Ms. Wilson’s English II ESOL Class
School Information: Winter Park School Ms. Wilson’s Information: Room 284
2100 Summerfield Rd. Phone: 407-622-3200 ex. 6182309
Winter Park, FL 32789 Email:
Phone: 407- 622-3200 Fax: 407-975-2434 Website:
Welcome to English II ESOL with Ms. Wilson! During this school year, we will be focusing on going over all 10th grade Language Arts Florida Standards, which will be addressed and mastered by all students. Our lessons will be challenging and creative, ensuring that every student is successful.
Supplies: (Please bring these items on a daily basis.)
- pencils and pens (colored pens are acceptable as long as they are easily visible. No yellow or neon pens.)
- interactive spiral notebook (1 subject, college rule…you’ll need one per semester, so buy 2 now while they are on sale.)
- 2 highlighters (different colors)
- glue (several sticks or a small bottle to attach interactive notebook documents)
- index cards (3x5 lined white cards for research and vocabulary)
- colored pencils and personal handheld sharpener (I do not have a sharpener for colored pencils in the classroom.)
- scissors
- American Born Chinese, a graphic novel by Gene Luen Yang (We will read this during mid-October, so purchase soon.)
- home-language dictionary (PLEASE remember to bring this to ALL of your classes!)
Daily Classroom Procedures:
1. Upon entering the classroom, students will take out necessary materials for class and will place book-bags beside their chairs. Pencils are to be sharpened at this time and planners should be filled out, as well.
2. Students will be given the first 3-5 minutes of class to write a brief response in their Daily Journals; journal entries will be based on LAFS themes. Daily Journals will be graded each week.
3. Class activities will begin after attendance is taken; students are expected to actively participate.
4. Students will be given the last 3-5 minutes of class to write a brief reflection under their Daily Journal entry each day. This is a chance for students to reflect on their learning in regards to LAFS expectations.
5. Students will wait for Ms. Wilson to dismiss class before leaving.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be Polite- saying, “please”, “thank you”, and phrases like “excuse me” can help create a positive classroom environment.
2. Be Prepared- come to class ON TIME with necessary materials (interactive notebook, writing utensil, homework, novels, etc.)
3. Be Clean- throw your trash and gum in the rubbish or recycling bin—no leftovers, wrappers, or crumbs left behind; keep your
language classroom appropriate (no foul tongues in any language!)
4. Be Respectful- treat others as you would like to be treated…you don’t have to like everyone, but you need to be respectful.
** These rules also include turning off and putting away your technology (cell phones, MP3 players, eReaders, laptops…) when you enter the classroom. Checking your texts and social media during class is very disruptive to your learning experience and distracts the teacher or speaker. There will be times when Ms. Wilson will allow cell phone usage for educational purposes, but this will be a privilege based on polite, respectful student behavior and participation. Abusing this policy will result in a loss of Life Skills points. Continued abuse will lead to disciplinary actions, which can ultimately include loss of cell phone privileges on the WPHS campus.
Discipline Procedures:
Students will follow Winter Park High School discipline procedures, which follow the Orange County Code of Conduct.
· All Level 1 and/or 2 behavior concerns/consequences will be documented on Progress Book, reflected in a loss of Life Skills points.
Step 1: verbal correction
Step 2: Life Skills point deduction- 2pt loss for each disruption (students will have opportunities to earn back lost points throughout the quarter for positive, on-task behavior)
Step 3: call home
Step 4: detention- take home assignment
Step 5: discipline referral
· Extreme behaviors will be dealt with on an individual basis.
As we learn to pull evidence from articles and stories, it is important to cite sources and paraphrase appropriately to give credit to the original author for his or her WORDS and IDEAS. If the words are not your own or you did not develop the idea yourself, you must cite where the information came from using MLA formatting. Assignments that are plagiarized will not be accepted and students will earn a 0% until the assignment is revised and includes proper citations.
Absence/Make Up Work Policies:
1. Excused or unexcused absences: You have “the number of days absent plus one” to make up any missed work. This is only applicable for work assigned on the day you were absent. For example, if you miss Monday, and I assign work that day, you will have until Thursday to submit it to me with no penalty.
2. If your absence is unexcused, you will receive a 20% deduction on the assignment. After this allotted time, I will not accept late work.
3. For all tests, papers, and projects scheduled ahead of time, I expect you to take the test or hand in the paper/project on the
date assigned. EVEN IF YOU WERE ABSENT THE DAY BEFORE THE DUE /TEST DATE. For example, I assign a test for Thursday, but on Wednesday, you were sick, expect to take the test on Thursday when you return.
4. If you skip my class, school policy states that you will receive a discipline referral. You may make up the work the following day,
and your grade will be reduced by 20%.
5. If you were present in class, but did not have your work, you may submit the assignment within 24 hours for a 20% deduction.
6. If a paper or project is due and you miss my class but are on campus any other period during the day, I expect you to turn the
paper in that day. Failure to submit work on the day it is due will result in a 20% deduction.
**Ms. Wilson stays after school on THURSDAYS from 2:30-3:30 if you need help or to make up any missing assignments/tests.
Grades will be based on the Orange County policy: 100% - 90%= A; 89% - 80%= B; 79% - 70%= C; 69% - 60%= D; 59% - 0%= F. All assignments will be given a point value; points received by a student can be added up and divided by the total possible at the end of each nine-week period to find the overall grade (note that assignments are broken into 5 separate categories below).
Grade Categories:
Category: / Percentage:Daily Journal/Notebooks / 10%
Classwork/ Homework / 20%
Quizzes / 20%
Exams/ Projects / 40%
Life Skills / 10%
Text Books and Resources:
Florida Collections Book and Close Reader
1st Quarter: American Born Chinese, by Gene Luen Yang (Please Purchase as soon as possible, as we will read this in mid-October!)
2nd Quarter: Anthem, by Ayn Rand (Available online for free. Can be downloaded to electronic devices, phones…)
3rd Quarter: Macbeth, by William Shakespeare (Available online for free. Can be downloaded to electronic devices, phones…)
4th Quarter: And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie (You may want to purchase a copy of this novel so you can write in it.)
Email () is the best way to communicate; however, voicemails will be answered within 24-48 hours as well. Our class website can be viewed by visiting
Updated grades can be viewed at Progress Book, which can be found at
Student Signature:______
Parent Signature:______