August 26, 2013

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you had a terrific summer and are eager for school to start. I am excited about the coming school year and look forward to a year full of wonderful learning experiences.

During the next few weeks we will be getting acquainted and discussing our similarities and differences. We would like the students to share pictures of their family with the class. All pictures will be returned the day they are shared.

Listed below are some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning our classroom policies and procedures.


Ellen Glover

Queens Creek Elem. 326-5115


Labor Day Holiday… Sept. 2

Homework begins… Sept. 3


We ask five parents a week to provide healthy snacks. Students are also permitted to bring their own snacks. Parents of these children are asked to send snacks for 19 students for next week: Baker, Blackmon, Diaz, Edwards and Froncek


Agendas are sent home Monday –Friday.

Please read and sign your child’s agenda every night. During the first week, we will be reviewing the school rules. Please review these at home. If you have not purchased a (design free) 3 ring binder with an inside front pocket, please do so by Friday.


If you need to send a note, you can write it in your child’s agenda or e-mail during the day at:

I check my e-mail throughout the school day.


Newsletters are sent home weekly. Classroom news and updates are included each week. The spelling words for the following week are listed for their spelling homework. We suggest you save your newsletter by putting it on your refrigerator or keeping it in the homework folder. You may also find a copy of our weekly newsletter by accessing our QCE webpage at:

Click on school staff. Click on my name. Click on forms. Please see the attached form for more information on newsletters. In September you will be given the option to have the newsletter e-mailed to you.


Homework is assigned Monday- Thursday nights. Math homework will be sent home in Friday’s agenda. Next week we will be learning the format for spelling homework during class. We will begin spelling homework the week of September 9th. All homework assignments should be completed and returned by Friday.

Spelling homework follows this format:

Mon. Write the words 3 times each.

Tues. Put the words in ABC Order.

Wed. Select 8 words and write a sentence for each.

Thurs. Study for the test!


If your child has an accident, we will notify you by note or phone call, depending on the severity of the injury. If your child needs a change of clothes, we have extra clothes in a variety of sizes.


During the first 4 weeks of school, students’ reading, writing, spelling and math skills will be assessed. This will help to assure that each student’s educational needs are being met. All students will begin using the Accelerated Reader program in about 3 weeks. Accelerated Spelling assignments will be given to students who are ready for more challenging work. Their parents will be notified about these assignments after assessments are completed.


We have Show and Tell on Fridays. We encourage students to share things that are educational. It is a school policy that toys and electronic games are not allowed at school.


We are scheduled to eat lunch at 12:15. Our parents are welcome to join us for lunch any day.


I will schedule conferences in late September to discuss each student’s fall math and reading assessments. If you need to talk with me before then, please send a note or e-mail to schedule a conference.


This year our Specials are scheduled on a rotating basis. We will have PE once a week but recess daily. Please make sure your child is wearing clothes they can exercise in, especially appropriate shoes. Tennis shoes are always the best option.

Specials: 11:10-11:55

A Day Media

B Day Technology

C Day Music

D Day PE

E Day Art

F Day: no special


We use a 3-card system for managing classroom behaviors:

·  Green: I am having a good day!

·  Yellow: I need to slow down and think about my choices.

·  Red: My choices will lead to a note or call to my parents.

Students will track their behavior in their agendas each day. I will write or call when necessary.