Ms. Owens RMS Lesson Plans
March 16Monday / March 17
Tuesday / March 18
Wednesday / March 19
Thursday / March 20
Homework – & other work for this unit
Book work
Chapter 14,15 terms
Frayer model
Study guide answer Check answer with copied sheet
Read the chapter over government when you have finished any class work
History Post test whoops? / S8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.
Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.
Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Explain voting
Qualificationsand elections in Georgia.
Explain the role of political parties in government.
Identify wisdom, justice, and moderation as the three principles of the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Georgia Flag / c.
Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Explain voting
Qualificationsand elections in Georgia / e.
Explain the role of political parties in government.
Identify wisdom, justice, and moderation as the three principles of the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Georgia Flag / SS8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia stategovernment.
Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the
General Assembly.
Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership
and the committee system.
Evaluate how the legislative branch fulfills its role as the lawmaking body for the state of
Georgia / b.
Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership
and the committee system.
Evaluate how the legislative branch fulfills its role as the lawmaking body for the state of
Essential Question/
Key Question / How would you explain how the Georgia Constitution is structured? / How are the branches of government monitored>? / The Bill of Rights are located in which Article of the States Constitution? What is their purpose?Dok / Explain the role of a citizen ? What are the responsibilities, / Explain the purpose of the Legislative Branch? Dok 2
Lesson Opener
Today in Georgia, Warm up questions,
Activity technology white boards / White board on Ipads- describe theoutline of the classroom .
Warm up questions- / . Rights and Responsibilities
Thought: For every action is a consequence – for every right is a responsibility – why do we teach you to be good Citizens
Use show me or white board, educreations / What did you believe? Are their some goals, morals, life standards you favor? What about Santa Clause? Would want to be a part of a family that did not believe in Santa clause? Why? use white board / What have you learned? Study guide check off / Who made the rules of the school system? Of the classroom ?
Who makes the rules laws at home?
Differienation :
Paper pencil use, Audio for non readers, - small group
/ Monday 3-16-History Post test- data needed
Powerpoint, Online look at Georgia’s Constitution – What is it’s out line? How is it structured ? Preamble, articles, how many?, What are each of the articles about ? Draw your outline on your Ipad-
B. How are the powers separated? Use the structure of the constitution to make your
Tree Map the three branches of government / TuesdayMarch17th
List on show me : What are the rights of a citizen ? We covered these this year. 4 min.
Where are these rights located in the States Constitution? What are they Called?
Which Article in the Constitution relates to voting requirements/ refer to yesterday’s assignment
Power point over voting requirements –
D. Voting and Elections
IPad Technology: If you have been convicted of a crime, can you vote? When?
Cloze notes over voting . / Wednesday March 18
Element d. Role of the political parties –
What our beliefs ,culture and family values, are part of choice a political party – People who will represent what we believe for the most part?
1.Take political survey –
2. Notes and discussion
3. Video- / Thursday March 19
Quiz over SS8Cg1
Check Study guide for material covered
SS8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia stategovernment.
Notes- PowerPoint- Discussion
Web quest- Georgia .gov.
mLesson Summary / Blog your answers
Element A-What is the basic structure of the Constitution? / Life ,Liberty and property – What all people have a right –
Which property amendment would make sure all ? / Are you surprised as to the out come of your survey? Did you learn more-
Script on Ipad- the purpose of an Ipad- defs / White board- legislative branch –list 3 items it does
Evaluation / Teacher observations, Document work, / Cloze notes, complete, participation Ipad / What are the two Major political parties? And what are their Symbols? / Notes, teacher observation,
Materials Needed / Powerpoint, document, paper pencils , ipads, earbuds, books / Powerpoint, document, paper pencils , ipads, earbuds, books / Powerpoint, document, paper pencils , ipads, earbuds, books / Powerpoint, document, paper pencils , ipads, earbuds, books / Powerpoint, document, paper pencils , ipads, earbuds, books