Mrs. Schnake’s Syllabus

Language Arts

Room 229


Welcome to 7th grade Writing. In this class, we will write true stories, as well as fictional stories. We will conduct research to answer questions, persuade others, and to inform people. We will also write poetry. Some students will even be pen pals with students in Thailand.

We will read books, some as a class, others independently. I’m hoping some classes will be able to participate in the Real Men read program.

We will be much of our writing and classwork using chrome books, and I will be discussing how students can work from home as well as when students can work after school.

I’m looking forward to working together with you and your students. If you ever have concerns about anything, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mrs. Schnake

Contact Information

Website –

E-mail -

Phone - 217.787.3006 ext. 229

Grading Scale

A 100-90

B 89-80

C 79-70

D 69-60

F 59-0

Grades are based on daily assignments/homework, quizzes, writing assignments, class participation, tests, and projects.

Supplies (Need to have with you daily in your binder)


Ink pens (blue or black only)



Franklin Middle School Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Goal

In order for every student to obtain the best education possible, it is imperative that we adhere to the following rules:

Classroom Rules

All students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. See the tardy policy. You are not to sharpen pencils, throw away paper or get out of your seat for any other reason without permission. You are to arrive to class prepared. Bring a pen/pencil, notebook/paper, homework, and book.

Respect yourself, teachers, other students, other students’ belongings and school property. You are to refrain from name-calling, put downs, swearing, and teasing. Keep hands, feet, objects and negative thoughts to yourself.

Leave all unnecessary items in your locker. The following items are not allowed in class: coats, book bags, purses, personal care items (combs, lip gloss, cologne), soda, gum, food items, electronic devices including phones, CD players and games/toys.

All students need to visit the restroom and water fountain during passing period. Visits to Guidance or the Main Office need to be taken care of during passing period as well. Notify your teacher before coming to the guidance office or the main office. Do not ask for a pass to take care of personal business during class time.

All students need to follow the rules as outlined in the discipline

handbook. Students also need to be aware of the rules/policies specific to FMS that are communicated via discipline assemblies/announcements/mailings.

Consequences (may include)

Warning/Verbal Reprimand

BIST consequences

Teacher Detention

Parent Contact


Level 2, 3, or 4 Acts of Misconduct will result in an immediate referral.

Referrals will be issued for severe violations

Mrs. Schnake’s classroom is going digital! Just because we are using computers doesn’t mean that we wont receive or be expected to complete paper assignments. It also means that students will be held accountable to deadlines that are set for either digital or handwritten assignments.

Assignments Policy (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

1. All assignments and homework are to be labeled with the student’s name (first and last), date, and class period in the upper right hand corner. Any assignment turned in without a name will be thrown away and will result in a zero; no exceptions.

2. Homework will not be given daily; so when I do give an assignment, it is due when you enter class. You will find that most homework assignments are unfinished class work.

3. No late work is accepted (Except for in the case of absence). Late work is defined as anything after the day it is due.

4. If a student is absent, homework given previous to being absent is due on the next day they are present. If absent for an extended period of time, they will have the same amount of time to complete the assignment as they were absent (ex: – if absent 2 days, will have 2 days to make-up homework).

5. Make-up work is your responsibility. If you are absent, please make sure to ask if you missed anything. Do not assume that if I don’t give you anything that you had no work. We do work each day.

6. Cheating on any assignment will result in a zero for both parties (the person who copied and the person who allowed them to).

7. Class begins as soon as you enter. There will be a bell ringer, or instructions on the screen. You are to begin as soon as you enter class.

Being Prepared

8. You are responsible for bringing your own supplies to the classroom each day and being prepared for class. If you do not have the proper materials with you, I will provide materials for you to borrow, however, you will be moved to the safe seat for not being prepared. If this behavior becomes problematic, a parent will be called.

9. Anything you bring into the classroom that you are not using on your desk needs to be placed under your desk on the rack or the floor. Please do not put your belongings on the desk next to, behind, or in front of you.


10. I have an extensive library in my classroom that I encourage you to use. I will go over proper check out procedures with you. If you lose a book, you will be responsible for replacing it with another copy or paying for it.

11. Please clean up after yourself. The custodians at FMS work very hard to keep our school clean. Do your part and do not leave your trash on the floor. Make sure that you recycle all paper and throw away anything else.

12. Restroom policy – you are to use the restroom during passing period. Classes are only 54 minutes long and I do not expect that you should need to use the restroom during that time.

13. I encourage you and your parents to use Remind, which allows me to remind you of upcoming tests, projects, and homework via text message. Please see the handout about this.

14. And now for the rules that you have had 7 years to perfect already, but

I will remind you of anyway.

1. Please speak only kind words to each other and to the teacher.

Disrespect will not be tolerated.

2. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times.

3. Please do not talk while the teacher is talking.

4. Please raise your hand to speak/ask questions.


We are fortunate to have been granted a set of Chromebooks for use in our classroom. Below are the expectations and procedures for using Chromebooks in Writing. Students will be responsible for following our classroom requirements as well as complying with the district/school technology policy. A copy of this is included in the first day school packet.

Before getting the Chromebook I will:

Clean off my area

Place all items under my desk

Retrieving the Chromebook I will:

Unplug my assigned numbered Chromebook

Carry with both hands to my desk

Place the Chromebook on my desk and then be seated

Using the Chromebook I will:

Follow all directions given as the teacher gives them

Only use the district assigned user name and password

Only use the webpages or sites directed to by the teacher

Alert the teacher of anything wrong with the Chromebook as soon as it happens.

Avoid touching the screen

Treat the computer gently

Not set anything on the Chromebook

Not use near liquids or extreme heat

Not use excessive force on the keys

Returning the Chromebook I will:

Log out before shutting down

Shut down the Chromebook as directed

Close the lid carefully

Stand up and then pick up Chromebook

Carry with both hands

Place the Chromebook in the correct numbered slot and plug in

Return to my seat directly


1st infraction= warning

2nd infraction= removal of Chromebook for the class period

3rd infraction= removal of Chromebook for a specified period of time

* Any severe infraction will result in immediate removal of the Chromebook with possible loss of privileges. District policy will trump all other consequences.


I have read and understand all of the rules, procedures, and expectations that are listed on Mrs. Schnake’s syllabus. I am aware of the consequences and agree to follow all expectations. I am aware of the homework policy and the consequences of not turning in my homework on the due date.


Student Signature

I have read and understand the homework policy and classroom rules/expectations in Mrs. Schnake’s Syllabus.


Parent/Guardian Signature