Math 3 2017-2018 Ketchum

Syllabus and Contract

Mr. Eric 626 – 441–5820 x 2814* ( I think… )

Class website:

Grading Policy:






Office Hours:

I do not have fixed office hours. Please speak to me in person or email to schedule an appointment for help, make ups, etc. I need to know that you need me to stay after school at least 24 hours in advance.

*Direct phone contact into the classroom is not permitted during school hours in order to deter classroom disruptions. Parents, please contact me via email to set up meetings. I need 24 hours notice.

Make up policy:

If a student is absent, the student is responsible for completing missing work and has one week to turn in missing assignments. Assignments can be found on the class website or in the binder near the door.

Make up tests or quizzes must be scheduled directly with the teacher. Students must clear absences before a make up test or quiz will be graded. You will not receive a score if you were truant.

If a student misses a planned make up test or quiz, without valid reason, the student earn a zero.

No make up tests or quizzes will be given for truancies or absences which cannot be cleared.

Classroom Rules:

Late homework will not be accepted.

Cell Phonesmay be collected near the start of each period. Cell phones will be distributed before the end of the period to ensure none are missing. If a student is found with a cell phone after they have been collected, the phone will be turned into the office with a referral. This will act as the only warning.

The classroom environment depends on respect and kindness for each other by all parties. These parties include students, teacher, staff, and anyone else in the classroom.

Homework and Classwork:

Late homework will not be accepted.

Homework is to be turned in near the beginning of class on the date it is due. After grading, it will be available to pick up in the bin near the door. If you are absent, homework can be found on the class website or in the Math3 binder by the door. No late homework will be accepted.

Classwork may be given each day and will be expected to be turned in by the end of each class. This work serves to prepare students to complete homework on their own during time outside the classroom.

Course Outline:

This course will follow a rigorous Math 3 pacing.

This course will include, but it not limited to,

Unit 1: Methods for Reasoning with Geometry

Unit 2: Measurement and Modeling in Two and Three Dimensions

Unit 3: Polynomial functions, expressions, and equations

Unit 4: Rational functions, expressions, and equations

Unit 5: Radical functions, expressions, and equations

Unit 6: Exponential functions, expressions, and equations

Unit 7: Trigonometric functions

Unit 8: Statistics and Decision Making

Unit 9: Properties of Circles and other Conic Sections


Consumable materials are available at

Username: math3ketchum

Password: student2017

Class website and

Students and parents can view the class website at the URL listed at the top of this document. Assignments and dates of upcoming assessments can be found under each Math3 period. Assignments will be posted the day they are assigned. Documents and files handed out and used in the classroom will also be uploaded to the class website.

Parents have access to, the online grade book used in the district. Log in information can be found through the school office. Assignment, assessment, and project grades will be visible after grading is completed. An overall grade in the class is also visible.

PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFO in Email is a key form of communication. I will frequently send out email updates of student grades and missing work. These can only be sent by email and your email address must be up to date in our system.

Syllabus Contract

By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the content of this document.

Entiendo este documento y estoy de acuerdo con toda la información contenida.


[nombre del estudiante]


[firma del estudiante]


[nombre del padre o tutor]


[firma del padre o tutor] [fecha]

Please sign this document and return it to class

An additional copy of this document has been given for your records