Ms. Sharp7th GradeLanguage Arts

Room 272015-2016Syllabus

TEAM 7-2 Team SWAG

Contact Info:

Michelle Sharp

Phone #: 233-4548


I am looking forward to starting the school year! I hope to make this a successful year and create a positive learning environment. Please respect Ms. Sharp and everyone else in the classroom and be sure to follow classroom rules at all times!!

What you will need: Due Date:______

All of these items are used through out the year, so if you run out, it is YOUR responsibility to replenish!

Blue/Black Pens / 2 Folders (at least one w prongs) / Index Cards
Loose Leaf Paper / Red Pens for Correcting / Composition Notebook
Coloring Supplies (markers and or colored pencils) / Highlighters / 1 Assignment Notebook
Dry Erase Markers / Pencils / Box of Tissue

Independent Reading/ Homework:
EVERY DAY you will need to have an independent reading book of your choice with you. You will be required to read at least one book per quarter and you will conference with Ms. Sharp about it. You will be asked to meet with her each week to discuss what you are reading and practice skills/strategies taught in class. Homework will be given on a regular basis. Homework is nothing more than practice, and PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!! Homework is a great way to learn from mistakes and correct our errors. You are expected to take pride in your work, and have homework completed the day that it is due. It is your job as the student to find out what assignments were given during an absence. For everyday a student is absent, the student will get the same number of days to have the homework completed. HOMEWORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

Various writing assignments will be given throughout each quarter. These assignments will vary and directions will be given at the time that they are assigned. You will be required to compose one final piece of writing that must incorporate the various writing techniques and grammar taught during the quarter. Other writing assignments such as extended response, creative writing, and journals will also be graded. We will study the eight parts of speech this year and work on applying them in our writing and recognizing them in literature.

Guided Reading:
Guided reading will take place each day. During this time, students will learn various reading skills and strategies. Students will be under the guidance of two reading teachers. They will also have opportunities to practice with other students as well as independently.

Tests, Quizzes and Projects:
There will be various tests and quizzes throughout the school year based on the concepts taught in class. There will also be numerous projects assigned during the year and these will be discussed during class. There will be adequate time to complete each assignment in class.

Assignment Policy

Assignments must be completed within the given time frames. If work is not turned in, students will be given one day to get the assignment turned in. After that, there will be consequences given such as a lunch/homeroom detentions or AM/PM detentions. All assignment must be completed in order to pass the class.

Chrome Books

All students will be issued a Chrome Book for the school year. Please have it charged and at school every day. Not having a charged computer or failure to bring to class will result in a consequence.

Grading System:

15% - Independent Reading/Homework

20% - Writing/Grammar

25% - Guided Reading

40% - Tests, Assessments


Students will be expected to stay SHARP in Ms. Sharp’s room!


School Rules and Safety: Follow Handbook

Have materials and homework

Attitude, respect students, staff and stay positive

Responsibility, be prepared

Prepared for class


Below are the consequences you will receive if any of the above rules are not followed.

1st-Verbal warning

2nd-Move Seat

3rd-Call home/Lunch Detention

4th-AM or PM detention

5th-Referral to the Dean

*Severe misbehavior will result in harsher consequences



Please discuss this syllabus with your child, then sign and date below and have your student return this page. In addition, please sign your child’s assignment notebook everyday as a tool of communication with the teachers and to familiarize yourself with the routine of language arts. Parents can check grades online by obtaining the password for PowerSchool from the office or can receive their password at Parent Orientation on August 27th, 2014.


Child’s NameDate


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

**In order to stay in contact with parents I would like to set up a distribution list to email all parents on a weekly basis. Please include your email address below.


Family Email Address

In addition to weekly emails, I will be using Remind, which is a free and anonymous text messaging service. If you would like to receive texts from me about upcoming assignments, etc. Please text ______to (708)550-4402

Parent Info Sheet On Back, please complete!!

Home Phone: ______

Mother’s Cell Phone: ______

Father’s Cell Phone: ______

Legal Guardians: ______

Mother’s Name: ______

Does your Mother speak English? Circle one yes no

If no, what language does she speak? ______

Father’s Name: ______

Does your Father speak English? Circle one yes no

If no, what language does he speak? ______

Best way to contact: Home phoneCell PhoneEmail

Best time to contact you:______

Please include any information that will help me work with your child! Thank you so much!
