Are Enormous Energy Changes Occurring in Our Consciousness as well as Our Solar System?

The Cosmic Center or black hole of the Milky Way can be thought of as a magnificent magnet. As prophesied by the Mayans, in the year 2012, our earth will be aligned with this Cosmic Center. This happens once every 13,000 years or twice in its entire 26,000 year cycle. It is thought that the magnetized Cosmic Center is having a maximum “entrainment” or resonance effect as we approach the 2012 date. Furthermore, this entrainment is raising the zero energy (ZE) level of our solar system and is thought to be raising human consciousness to a higher cosmic level.

Mulidimensional doorway, a wormhole. a black hole.

Energy Enlightenment or Energy Doom?

Indeed, as we explore these enormous changes occurring in our solar system, it is worthwhile to explore the multidimensional nature behind the Great Cycle that is now ending. Although esoteric in nature, there is quite possibly a positive aspect to the great cycle prophesied by the Mayans. Are these changes causing worldwide human ZE enlightenment? The historical cultures such as the Egyptians, Mayans, Gnostics and Sumerians say exactly this. On the physics level, it is a simple question of expanding our vibration to accommodate our movement into a higher vibration. Or is our black hole, Cosmic Center causing annihilating energy changes to our Solar System?

The symbol for the source of the serpent rope matches the Babylonian symbol for the Sun and the logo for the Holy Grail found on the tombstone of William St. Clair at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland. Each of these is the same as the Buddhist Dharma Wheel of Time.

Serpent-rope or wormhole from the Mayan Codes Vindobonensis.

What is a multi-dimensional doorway?

Mayan prophecy says a ladder will emerge from the center of our Milky Way galaxy in 2012. This is seen by the Mayans to be a multi-dimensional doorway. In today’s physics terms, it could easily mean a wormhole where one can transcend the speed of light and enter another part of the universe. In the movie “Contact” Jodi Foster meets her deceased father through one of these.

What Is Mayan Cosmogenesis that End-Begins in 2012?

The Mayans discovered the secrets of the Earth’s galactic cycles. Our Sun has a 26,000 year Cosmic Cycle as it precesses across its’ elliptic towards the center of our galaxy in the year 2012. The Cosmic Center or the central bulge is the Creation Place of our Solar System and all other suns within our Milky Way galaxy. As our Solar System is currently aligning with our Cosmic Center, a black hole, our Solar System is experiencing a surge of cosmic energy, ZE that is changing our Sun, planets, Earth and life on Earth. These changes were predicted by the Mayans hundreds of years ago in their ancient mythology. Mayan cosmogenesis describes the creation and evolutionary cycles of our living Solar System.

Solar Activity at 1996 minimum (L) and 1999 maximum Largest, Brightest-Ever X40 Solar Flare, 11.5.03, (L)

(R). (Courtesy NASA) and Subsequent CME (R). (NASA-ESA)

Is a World Shift Really Occuring Today that is Causing Changes in Our Solar System?

Yes our Sun and all our Solar System planets are drastically changing! Most of the following has been scientifically researched and documented at David Wilcock’s website,

SUN: The Sun’s magnetic field is over 230 percent stronger now than it was at the beginning of the 1900s, and its overall energetic activity has sizably increased, creating a frenzy of activity that continues to embarrass NASA’s official predictions. Even more interestingly, this rate of magnetic field growth is continually increasing in speed.

Green nightglow of Venus, ANU 2.3m CASPIR, Sep. 20-26th 2002. (Jeremy Bailey /

VENUS: Venus is now glowing in the dark.

EARTH: In the last 30 years, Earth’s icecaps have thinned out by as much as 40 percent. Quite inexplicably, just since 1997 the structure of the Earth has shifted from being slightly more egg-shaped, or elongated at the poles, to more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the poles. See also “Poleshift” from “National Geographic.”

MARS: The icecaps of Mars noticeably melted just within one year, causing 50-percent changes in surface features. Atmospheric density had risen by 200 percent above previous observations as of 1997.

Plasma tube (torus) in the orbit of Jupiter’s moon Io. (NASA/HST)

JUPITER: The size of Jupiter’s magnetic field has more than doubled since 1992. Jupiter has become so highly energized that it is now surrounded by a visibly glowing donut tube of energy in the path of the moon Io.

NASA’s Pioneer 10 and 11 probes detected nothing of the sort in 1973-74, which means that this major Jovian system feature, again, emerged in only five years’ time.

Saturn as breathtakingly imaged by the approaching Cassini spacecraft.

SATURN: Saturn’s polar regions have been noticeably brightening, and its magnetic field strength increasing.

URANUS: According to NASA’s Voyager II space probe, Uranus and Neptune both appear to have had recent magnetic pole shifts – 60 degrees for Uranus and 50 for Neptune.

The image below is a series of real photographs of Neptune, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. Dr. Laurence Sromovsky et al. from University of Madison-Wisconsin has calculated that this is a 40% increase in brightness.

On Earth, weather is driven by energy from the sun as it heats the atmosphere

NEPTUNE: Neptune has become 40 percent brighter in infrared since 1996, and is fully 100-percent brighter in certain areas. Also, Neptune’s moon Triton has had a “very large percentage increase” in atmospheric pressure and temperature, comparable to a 22-degree Fahrenheit increase on Earth.

