Name: ______

Mrs. Cripe’s First Grade

Homework Sheet Week 27: March 28- April 01, 2016

This week your child will be studying:

Monday / Tuesday / WEDNESDAY / Thursday / Friday
Writing / Read “Farmer Tucker’s Falling Star” and study sight words. / Read “Farmer Tucker’s Falling Star!” and complete Tuesday section. / Complete Wednesday section. / Complete Friday section. / Return packet to school!
Spelling Test!
iVocab for checking!
Spelling / Complete Monday section for week 27 / Write each spelling word 3 times using a pen. Underline the blends. / Complete Thursday section. / Have someone give you a practice test at home. Then write all misspelled words 3x each.
Math / Complete One Money Activity / Complete One Money Activity / Complete One Money Activity / Complete One Money Activity
Fluency / Read and record the number of words read. / Read and record the number of words read. / Read and record the number of words read. / Read and record the number of words read. Answer the questions on the back.
Spelling Words / Vocabulary / Sight Words
ship / chin
may / curious- means you are interested in something and want to know about it
wander-means you get lost or move away from where you are supposed to stay
odor- means to smell
odd-means strange / made
Please make sure your child knows how to write these words. / Please make sure your child knows the meaning of these words. / Please make sure your child knows how to read and use in a sentence these sight words.

Grammar: Leaders will continue to learn how to use adjectives.

Phonics: Leaders will be learning how to use the digraphs ‘ch’, ‘th’, ‘sh’, and ‘wh’.

Reading: Leaders will be learning how to use illustrations and details to tell important ideas.

Math: Leaders will be learning how to identify and count coins up to a dollar.

Science: Leaders will be learning about the growth of plants/flowers and their life cycle.

Writing: Students will be learning how to write an opinion piece, including an opening and closing sentence.

Please keep homework packet stapled together. If they use lined paper please have them stapled to the homework packet. Thanks. J

Homework Due on: Friday, April 1, 2016.