blood borne pathogens;
- Fire evacuation procedures; and,
- Managing behavior to prevent violence and reacting to the potential for violence with measured, appropriate interventions.
- All employees are responsible for immediately correcting conditions or practices that are unsafe or unhealthy.
- Unsafe or unhealthy practices and/or conditions are reported immediately to the appropriate staff, per policy and procedure.
- Staff members are required to promptly report any accident, injury or incident (real or suspected) in accordance with the organization’s critical incident reporting procedures.
- All personnel are provided training during new employee orientation, and then on an ongoing basis, regarding:
- Health and safety practices;
- Identification of unsafe environmental factors;
- Emergency procedures;
- Evacuation procedures;
- Identification and documentation of critical incidents; and,
- Medication management, if appropriate (MCCI does not engage in Medication Management).
- All general trainings for employees address:
- Individual roles and responsibilities;
- Information about threats, hazards and protective actions;
- Notification, warning and communication procedures;
- Means for locating family members in an emergency;
- Emergency response procedures;
- Evacuation, shelter and accountability procedures; and,
- Emergency shutdown procedures
- A MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. employee who is certified in CPR and First Aid provides CPR and First Aid training for all employees.
- If an employee certified in CPR and First Aid is unavailable and no one else on staff is eligible to provide the training,MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. will contact other agencies for referrals to possible instructors.
- The Safety Officer provides training to staff and, when necessary, MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. will access local emergency medical services, fire departments and police departments for training in areas such as response to fire, natural disasters, threats of violence, etc.
- Unusual/Critical Incidents
- Many unusual/critical incidents are of a nature that timely reports must be made to one or more regulatory agencies.
- To assist in timely reporting to regulatory agencies, employees aware of critical incidents immediately notify the Executive Director or senior manager available.
- An unusual/critical incident is defined as:
- Significant injury, other medical emergency, or death occurring on MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. premises;
- Expression of suicidal ideation;
- Threatening behavior by a client or visitor to staff or himself or herself or to another client or visitor;
- Abuse and/or neglect of a client;
- Failure of any person on the premises to relinquish illicit drugs or paraphernalia on request; and,
- Any other incident that employees believe might cause a regulatory agency concern.
- Employees involved in or witnessing the incident document the incident by completing the Critical Incident Report form that includes the following information:
- The facility name, and signature of the person(s) reporting the incident;
- The name(s) of the consumer(s), staff member(s) or property involved;
- The time, date and physical location of the incident;
- The time and date the incident was reported and the name of the staff person within the facility to whom it was reported;
- A description of the incident;
- Resolution or action taken, date action was taken, and signature of appropriate staff member(s); and,
- Severity of each injury, if applicable.
- Severity shall be indicated as follows:
- No off-site medical care required or first aid care administered on-site;
- Medical care by a physician or nurse or follow-up attention required; or
- Hospitalization or immediate off-site medical attention was required.
- The full name of every client involved in or significantly impacted by the incident shall be included in the report.
- The Critical Incident Reportis completed and given to the Executive Director no later than the end of the next working day following the critical incident occurrence.
- Whenever a Critical Incident or any injury to a client or visitor or staff person occurs, or there is other indication that individuals have been threatened, that safety conditions or precautions have been significantly compromised, or that hazardous material has been found, the Executive Director consults with the Corporate Responsibility Officer to determine whether to convene an Incident Review Committee.
- Such a committee includes all Safety Officers and such other managers or staff as the Executive Director deems appropriate.
- The Incident Review Committee investigates the event or conditions and recommends to the Executive Director what corrective actions or changes in policy or procedure, if any, should be taken.
- If the committee, in the course of conducting its investigation or formulating its recommendations, determines that there is a need for the assistance of outside expertise, the Executive Director shall arrange for the services of one or more such experts.
- Safety Officers assist with, and document, actions taken in response to recommendations of the Incident Review Committee and provide copies of the documentation to the Executive Director.
- The Executive Director keeps a file of all incident reports for seven years and, at least once each year, analyzes the reports on file to identify any recurrent problems that might suggest a need for corrective action.
- The Executive Director’s annual Management Report to the Board of Directors includes a critical incident summary.
- Smoking and Other Tobacco Use
- All MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. buildings and grounds are to be kept free of tobacco.
No person, (employee, persons served, or visitors) is allowed to possess or use any tobacco product including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, blunts, little cigars, roll yourown, shisah tobacco (hookahs), dissolvable tobacco (orbs, sticks, strips), snus, cream or dry snuff, dokha, gutka, bidis, kreteks, topical tobacco paste, tobacco gel, tobacco water, tobacco gum (not to be confused with nicotine gum) for the grounds of and within MCCI, and/orMCCI-ODMHSAS contracted facilities, and/or any other place where MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. services are offered or MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. business is conducted,by employees, consumers, volunteers, and visitors.
- Employees, clients, and/or visitors will all be encouraged to cease tobacco use and will be offered treatment if so desired.
- MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.employees delivering services in buildings not owned or leased by MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.ensure that offices and rooms used by MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. are tobacco free and are not ventilated by heating or air conditioning systems that also ventilate areas where smoking is permitted.
- Except for the purposes of performing prevention demonstrations, no staff person displays any tobacco product while on MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. property or condones such a display by any visitor or person served.
- Medications
- Employees are required to provide the Executive Director or his/her Administrative Assistant with medical emergency information that includes a list of all prescriptions that they need to have in their possession while at MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. or customarily keep with them while at work.
- Clients, visitors, and employees who need to have prescription medications or other licit drugs in their possession must keep the items secure and out of sight on their person or in a secure place in an office.
- When a person is actually taking medication, that