Mrs. Hamlett’s 5th grade Math/ Science Class Information!
Contact Info
**Often the best (and quickest) way to contact me is via email.
Roth Main Office: (832) 484-6600
Mrs. Hamlett’s direct line: (832) 484-6584
Schedule (for my homeroom)
P.E. Monday, Wednesday 12:00-12:45 and Friday 1:30-2:15
Music Tuesday 12:00-12:45 and Friday 2:15-3:00
Art Thursday 12:45-1:30
Lunch 10:55-11:25
Library Thursdays
Recess 2:15-2:30 except Friday
P.E. Teacher- Coach Chandler Music Teacher- Mrs. Jordan
Classroom Rules
1. Be kind
2. Be respectful
3. Be prepared
Discipline Management
I will be using a 3 strikes policy in my classroom. When students choose not to follow the rules and procedures of the classroom they will be issued strikes. After 3 strikes they will be issued an appropriate consequence. These consequences could include: time out from recess, email or phone call home, or removal from the classroom for cooling off period. Major infractions will result in automatic office referrals. Strikes will be recorded by me and your child’s conduct grade will be based upon the total number of strikes they receive in a week.
Classroom Incentives
I like to focus on the positive! I understand that everyone deserves a second chance! In order to encourage good choices, I will be using a classroom economy where students will earn punches in a debit card. Debit cards can then purchase rewards and incentives in the classroom. Debit cards will remain in the classroom. Students will be given several opportunities throughout the year to exchange debit card punches for items.
Nine Week Grading Period
Students will receive their report cards every 9 weeks. Progress reports will be sent home approximately every 4 weeks. Please have them signed and returned as soon as possible.
Homework assignments will be communicated through the student planner. Your child will have a homework folder as well as the planner. Homework will be checked DAILY.
Please make sure your child arrives at school on time everyday. The tardy bell rings at 8:20. Your child must be in the classroom when the bell rings. The school policy regarding tardies states that four or more will result in your child’s conduct grade dropping a whole letter grade. Students are permitted to walk down to their classrooms when the first bell rings at 7:55. Please come to school early!
Absences and Make-up Work
I understand that children sometimes need to miss school, although it is imperative that they attend as many days as possible. If your child is absent, please be sure to send an absence note to school with them upon their return. If your child misses a school day, I will try to get them caught up the best I can when they return. I may send home some work for them to complete for practice, but I will not send home any missed tests or graded assignments. Those will need to be completed at school when your child returns from being absent. They will be allowed the same number of days to complete the work as they were absent from school.
Parent Conferences
Outside of the scheduled parent conference day, I am available for parent conferences after school on Thursdays and during my conference period on Monday- Wednesday. Please feel free to contact me to schedule a conference. I will however need at least 24 hour advance notice so that I can arrange my own child care if you would like to meet after the school day.
“Excellence is a habit. The things you do the most are the things you do the best.”—Anonymous
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."--Nelson Mandela
“Education comes from within. You get it by struggle and effort and thought.”--Napoleon Hill