Mr. CalellaIntroduction to Law
Circumstantial Evidence Project
- Choose one of the three assignments below, and complete the assignment.
- Don’t even think about plagiarism!!! I always check, so remember to use proper citation methods and a works cited section.
- This assignment is a 50-point test/project grade for the 3rd marking period.
- Keep in mind, if you do Assignment #2 you will receive 1 extra credit point and if you do Assignment #3 you will receive 2 extra credit points.
- HARD COPY of your assignment due on Tuesday 2/2.
- Emails will NOT be accepted.
- Five (5) points will be deducted from your grade for every class block your paper is late.
Assignment #1
Write a newspaper article on the Andre Rand case. Explain to your readers what happened in the case. Explain the investigation as well as the subsequent TWO (2) court cases. Your article should be 2-pages, double-spaced.
- 50 test/project points
- 20 points coverage of important facts and legal proceedings
- 20 points mechanics, flow, grammar
- 5 points creativity, presentation
- 5 points work cited
Assignment #2
Based upon what you saw during the documentary, do you believe Andre Rand committed the crimes he was found guilty of? Explain your position in a 2-page, double-spaced position paper. Using your knowledge of the law, explain why your position makes sense and why the other side does not.
- 50 test/project points
- 20 points coverage of important facts and legal proceedings
- 20 points mechanics, flow, grammar
- 5 points creativity, presentation
- 5 points works cited
Assignment #3
Find another criminal case in which the prosecution used solely or mostly circumstantial evidence to try to convict a defendant and then write a case study using the following breakdown…
- FACTS: (5 points; write a paragraph explaining the facts of the case you picked; make sure you write down the case name somewhere in the beginning of your fact summary)
- ISSUE(s) BEFORE THE COURT: (5 points; in a couple of sentences explain the issue(s) before the court/jury)
- USE OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE IN CASE: (25 points; write a couple of paragraphs describing how the prosecution attempted to use circumstantial evidence and whether their attempt was successful)
- YOUR OPINIION: (10 points; write a paragraph discussing whether or not you agree with the court’s/jury’s finding and explain why or why not)
- WORKS CITED (5 points)