Mrs. Haywood’s Book Report Project

Good news: After spending the school year reading books that I’ve selected, now it’s time for you to read something YOU want to read!

Step 1: You will choose a work of fiction or non-fiction that appeals to you. We will spend time with Ms. Shumaker in the library to help you make your selection. Here are some tips:

Skim a few pages to see if you like the writing.

If you’ve read and enjoyed a book by an author, look for another book by the same person.

If you’re looking for a nonfiction book, chose one on a topic you’d like to learn more about.

Ask a teacher, librarian, or even a friend for recommendations.

Step 2: Read the entire book. Don’t skim, or your book report will be weak.

Step 3: Take notes as you read. Jot down important things that happen in the story and to the characters. Use sticky notes to transact with the test, noting things you like, dislike, ideas you connect with, etc. This will save you time later when you write your report.

If there’s a quote you want to repeat in your report, write down the page number or mark it with a sticky note so you can find it later. Remember: Don’t put marks in a library book.

Step 4: Summarize. When writing your summary, don’t try to tell everything. Give the highlights of the story, not the small details. Concentrate on the main characters.

Four Parts of a Book Report

1. Title – The title of the book report is usually the title of the book, underlined or italicized, followed by the author’s name. Don’t forget to include your four part heading in the upper left hand corner of your report!

My title is:______

By (author): ______

2. Theme – The theme of the book should be stated in a sentence in the opening paragraph of the book report. The theme is usually the main idea.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to figure out the main idea:

What did the central character in the story learn in the end?

What was the author’s main purpose for writing the book?

What feeling or impression did you have when you finished the story?

If someone asked you what the book was about, what would you say?

My book’s theme is:

4.Summary – The summary tells about the plot. The plot tells what happens to the main characters in the story. Your summary should include exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and a hint of the resolution.Don’t give away the ending. Some book reports spoil the endings for future readers and that’s okay if no one is reading it but the teacher. Your fellow students will have the chance to see your report, so it should make them want to read your book, if your book was good, not tell them the whole story.

5. Your opinion – This statement of opinion is often called a critique. In a book report, it’s usually a paragraph.

Ask yourself the following questions when you write your critique:

Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not?

Did the story remind you of your life? Did you identify with the characters?

What did you notice about the author’s style of writing? Was she or he particularly good at describing things or people? Writing dialogue? Creating suspense?

If there were pictures in the book, how did they add to your enjoyment?

Would you recommend this book to a friend?

Nathan Washington

Mrs. Haywood


May 9, 2014

Banner in the Sky


James Ramsey Ullman

Banner in the Sky is a story of a young boy who learns that there are more ways than one to reach your dreams.

Rudi Matt lives in a tiny village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wants most in the world is to climb the Citadel, a high peak in the Alps. Rudi’s mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, want him to give up mountaineering and settle down to working in a hotel. Rudi will not give up his dream, however, and secretly signs on with John Winter, and English mountaineer, who is planning an expedition up the Citadel.

Franz is furious when he finds out what Rudi has done, but he finally agrees to let his nephew go if he goes on the expedition too. Franz also does not want to see Emil Saxo, a guide from another village who Winter has hired, get to the top before him.

Rudi turns out to be a very good climber, but as they get close to the summit, Winter gets sick and can go no further. Franz stays behind, loyal to Winter, but Saxo continues, determined to be the first on the summit. Rudi goes after Saxo, hoping to beat him to the top. When they meet, Saxo fights with Rudi and accidently falls to a ledge below. Saxo is helpless and injured. Rudi must decide whether to carry Saxo back down to safety or to continue on alone to the summit.

I enjoyed Banner in the Sky very much. Ullman, who was a mountain climber himself, writes about the thrill and danger of mountain climbing in a way that makes you feel you were on the expedition. The characters were interesting and acted like real people. Although I really identified with Rudi, I could understand how the other characters acted, even when Emil Saxo tried to hurt Rudi. The suspense of the final climb was totally exciting. I don’t want to give away the ending, but I will say it was very good. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good adventure.