Mt. Lebanon City Council of PTAs Meeting
Wednesday October 57, 2016
Mellon MiddleWashington Elementary School
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance—The meeting was called to order at 9:02a.m. There were 18people in attendance.
Treasurers Report—Jennie Bhojwani
- $1,000 paid for district calendar
- $657 paid Screenagers
- $30.95 paid Duplicating
- Received $120.00 Unit obligations
- Received $185.00 Georgia pogue
Correspondence—Julie Smith
- None to report.
Executive Committee Reports
President’s Report—Jodi Kubit
- Thank you to Mrs. Davis and Allison Carey for hosting the meeting today.
- Reminder to turn in all Photo badges and get a new one without a photo that is only to be used for photocopying.
- Two committee chairs still need to be filled: Environmental Concerns and Membership. Newcomers will no longer be a committee chair position.,
- October 17 presidents are being honored at School board meeting.
- A portion of your dues should be sent to the state office by October 15.
- Screenagers is being shown tonight, please attend.
1st Vice President Report—Julie Maselko
- No report
3rd V.P. Report/Superintendent— Dr. Steinhauer
- Clowns were not in Mt, Lebanon schools; no real threat
- Alumni week was a success; Mary Birks won Great Alumni award
- Air conditioning will be discussed in December
- Construction on schedule.
- Foster: 75th anniversary 10/8 1-4 p.m., Lincoln will celebrate 90 years next year.
Standing Committee Reports
JP- Bonnie Dougherty
- Introduced a packet that can go into your glove compartment to help treat your child in an emergency situation. Will do an article about this for each PTA.
- New model sent to all units
Community Liaisons
Outreach—Mary Birks
- Starting Anger management for adolescents and parents..
- Expressive Art studio 6-8th grade starts on October 17
- “ The mask you live in” is being funded by a grant through the Graebel Foundation. PTA Council will still co-host the event with Outreach.
School Board
- Approved Engineering study for Air conditioning. Will help to determine our exact needs. Jefferson and Mellon will be more costly than elementariness
- Fright night October 21 6:30-8:30 for entire family.
- Vinyl at the Library Nov 5-DJ and Vinyl swap
Capital Campaign- Sloane Astorino
- Reimagine Libraries October 20 at 7:00 PM speaker CMU librarian Dr Webster: discuss how the new libraries will look
- Stadium Blanket on sale
Unfinished Business
- None
New Business
- Standing rules revised—Jodi Kubit
- Motion made by Julie Mmaselko to approve the Audit. Second by Bonnie Dougherty. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed.
Unit Presidents Announcements
- none
Next meeting January 4November 2, 2016 at Hoover Foster Elementary School.
Adjournment—The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Submitted by: Julie Smith, Secretary
Approved: ______