MRA Board Meeting Agenda
April 15th
MRA Conference
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call by Secretary-Wally Waranka, John Hoffman, Stephanie Krueger, John Hotz, Doreen Hoffman, Aaron Mertes, Amber Gunderson, Aaron Cross, Carol Norris, Don Ostenson, Doris Illies, Holly Ingling, Nicole Flaherty, Amy Hebert Knopf, Angela Amic, Erin Kampa
3. Approval of Minutes-Approved Unanimously
4. President’s Report: Wally Waranka
5. Treasurers Report: Ending Account Balance as of March 31st: $35,345.71. Available account Balance as of March 31st: $34,993.33. This balance does not reflect the charges for the Spring Conference. Those will be reflected in April and May.
a. Investment committee-Eleanor stated that she would be willing to have a conference call with the committee, can use NRA’s technology to do the conference call. Will schedule a time.
6. Committee Meetings and Discussions
7. Committee Reports:
a. Program: Conference updates-42 people registered for preconference, not all showed up, 90 scheduled for Thursday and 85 for Friday. 12 students registered. Students name tags are green. For future conferences possibly have students on the committee to assist with getting vendors and speakers, as well as have them assist with the registration booth to network. Some hiccups regarding room prices for accommodations, and they don’t have a ramp for speaker on Friday. Possibly develop a pamphlet and advocate for individuals with disabilities while at the conferences. Checked in with Brainerd, and there will not be an issue with those areas. When we have division break outs, Wally would like to stop in to meet and greet all the divisions, and for future conferences give more of the division’s the responsibility to help find speakers.
i. Fall Conference Updates: Speakers getting lined up—former NRA president, going to do ethics and personality. Only charging MRA the cost to stay at the hotel and attend the rest of the conference for free.
b. Governmental Affairs: Still no Governmental Affairs Chair. Updates: Australia disbanded Vocational Rehabilitation that is state funded, it is all private. Indiana has closed their NRA division, but Arizona recently has started back up. Several states’ NRA division is doing well, possibly connect with them to see what they are doing and how we may be able integrate their ideas to make MRA more efficient.
c. Communications: Next board meeting will be discussing getting reports on traffic on website, face book, and talk more about a video welcome
d. Membership: 126 Members-Discussed district reps contacting lapsed members. District Reps discussed developing a script. Talked about completing a survey regarding member preferences and how to get the best response. Survey Monkey, phone calls, etc.?
8. Division Updates-
a. JPD: Thanks everyone who attended the pre-conference. JPD will be starting to have webinars every 2 months for individuals who are members
b. MASPPR-10 students paid for the conference the MASPPR scholarship. Discussion of ways to include students in the conferences (being active and volunteering) and how to pay for more students (look at the conference costs for students). MASPPR has funded most of the students and think MRA should take over for more of the scholarships. Issue with NASPPR amending the bi-laws which has cancelled MASPPR as a division.
9. Old Business
a. Purchasing computer-has been purchased for the conference and is with Nicole at the registration table. Realized that we had a request for a clicker, may have to purchase one for the conferences. -$30 at Kinkos
b. NRA Conference is in Biloxi, MS on October 5th-8th. Several from board are intending on going.
c. ADA 25th Anniversary—The ADA 25th Anniversary coming up. Would like people to think about people who worked in our field that had disabilities. Put together a booklet, slideshow. Recognizing people in the field who have disabilities ideas include possibly putting together a booklet or a slideshow. Emphasis to individuals that this is a good career path. Put a monthly spotlight together or have people featured on website/facebook. Anybody who has any ideas contact Wally. Ideas for the ADA: Tom Harkin retired senator, ask him to present at the fall conference. If not able to come, possibly interview and put it on the video.