PPG Meeting


Tuesday 14th June 2016


Mr Norman Leslie

Mr Charles Luke

Ms Christine Eggleton

Mrs Ann Hurst

Mr George de Chickera

Mrs Dot Jones

Mr Dennis Jones

Ms Shass Blake

Pauline Wilkes – Southmead Healthcare

Helen Reed-Jennings – Registrar

Dr Elaine Lunts – GP Partner

Mrs Justine Mansfield – Practice Manager

Mrs Julia Edwards – Admin

Dr Lunts welcomed everyone. It was lovely to see some new faces coming from other branches of the Pioneer Group.

Dr Lunts is keen to know what PPG members want from these meetings and how we move forward.

JM & EL – Aims and Objectives of the PPG

  1. Does the structure need changing, or are we happy with the way it is.
  2. Currently we meet quarterly, is this satisfactory? Those present agreed it was.
  3. Is there a need or desire to alternate the chairperson?
  4. PPG members to have an input into deciding on future topics.
  5. Feedback guidance. JM will refer to Ridingleaze guidelines.
  6. Objectives of the PPG members are not to discuss personal medical care.
  7. The importance of remaining flexible and to listen and support. Does silence indicate agreement? CG felt not necessarily, it’s time to think and process thoughts.
  8. All comments and suggestions made are important and all voices will be heard.
  9. An agenda will be planned and timed and wherever possible stick to this.

SB added the importance of respect and confidentiality. All agreed.

Further comments were made by PPG members –

CE commented that our topics in the past have always been good and relevant, highlighting those regarding funding, pharmacy.

CE would like to be more involved in decision making when it comes to feedback on patient’s needs.

SB raised the importance of recognising when help is needed, promoting good health and online services. Also helping at flu clinics. Benefits can be had by visiting other groups.

Pioneer now has a resource lead. Pat Spragg her role is to create links with our local communities and services to support the clinicians, for example walking groups

GdeC mentioned that the U3A (university of the 3rd age)is a great way of getting involved in the community. It provides valuable interests to those that live solitary lives and a great way in getting involved in the community.

Our website, along with links to other organisations can be very valuable.

A suggestion was made that this could be looked at in depth at our next meeting.

It was agreed to adopt these principles. Will take these to the next meeting to finalise.

SB asked if we will change our location for future meetings.

Dennis J. asked if these meetings are happening at our other sites, NO Ridingleaze tried to launch a group last year without success.

EL asked the members if they would be willing to hold the meetings at our other sites? YES happy to do so.

Suggested that our next meeting could be held at AVONMOUTH.

JM asked the group if they were happy to share e-mail contacts. YES all agreed JM will set up distribution list.

NL suggested rather than have a GP or nurse fully attend every meeting that they just have a visiting (drop in), where necessary.

JM will send e-mail out to members 2 weeks before the meeting for any agenda items to be added. This will also provide an opportunity for doctors/nurses to feed into this and be in attendance at the meeting if necessary.

Other thoughts were to have

  1. PPG section on the notice board
  2. PPG leaflets to be generated
  3. Promote the PPG via Friends and Family questionnaire
  4. Have a regular slot in the community magazine

EL & JM to explore these suggestions.

SB is happy to send flyers out to community outlets.

Recent Survey

JM reported that the recent patient survey was very positive. Some comments were received requesting access to later in the day appointments.

Avonmouth has no plans as yet to open on a Saturday although the number of GP sessions during the week will increase.

It was thought a good idea to re-introduce a PPG Newsletter.

EL mentioned that a Facebook page for the surgery is now up and running.

JM commented that the website is continually being updated.

EL mentioned that she was the GP lead for 4YP (For young people) offering a sexual health service for young people from the ages of 13-24. EL commented that teenage pregnancy rates have dropped significantly. Recent mystery shopper reported good feedback when visiting the surgery.

CE gave an update on One Care. The group are currently looking at longer surgery hours to include Saturday and Sundays. One Care currently has money to provide for this. They will write to GP practices to see what the level of interest is in this. The next One Care meeting is 6th July, representatives from other areas including North Somerset, South Glos as well as Bristol will be present.


HRJ asked if PPG members would like to hear from the point of a registrar

CE Yes, and is there anything we can help you with?


Thanked everyone for coming and suggested our next meeting to be in the week commencing 8th September.