
Middle School

Choir Handbook


Mrs. Caitlin Van Zee

Ms. Amanda Herrmann



Welcome 4

Course Objectives4

Classroom Expectations 4



Uniforms 7

Choir Fees & Fines7

Calendar 8

Agreement Forms9

Welcome! I am so glad you chose to be a part of Chinook Middle School Choral Program! This will be an exciting year and I am pleased you have decided to be part of the team! There are four choirs at CMS:

6th Grade Choir

7thGrade Choir

8th Grade Choir

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:

Mrs. Van ZeeOffice Hours:1:00pm-2:00pm, Teaches at NTHS in morning


Ms. HerrmannEmail:

  • Creating a welcome environment where all learners can have fun, learn music, and contribute as a member of the community. Please feel free to ask as many questions or point out any problem areas in the music during or after rehearsal. All students are part of the ensemble and we need all of you to succeed!
  • Students will understand proper rehearsal, audience and performance conduct.
  • All students will learn and demonstrate proper vocal technique, sight reading skills, and music theory knowledge.

We represent the Chinook Middle School Choral Department and School, so I expect all students to show self-discipline when in class and during performances. Please follow these simple classroom expectations for success:

  • Respect
  • Participate every day in every way
  • Positive behavior. Let’s work together to succeed!!!
  • Be on time in your seat, with your folder and pencil in hand, ready to begin when the bell rings. We start when the bell rings and end at the next bell.
  • Leave bags, cell phones and books on the sides of the classroom.
  • Please no gum, food or drinks in the choir classroom. Water bottles are ok,HYDRATE
  • This is a performance class so please do not miss class unless you have an excused absence or arranged absence. We learn and grow in class as an ensemble.

Students that do not follow the classroom or school rules will be issued the following consequences:

  • Teacher / Student conference
  • Removal from the classroom or minor infraction
  • Parent phone call or email
  • Removal from performance based setting and alternative assignments given


It is good to have fun, but it is more fun to be good.

If you are having trouble understanding anything taught in class feel free to contact us so we can meet and help you.

Grades will include but are not limited to the following:

-Daily Points (30%)

2 points per day. Points are given every day and can be taken away if the following daily standards are not met.

-Participation: This is a performance class in which we work together towards a common goal with a positive attitude. We learn new material everyday so it is vital everyone works 100% to achieve excellence. ( State Standards: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5)

- Being Prepared: Being in your seats with your pencil, folder and eagerness to learn allowing for as much rehearsal time possible.

- Attendance: As stated before, this is a performance based class, so there isn’t going to be much homework. Most work is done in the class. If you are tardy you will automatically lose a point and if you are absent you lose all the day’s points.

Unexcused absences: You may not make up your daily points

Excused absences: You may make up your points by writing a paragraph per day missed. You must write about a connection between music and one of the following: the arts, other discipline areas, the economy, culture, or careers. If you have any questions please ask Mrs. Van Zee or Ms. Herrmann. (State Standard 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 4.5.1)

Ex: Explain how music and poetry are similar

Research music from other countries and/or cultures

Talk about music careers, such as composers

Describe the life of a Broadway performer

-Concert attendance (30%)

Concert attendance is mandatory for this is a performing arts class. State and district standards state that you must perform in order to complete the requirements for this course. Concerts must take first priority.Chronic absenteeism could result in removal from the choir.Also, students must be at the dress rehearsal during the school day to perform in the concert that evening. Attendance at our performances is required and part of your grade.

Pre-arrangedabsences may be made up if cleared by Mrs. Van Zee or Ms. Herrmann at least two weeks before the concert. Family emergencies or excused absences can also be made up. Please see us for more information. (State Standard 2.2.1)

You will also be graded on your audience conduct. Being a good audience member will teach you skills that you can use in your everyday life such as respect, self-discipline, and attentiveness. (State Standard: 1.4.1)

Written tests/assessments (20%)

We will have some short written assignments/tests in class which will include, but will not be limited to:

Theory tests (State Standard: 1.1)

Concert responses (State Standards: 1.4.1, 2.3.1)

CMS Choir Student/Parent Agreement Form

-Singing Tests/Demonstration/Final (20%)

Everyone will participate in the singing tests which will be as a solo or in a group depending on the needs of the ensemble. Remember that we are not grading you on vocal quality, we will grade on how well you know the music and how well you are progressing on your vocal technique and skills taught in class.

-Contact us anytime with questions, comments or concerns

  • Pencil - Students should have a sharpened pencil at the beginning of each class. NO PENS!!!
  • Music and Folder - Students are responsible for their music and folders. You will be issues a numbered folder which will correspond with the numbered music. There is a student fine for damaged music. Studentsare encouraged to take music home for practicing purposes as long as it is ok with their folder buddy and bring it back the next day of class.

Parents and students please make sure that you care for your uniform throughout the year (clean, hem, iron) so we can make a good impression for the community and school. You will not be able to perform if you do not follow the below uniform requirements:

  • Men
  • you must have black pants with a whitecollared shirt (button up or polo)
  • No logo or picture on the front
  • black shoes/ black socks underneath.
  • Women
  • dress, skirt, shirt (black, or black and white)
  • black shoes
  • black nylons (no leggings, the feet must be covered as well)
  • Eyes visible and please no large jewelry, it’ll single you out to the audience.

If you are not able to provide one of the above requirements, please see us ahead of time so we can lend you a school owned uniform.

Due to NTPS budget constraints, all choirs in our district will be charging a fee to pay for the costs of festivals transportation and other fees that have been paid by the school district in the past. The non-refundable fee for each student to be in choir during the 2016-2017 school year is $20. This can be paid $10 each semester or all at once. Checks can be made out to Chinook Middle School, with Choir and students name in memo and turned in at the ASB Office. Please see meif this fee presents a hardship.

Also, mentioned in the “Supplies” section of the handbook, there is a fine for lost or damaged music (which will be the cost of replacement). Please avoid these fines by promptly paying your choir fee in the fall and promptly returning your uniform and music in the spring.

Please contact the ASB Office if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation!


CMS Choir 2017-2018 Performance Dates

October 10th, 2017

- Fall Concert: All CMS Choirs

- KCPA 7pm

December 6th, 2017

- Winter Concert: All CMS Choirs

- KCPA 7pm

March 6th , 2018

-Zone 3 Choir Festival: All NTHS and CMS Choirs

- KCPA 7pm

April 2017

- Large Group Festival all day

June 13th , 2018

- Final Concert: All CMS Choirs

- KCPA 7pm

Please note that some events/performances may be added later in the year.

KCPA= Koval Center for Performing Arts right next to North Thurston High School

Mrs. Van Zee and Ms. Herrmann will keep you updated as soon as they find out!

* =Optional Events

Chinook MiddleSchool Choir

Student/Parent Commitment Form

Please complete and return this form by FridaySept.15th, 2017.

(15 points)

Student Name (print)______Choir Period ______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Daytime phone #______

Home Phone #______

Parent Email Address ______

If you are interested in being involved with the Choir Department, pleasecheck one or more of the following and contact me.

_____Chaperone a local trip, festival, or community concert


-If you are interested in making a donation, please contact the ASB office.

I have read, understood, and will follow the policies stated in the 2017-2018 CMS Choir Handbook. I understand that all schedule conflicts must be arranged and pre-excused two weeks prior to each concert/performance.

Student Signature ______Date______

Parent Signature ______Date______