MRS J M FLETCHER Telephone/Fax 01904 728007
YO19 6HD e-mail:
28th June 2011
Dear Councillor
You are summoned to a meeting of Fulford Parish Council to be held on MONDAY 4th July 2011
in the Social Hall, School Lane, Fulford at 7.00pm.
1. To receive any apologies for absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest in any matter included on the agenda.
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held on 6th June.
4. To receive information from Esther Priestley, Landscape Architect on trees in Conservation areas and tree preservation orders with an opportunity to ask questions.
5. To adjourn the meeting to receive any Parishioners’ Questions, Police crime report & any report from Residents Association.
6. To consider any applications to fill two vacancies by co-option
7. Planning Applications
A 6 Fulfordgate, York – Single storey rear extension for Mr A Iqbal
B 16 Fordlands Road, Fulford – Single storey side and rear extension for Mr B Paviour
8. Report from Planning WG including to agree in principle to allocate £4,000 as budgeted for planning consultancy with regard to Germany Beck reserved matters (to be discussed by wg on 27th - report will be circulated prior to meeting).
9. To agree Clause 15 of the new standing orders – delegated powers
10. Social Hall
a) Report from WG meeting held 23rd June and acceptance of new booking forms.
b) Social Hall users for June
c) To consider complaint from dance class teacher about poor state of floor, splinters etc. To decide any action.
11. Open Spaces & Allotments
a) To receive report from OS WG on meeting held 27th June
b To consider replacement for nest swing
c) Inspection reports (still awaited)
d) Sports Club Lease – rents for clubs etc.
12. Cemetery
A To receive reports of Cemetery Superintendent
B To note advertisement placed in local bereavement guide publication – cost £100 for half page.
C To approve expenditure of £240 for C Spillard to carry out energy audit at Cemetery (to be completed)
13. Clerk’s Items and report on items in progress (for information)
a) Monthly schedule of Website changes
b) Consideration of using website e-mail addresses
c) Battle of Fulford Tapestry – reply
d) Battle of Fulford sign - update
e) Seat repairs
h) Payment from YW for Battle of Fulford information board. – not yet received
i) Fulford Show & Sports – update and to decide whether to have a stall, what content and who will man it and whether to take an advert in the Show programme. (information cllr Wilford)
j) Fencing at School Lane playing field.
k) Flagpole, dead tree on Fordlands field, fencing at Southern boundary of School Lane field
l) York Jubilee Air Rifle Club – electrical works update
14. To consider request concerning new history of Fulford book.
15. Correspondence
a) Letter from Grave Care Services
16. To consider publishing a Fulford Parish Council Newsletter
17. Consideration of support/grant to Fulford in Bloom
18. Approval of Wages & Accounts
19. To notify the clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda of next meeting.
20. Date of next meeting(s)
Full Council – 1st August 2011
Yours sincerely,
Jeanne Fletcher
Clerk to the Council