On Neptune, the Sun is 900 times dimmer and scientists have yet to understand how Neptune's weather-generating machinery can be so efficient. "It's an efficient weather machine compared to Earth," said Sromovsky. "It seems to run on almost no energy."… 2004/InterplanetaryDayAfter-Part3-amended2.htm

PLUTO: As of September 2002, Pluto has experienced a 300-percent increase in its atmospheric pressure in the last 14 years, while also becoming noticeably darker in color.

The Heliosphere ( Image courtesy of NASA )

What Significant Changes Have Occurred in the Heliosphere, Solar Wind and Bow Shock Region?

The Heliosphere is the region of space that is controlled by our star the Sun and its magnetic field. By all accounts it's theorized to extend from the sun out to approximately 100 A.U. (9,300,000,000 miles).14 t Dmitriev’s quote:

The Heliosphere [Solar System] transition through this structure has led to an increase of the shock wave in front of the Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40 AU or more [1000% increase.]

Energetic activity of the Heliosphere, showing 70-100 AU termination shock.

What is All this Space Within the Heliosphere Filled Up With?

Its composition was discovered to be filled with a combination of material, everything from gas, dust and plasma known as the solar wind. Plasma is defined as a heavily ionized form of matter somewhere between a gaseous and liquid state. Scientists have estimated that more than 99 percent of the matter in the universe exists in the plasma state. Plasma exists in and around the stars, including the sun, and throughout interstellar space. Most physicists classify it as the fourth state of matter.

Earthquake Activity over 2.5 on the Richter scale, 1973-1998 (Courtesy Michael Mandeville)

Are These Changes Affecting Earth as Well?

Essentially a new layer of luminous plasma has been formed that surrounds the Solar System and is now flowing into the Sun, planets and interplanetary space, Earth included.

Earth: Earthquakes activity has been on the up-rise for 25 years. Hurricanes, tsunamis, floods and volcanoes have been on the rise as well.

Worldwide volcanic activity increases 1875-1993. (Courtesy Michael Mandeville)

Almost 500-percent increase between 1875 and 1993.

What Is the Scientific Explanation of These Earth Changes?

The primary cause for earthquake activity is energetic increases in the core. When these increases occur very rapidly, due to a sudden Solar emission, some of the luminous plasma in the core is compressed into a higher ZE density level by the intense surrounding pressures. Such a density shift allows the plasma to move freely through matter. This hyper-compressed plasma then bubbles up through the Earth’s mantle, and once the pressure is relieved, it displaces back down into the density of “physical matter.” A great explosive force is created as this intense heat is then released in a much cooler area, and this would certainly have an impact on geophysical activity, both for earthquakes and volcanoes.

Massive sub-surface temperature anomalies in the Earth’s oceans. (Courtesy NOAA)

Massive sub-surface heating of the Earth’s oceans is now occurring.

Solar radiation is by no means strong enough to cause this heating, as these temperature anomalies emerge deep beneath the surface of the oceans. This suggests that the oceans are being heated from within the earth itself. A Russian scientist, Dr. Dmitriev has shown that the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field rises up and down in direct synchronization with these temperature changes in the ocean. Furthermore, there is a 0.22 degrees C change in worldwide temperatures over the course of 30 days that correlates precisely with changes in the middle frequency of Earth’s magnetic field. Hence, the Earth’s core of luminous, magnetized plasma is directly responsible for these changes. As the pressure of the plasma suddenly increases, there is a surge in the strength of its magnetic field and a rise in its thermal level, rising the ocean temperatures.

This increasing heat energy of the Earth’s core can also be seen in the rapid melting of our polar icecaps. The Ross Ice Shelf of Antarctica, which is as large as the state of Rhode Island, fully broke off and dropped into the ocean in the year 2000, as have several others in the last decade. This process has greatly accelerated in speed throughout 2002, with three gigantic chunks breaking away from the continent in only a few months of time, the two most recent being named C-18 and C-19.

May this Galactic Alignment Signal a New World Era?

On the Galactic level, the Milky Way’s equator, like the Earth’s equator, is the field-effect dividing line, where gravitational energy spins one way on one side of the equator and the opposite way on the other side of the equator. Our Earth is in resonance with the Cosmic Center’s field-effect energy reversal. It is our changing orientation to the Cosmic Center ZE field that has immediate consequences. In other words it is the sun-earths “precession” around this Cosmic Center that is changing humanity’s orientation and worldview. “When a given set of rules and assumptions has run its course, and has led civilization to the end of a particular road, the opposite orientation begins to appear.” (page 328 211,212..see diagrams, “Mayan Cosmogenesis,” Jenkins).

In Summary

Planet Earth is in the process of ending a 26,000 year Cosmic Cycle and beginning a new one. The nature of this event has been prophesied by the Mayans. The current changes occurring throughout our Solar System have been documented by NASA, Russian scientists and various weather services. The science behind these events has been described as Zero Energy science. This unifying science explains how ZE creates both matter and life.

On a more personal level, the science for your own individual Enlightenment has also been described. The final thought presented is the anticipated worldwide Enlightenment as this Cosmic Cycle comes to a close. Whether it takes 10 years or 2000 years remains to be seen. Hopefully we will see it through and revive our planet Earth along with ourselves.