February 22-24 Newsletter

News in the Forest

Ms. Brown’s 1st Grade Class

  • This is a review week in Reading. We will review for our Unit 3 Test and take it on Friday.
  • Test Folders will be sent home Wednesday since we were out of school Tuesday. Please review all papers, sign and date the folder. All test papers should be returned, as I keep them on file throughout the school year. Thanks so much!
  • Please remember to send snack money in the labeled ziplock bag.
  • Your child is bringing home his/her Book Club Binder information with a study guide for Unit 3. Please review the skills. Our Unit 3 Test will be given Friday.
  • Remember to practice the fluency page in the front of the binder. We will now begin timed Fluency Passages that will be placed at the front of your child’s binder. Please time your child for 1 minute and subtract any errors. (If your child struggles with a word, wait 3 seconds, tell him/her the word and subtract that from the total). Record the total number of words read each night. Your child should start back at the beginning of the passage each night. If your child is able to read the entire passage and has time left, have him/her start back over at the top and continue reading until the time is up. Thanks so much for helping your child increase their reading fluency.
  • Each week in Spelling, we practice writing Dictation Sentences. I will send them home for you to see how well your child performed. On Friday, we will practice writing a Dictation Sentence on the back of our Spelling Test. Beginning the second nine weeks, a Language Arts grade will be given on these sentences.
Upcoming Events:
February 20th- President’s Day Holiday
February 21st- Teacher Inservice-No School!
February 23rd - Let’s Pretend Hospital Field Trip
Yearbook order $20.00
Feb 24th – I will be absent.
Feb. 24th - Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs due
This is a review week in reading. Please review all High Frequency Words and phonics skills in your child’s Book Club Binder. Our Unit 3 Test will be given Friday. / Language Arts
Please review all the grammar skills in your child’s Book Club Binder for our Unit 3 Test.
. / Math
We will begin Topic 11 Subtracting with Tens and Ones.
Each week, a practice book page will be given as a minor test grade. This week it will be given on Friday. / Spelling
No Spelling/Dictation Test / Social Studies
Social Studies Weekly: American Monuments / Science
Winter Animals
(migration, hibernation, adaptation)