Mrs. Senecal’s Behavior Management Plan

Students in my classroom are supported and encouraged in their efforts to become capable and successful students. They are required to follow the policies of the whole school as well as the additional responsibilities of the classroom.


Attend to teacher and work

Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak

Keep desk, classroom, bathroom and all areas of the school neat and clean

Be responsible for yourself

Show caring behavior and respect towards other students, all adults and all

living things

Talk, work, play, sharpen pencils, and use restrooms ONLY at proper times

These rules cover any expectations that I have for my students at any time. It is important to me that my students show all school personnel and other students respect by not talking out, interrupting, or showing any unacceptable behaviors whatsoever.

I expect my students to be ready to learn. While I am directly teaching, they are not to sharpen pencils, go to the restroom, go into desks, talk, do other work, etc. I allow the children time to take care of these needs during recess, transition times, and during the regular breaks or down time in the classroom.

When rules are not followed, the student may receive one verbal warning or prompt. Following theprompt, the student will fill out a Refocus if they continue with disruptive behaviors. A Refocus is a strategy to turn a disruptive moment into a learning moment. A Refocus is given after the student is prompted with a request. A copy of the Refocus sheet will be sent home to be signed by the parent(s). The signature indicates only that the parent is aware of the Refocus. If a student displays excessive negative behavior such as violence (including threats), harassment, bullying, unsafe behavior, willful destruction of property, or overly disruptive behavior, they will receive anOffice Referral. In the event a child is unwilling or unable to follow the accepted standard of behavior, appropriate discipline measures will be taken.

Class Dojo Reports

I will also be utilizing Class Dojo to keep track of students' positive and/or disruptive behaviors! This is an interactive experience that is designed to improve communication between parents and teachers! You can sign up and learn more at There are videos and information about the program at the website!

In addition, I will be sending home Class Dojo behavior reports every Friday for you to view, celebrate, and discuss with your child! You can also view progress from an online account if you sign up!


It is very essential to reward students that are doing are great job! Students that work very hard at following the rules and setting a good example for others should be awarded for their efforts. There are many opportunities for fun, engaging activities in the classroom such as art, games, computer time, free time, and other enjoyable activities on a regular basis. These are educational rewards for all students that have completed their assignments and have had good behavior throughout the week. For additional reinforcements, I also have reward programs in the classroom.

Whole class reinforcement occurs when I feel the class did an extraordinary job during substitute teachers, speakers, specialists, or even when they have risen above and beyond normal expectations of school and classroom rules. Whenever the class receives a sincere compliment on their behavior or has exceeded expectations, they may earn a letter towards the mystery motivator reinforcement prize. When the class has filled in all the letters in the words, “mystery prize”, they may open the Mystery Motivator envelope. They do not know what is in the Mystery Motivator envelope, but it may contain game time, an extra recess, free technology time, movie time, popcorn party, etc. This allows ALL the students to enjoy a special treat for working so hard.

Our school also offers an individual reward system! Students can earn PAW tickets for positive behaviors from all adults in our building. The PAW tickets may be given at anytimefor students demonstrating positive behaviors! The students deposit their PAW tickets into the basket at the front of the classroom. At the end of the day, I randomly draw two names. Those students may choose any of the envelopes hanging in the front of the room. Each envelope has a positive reward such as lunch with the teacher, inside recess with a friend, extra computer time, a trip to the prize box, stickers, etc. I also keep a record of winners to ensure fairness to my students.

In addition, each week those tickets will be delivered to the office for a SCHOOLWIDE drawing To earn special privileges! Please encourage your child to earn PAW tickets and congratulate your child if he/she reports getting a ticket at home!

Students that consistently rise above and beyond all expectations and students that are working hard to improve can also be nominated for our school-wide “Student of the Month” reward. The nominated students receive a certificate on the gym stage during a monthly assembly. Families are invited and it is a great honor for those students. It is also a great deal of fun!