Common Syllabi

Health and P.E 9 2016 & 2017

Ms. Tinnell, Ms. Eckert, Mr. Derrickson, Mr. Jimenez

Semester 1

August 29 - September 22 / PE
September 23 - October 13 / Health
October 14 - November 4 / PE
November 9 - Dec 1 / Health
December 2 – December 21 / PE
January 2 – January 13 / Health

Semester 2

January 17 – January 26 / PE
January 30 – February 17 / Health
February 21 – March 10 / PE
March 13 – April 16 / Health
April 17 – April 28 / PE
May 1 – June 9 / PE

*FAMILY LIFE*- All students will be required to participate in Family Life Education, unless a parent or guardian has completed the opt out form and returned it.


HPE Grade- This is the grade you earn to complete your high school graduation requirement. It is determined by averaging your Physical Education grade (50%) & (50%) of your health grade both semesters.

Health- Health will be taught on a 3 week rotation. Your grade from PE and Health will be averaged together for the 2nd Semester only. Your final grade is determined by averaging Semester 1 and Semester 2.

Physical Education- Physical Education will be graded on a daily score of 25 points. The student may only receive these 20 points by dressing out and fully participating. If you do not have your clothes for P.E. then you may rent clothes from the PE offices (IF rentals are available). If you are not in appropriate athletic clothes you will be given a written assignment to complete in order to receive half credit for the day. If you refuse to do anything you will be given a zero. If you are absent, for whatever reason, you will have the option to make up that day by completing a 20 lap pacer on Friday mornings if you choose so, otherwise you will receive a zero.

Health and PE Procedures

In PE:

  • Come to class on time (this should be the easy part!)
  • Check in with your assigned teacher for attendance
  • After attendance you will head to the locker room and change in APPROPRIATE gym wear.
  • You have 10 minutes to change and make it back into the gym.
  • Once you have reported back to the gym you will walk around the gym till the class is ready to begin.
  • Warm Ups will start from the basketball sideline with static stretching following dynamic stretching.
  • The lesson for the day will begin after the warm up
  • Once given permission and the lesson is over you will re-enter the locker room and change back into your school clothes.
  • After changing, come back into the gym until the bell rings.

In Health:

  • Again, come to class on time (EASY!)
  • You will be assigned a folder (that will be provided for you).
  • Each class you will pick up your folder in the front of the classroom before you sit in your seat.
  • Sit in assigned seat provided by teacher.
  • Bring a writing utensil every class, one will not be provided.
  • Take a sheet of paper out for warm up
  • Review warm up and change answers if necessary, you will use this to study from.
  • Lesson Time!!
  • Following the lesson there will be a post assessment (quiz, open discussion, etc)
  • Please return your folder back to the front of the room with all papers handed out that day. Remember the more organized you stay the more successful you will be in class.
  • Have a fantastic day!