May 17, 2014


In attendance: Jesse Berg, Al Barton, Shelly Justison, Linda Pevnick, Steve Franklin, Kathleen McMullan, Mike George

Absent: Cindy Badamo, Vince Marino.

Treasurer’s Report

- Paypal balance: $1,596.63

- We ended the 2013 fiscal year with $10,141; we’re ending 2014 with $11,549,

an increase of $1,408

- Bank Balance:
- Square: $335
- Need Dr Schwartz Check & Frager Check & Gerald Check
- Donating Items monthly to CSC – Printer Paper


- 36 attendees; average 4.8

- Suggested Topics: Maxine H – suggested: Marcia Cable (agreed to speak on adult attachment issue), DV (a DV director agreed to talk with Maxine further re this). Starting a private practice (1 person), marriage counseling, legal aspects of private practice, mindfulness (2)


- Total Members: 114 - 96 LCSW; 13 LMSW; 4 Students (1 new member – Kathryn Corley)

- Of the 118 members, 85 need to renew their membership by July, 24 have paid

for their membership through 2014, 4 have paid for their membership through 2015

Social Events

- Ice Cream Updates? Happy Hour? Etc.

- Al looked into us getting an ice cream truck for this event and decided it wasn’t a possibility.

- Instead, we’ll have a Sundae Bar, Steve’s home-made ice cream, Root-Beer and Coke floats, bocce ball, and possibility a hulu-hoop.

- Members are encouraged to attend this free event and bring friends/family/individuals potentially interested in joining MSCSW

- Ice Cream Social will be held on June 22, 2-4pm at Linda’s house

- An event page needs to be made for the website with an rsvp date

ACTION- Jesse will make event page and update website

ACTION- Jesse will send out email re: Ice Cream Social.
- List Serve 24 members signed up, several messages sent successfully
- No movement on this.

- An MSCSW member, Carolyn Zacarian, has expressed interest in being on the planning meeting for Laura’s event : Linda will be following up with Carolyn to keep her in the loop

Member Renewal

- Timeline and Tasks

- ACTION:Jesse will create Renewal Letter by end of next weekend that includes the following:

- Benefits of membership

- CEU events to expect in next year

- Ice Cream Social

- Laura Event Teaser

-ACTION: Jesse, Al, other board members as available will stuff envelopes with reminder or thank you mailers for all members after letter is created.

- ACTION: Jesse will send an email to all members reminding them of renewal

- Jesse will develop and send out a letter to members in good standing thanking

- Jesse will send out a draft of two letters to board for review and approval by 5/26

Laura Event!!

Discussed details of contract, came to consensus that Shelly, Steve and Jesse have authority to represent the board in any contract negotiations and to sign off on Laura’s contract. Issues of “per diem” and refund policy will be discussed prior to signing. Shelly is authorized by the board ot sign the contract on the board’s behalf.

Discussed some logistics, board decided that it would be best to offer light breakfast and coffee free of charge. A food voucher idea was discussed for those participants who would like a prepared lunch at workshop. they would sign up for this when making their payment for the event.

Hotel: discussed some options - Chase, Moonrise, Cheshire, others. We will continue to explore accommodations and prices.

It was decided that the board would need to meet again on June 7th at 1:00at Al’s office to further plan the event as we ran out of time.

Some members may be interested in helping out with planning the event.

ACTION- Mike will be the liaison for Lee B and Eileen S to see if they are interested in helping out

ACTION - Linda will keep in touch with Carolyn re: helping out.


A page for member publications: books articles, etc? This idea was tabled for later discussion

Strategic Plan:

- When to review/update? It was decided to defer the strategic planning until after hosting the Laura event.