Mr. Matt McKay- 6th Grade Math

(239) 454-6130

Parents and Students,

Welcome back to school! Here is a brief outline of the curriculum and grading policies that will be used this year. Please email anytime with any questions or concerns that you may have. I look forward to working with you and your child.

Lexington Middle School – “Advancing Toward the Future”

Welcome! Lexington has just been district approved to begin implementing the new Middle Years International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. This program offers the opportunity for your child to learn utilizing an advanced curriculum with an emphasis on global international studies. Our goal is to exit well rounded global thinking students who are ready for our ever-changing future.

Lexington Middle is an advanced concept school where all on-grade level academic courses are advanced. This means higher order strategies and critical thinking skills, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, are taught and assessed in each class. This provides a challenging opportunity for all students!! The IB philosophy and concepts will be integrated in all courses.

Curriculum: Glencoe Mathematics; Applications & Concepts, Courses 1 and 2

Quarter 1:

-Multiplication and Division of Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

-Place Value through Millions and Thousandths

-Exponents, Scientific Notation, and Order of Operations

-Recognizing Integers and Coordinate Graphing

-Charts and Graphs

-Data Analysis: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range

-Equivalency of Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Utilize these websites to get the most out of your textbook:

(Practice tests, extra examples, etc.) (Enter Class Code – red book to access the text online)


40% Chapter Tests (Given after every chapter)

30% Quizzes (Given at least once a week)

15% Homework

15% Class work

Note: Check and enter zip code 33908 to find my webpage that includes a homework calendar and web resources.

*Late work policy: All work is expected on time.

20% deduction for 1 day late

40% deduction for 2 or more days late.


1 three ring – 1 inch binder with notebook paper and 5 tab dividers

Basic Class Expectations and Procedures:

-Be on time – Late students disrupt the learning environment

-Be in your seat – Have last night’s homework out, write down tonight’s homework in agenda, work on warm-up. Stay put until I dismiss you.

-Be respectful- This applies to fellow class mates and adults here at LXMS.

-Be a participant- Get involved in your education. I will still call on you even if your hand is not raised. Be ready!

-Be aware of our purpose- This is math class. We only have 3.75 hours together each week. Eating, drinking, gum-chewing, applying makeup, note-writing, lengthy conversations and phone calls are to be done on your own time.

Return this to Mr. McKay ASAP – Thank you!

Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the above grading policy, classroom expectations and procedures. You will find a few optional questions that if answered will help me better meet the individual needs of your child

Student Name:______Period:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______

*Parent Email Address*______

(Very important! - the best way to stay in touch)

1) Does your child have any special medical needs that I need to be aware of?

2) Does your child have any special learning needs?

3) What is your greatest concern regarding your child’s education?