Mrs. Hutchins’s Expected Classroom Behavior and Procedures (Honors)
Expected Classroom Behavior (Rules[1]):
1.Be respectful.
2.Be honest
3.Be prepared.
4.Have fun.
I will use ClassDojo to keep track of your negative and positive behaviors. Your guardian(s) will have access to your daily and weekly progress. Monthly, students with 90% positive or higher will pick something out of my reward bin. I will reward students with 90% positive or higher once per semester with an after-school pizza party. I will also use to communicate with students and parents. Text a056407to 81010.
Negative behaviors, such as specific infractions to our classroom or school rules will receive the following consequences: 1st offense – verbal warning; 2nd offense –essay that ties to your misbehavior and how it affects others; 3rd offense – guardian/teacher conference; 4th offense or higher –administrative write-upNote: There may be certain circumstances where the first and second offense will be skipped, and an administrative write-up is necessary for a first-time infraction.
Classroom Procedures:
- As soon as you come into class, begin the daily writing assignment listed on the board in your Writing Journal, even if the bell to begin class has not yet rung. When you are finished with this, stay in your seat and remain quiet so others may work.
- When I stand with my hand raised, please do the following: stop talking, turn and face me, and wait for instructions.
- If you miss class, do not ask what assignments you missed. Daily activities and assignments will be listed each day on Edmodo, so please check Edmodo as often as you check your other social media accounts (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Kik, etc.). Edmodo class code: hktqs6
- If you would like to share in class, raise your hand and wait to be recognized. If someone else is talking, show him/her respect by remaining silent and focusing on what he/she is saying.
- When you are having difficulty with an assignment, please raise your hand, and I will come to you.
- When we have visitors, please continue to focus on the lesson or activity unless I ask otherwise of you.
- If you need to leave the room, please notify me and then take the hall pass(or request a written media center pass)from beside the door and leave the classroom as quietly as possible so as not to disturb others.
- If you need to get up and move about the classroom during a lesson or individual assignment, please take the most direct route from your desk to the pencil sharpener, trash can, tissue, bookshelves, etc., and be courteous.
- When writing papers for my class, please always refer to and use MLA standards.
- When turning in papers, please pass them to your right. The person to the far right will then pass them forward to the front of the room and that person will file them into the “ungraded” file for your class period to the right of the Promethean Board.
- All graded work will be available in your class’s slot in the hanging organizer on the back of my door. If you did not write your name on your paper, your graded work will be in the “No Name” slot.
- If you become sleepy or hungry during class, please let me know, and we will discuss feasible options.
- At the end of class, do not begin to pack away your belongings or leave the classroom until I dismiss the class; when the bell rings, please remain seated until then.
- I am available for tutoring or conferences by appointment. If you or your guardian(s) would like to meet with me, please see me before or after class; send me an e-mail; or have your guardian call me during one of my planning periods (third and fifth periods).
Student’s SignatureGuardian’s SignatureDate Signed
- [1] All Alexander High School and Douglas County School System rules and regulations must be followed at all times.