
Mr. Rob (Cossie) Costello

13 Pinnacle Close


Phone: (02) 4930 3359

Mobile: 0409 432 346


Vice President:

Mr. Neil Mangels



(A Branch of the Royal Australian Artillery Association NSW Inc)

Date: January 11Th 2008

February Reunion

Good morning All,

I vow to make this letter short and sweet. As you know the February 40th Anniversary first tour reunion will take place in just under a month time. We have had a lot of payments in full for the event but a lot have only sent deposits. I would ask that all who have not paid in full please do it now. We do not want hold ups at the door inconveniencing anyone, so if you pay now no one will be inconvenienced and it will allow the organizers a less stress free night. I also request that if there is anyone on any special dietary requirements to email or send back the questionnaire at the base of this communication Please do not phone, this matter is too important to rely on phone messages.

We must have it in writing as regards to your special requirements. Do it now!!!!! We must know 2weeks before the event, Minimum.

Our A.G.M. As you all know our second AG.M.will be held at the Bankstown Sports club on the 14th of February at 12 Midday sharp Enclosed you will find a Nomination form, a Proxy form and minutes of our last A.G.M. Our Secretary Liz Mangles retired a few weeks ago due to ill health. Her place has been filled by Mr. John Allen (ex 104 Battery) who has taken up the reins and is doing a great job. John is standing for election at the A.G.M and I do impress upon you all to nominate him for that role, even if it by proxy.

Both I and Laurie Bird will be standing for our positions for one more year. Laurie and I are standing down in 2009. I cannot stand again as it is in the rules, and both Laurie and I are worn out and do need a break. Neil Mangles, our Vice President is standing down at the A.G.M. and we are after a dedicated, competent person to fill his role as Vice President. Come on, step up to the plate and seek nomination for the position. I remind you though that you must be dedicated, attend meetings and be responsive to all aspects of the Associations functions. Statues can’t and won’t do the job required of them. I assure all who stand for positions this year that most of the work has been done. And little will be asked of them in the coming year or of the next two, but you are expected to give a hand to the 4 people on the executive that are doing the hard yards. I also impress on you to fill out the attached form / Forms and send back to our Secretary with the questionnaire

The Program. You all know the general program as to what is happening over the Anniversary period however we must know the amount of people intending to go to North Head on the tour on the Saturday to arrange transport and tour guides. We will be having a sausage sizzle and a few beers for lunch after the tour. (Your cost.) The bus will be free. Please send me your numbers for this occasion. The sausage sizzle will cost $2.50 each, $2.50 for a heavy beer, $2.00 for a light and $1.20 for a soft drink. Please let me know this as well on the attached reply slip, the dietary issue is also there for you to send to us on receipt of this letter.

We will be marketing all our memorabilia advertised and more over the two nights of dinners. We will have the Coral commemorative port as well as the twin pack of red and white wines. After the Coral commemorations in May I assure you they will be collector’s items, they are really well done. Please support our memorabilia sales as your organization relies on these sales to keep our fees to a minimum. There will also be auctions of some my personal items to support the Coral Celebrations. I clearly do not want to give them away so bring your cheque book with you.

In conclusion, I must advise that all who are playing Golf on the Friday our green fees will be $20.00 and the light lunch is your own cost. We have allocated a sum for beer after the event at the Associations cost. Geoff Grimish has supported ours and many other associations over many years and we just can’t keep on relying on him to do it. He has recently given a large sum of money to a film producer doing a project on the Coral Battle and in the two years of our operation has contributed an extraordinary amount of money, a lot of which will be used in this celebration. I know you all understand and appreciate this man as he is, A BLOODY GREAT BLOKE.

I do ask that all of you please read this letter and all subsequent letters clearly and act on them immediately. You would not believe the amount of people ringing and emailing me as to what is going on. You all get the same letter, please act on it and respond immediately if you intend to participate in any given event. Please fill in and send the attached documentation immediately to our Treasurer.

Regards to all, Cossie and our committee.


1) I have advised my / our intention to attend the February reunion and have paid a deposit of $...... to attend the occasion. I enclose the balance now to finalize my costs to attend.

Name……………………………………………………………………….. $......

2) I have advised my / our intention to attend the February reunion. But have paid nothing at this point to attend this occasion. I enclose the full amount of $70.00 per person.

Name……………………………………………………………………….. $......

I understand that as advised in previous letters full payment should have been received by the 2nd of January 2008. All payments are now due by the 22nd of January 2008. If full payment is not received by that date all prior payments will be forfeited by the applicant. No correspondence will be entered into after that given date as we have to advise the caterers as to our accurate numbers attending on that date, and cannot do so without your payment in full. No exceptions!!!!!

Dietary Needs. I ………………………. ……. Wish to advice that I have special dietary needs for the two Dinners at the February reunion; they are as follows in the negative category, as in NO for particular foods and varieties that Ican’teat!!!!!! :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please enlarge if you need to,

I understand that our Association will advise the caterer of my needs and the Association will do its up most to fore fill my special requirement. I do understand that due to my dietary requirement there will be a marker in front of me at the table to advice staff at to where to place my meal, and understand that this marker is in no way meant to focus attention on me. (The Marker will have a D in red) and your name for I.D. purposes for your particular requirements only.

Signed: ……………………………………….

North Head Tour and light Lunch: I / we (delete one) Names…………………………… will attend the North Fort Tour and light lunch. I understand that firm numbers should be in by the latest, 22ndof January 2008 in an effort to arrange free transport to all. Please support this worthwhile tour of the old school. It is really worthwhile.

Please email or send now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!